If it were up to me I’d go full immersion and let any race pick any faction. Plenty of traitors/defectors/whatever exist, even if you completely wipe out their people (Dar’khan Drathir)
I played EQ and EQ2
It makes more sense to me as a PC anyway. (what you said Althenar)
Yeah i really wish we could pick any race for either faction. Would be a lot of fun to defect.
Ah well. Were stuck with rigidity for the foreseeable future
People don’t like change. If blizzard did that…
I farmed those out and still wish I could get the elite pvp set. It would looks so good on this character. It’s just been since legion that we’ve had a good ranger set. The warfronts had a good nelf themed ranger set but still.
I still like my velves, like this character is certainly a velf, but I do have like 6 velves that I’ll race change to helf if we get helf as an AR race. Hoping for some cool tattoos and hair styles like in this thread.
It’s something that’s I’ve seen suggested before, but I gotta say that overall I’ve always been in favor of a “faction traitor” idea. Perhaps requiring max level toons on both factions and some loremaster achievements to show that you’ve experienced a lot of the story. Once complete, a feat of strength would allow your account to either A. just make a toon of whatever race and then choose a faction, or B. allow you to faction change a character through the store while keeping your characters’ race. All the specific faction tagged armor would now include all the basic races of the faction, and then for example on alliance gear, a set of traitor (race) tags for all the other faction races, like Traitor Orc. I would propose then that the one exception would be for blood elves who would get a “High Elf” racial name. But it could stay as is.
In regards to a swap of races, I’ve still pondered if it wouldn’t just be the void and blood elves. Basically making both races “neutral”. Or perhaps eventually they will give all the races the neutral treatment?
All that seems highly unlikely, but I think it would fulfill a lot of player requests, and in one scenario, be financially lucrative as it would create an increase in the number of faction transfers. I wouldn’t love spending the money, but I would do it intermittently to a number of toons. I’ve kinda always wanted an Alliance Tauren, blasphemous as that sounds lol. And until the Draenei questline, I didn’t know I could want a Draenei who looks like an Orc or possibly vice versa An actual, proper half-draenei half-orc race would be really cool, but this isn’t the place for that discussion.
It would be more fun to do a defection questline imo. It could start off with you leaving or maybe killing some people in your faction and then you go over to an npc of the opposing faction and ask him to vouch for you so you can officially join it
Was there something like that in those games?
Here’s a few I like to use:
Those are all excellent. I use several similar looks and pieces myself
theory: horde players wanted playable vampires, thus the push for san’layn and venthyr ARs. since blizz knew edgy thalassian elfs on alliance would be popular for horde too, the widows peak vampire hairstyle was added to void elves
So defensive lol it was a compliment
Yo, how did you get the og blood elf paladin starter armor?
In case he doesn’t respond for a bit, you can probably look up the name of it on WoWhead and then look under “Samd Model As” section and there’s probably non-Horde-only versions out in the world!
I’ll try that, thanks for the idea. I hope it’s not too hard to get lol
You unlock it by buying it from the vendor in the Blood elf starter zone I believe. They made them all purchasable once they made white items transmoggable
It’s not faction locked?
It shouldn’t be.
Just checked on a night elf warrior, and he has it. Initiate’s Vest
Aight, time to go shopping