High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

Just do it Blizzard, you love to milk me of my money already and High Elf is an Ez Race Change charge. Especially now that diplomacy is gonesies. :chart_with_upwards_trend:


An easy 80$ at least from me if Blizz gives as an actual helf AR. I have many friends who’d also spend about that too.


Even if it’s a different model like reskinned humans or night elves? Personally I’ll be happier if we get the blood elf hairstyles at this point


I want the helf racial tag, voice lines, npcs calling referring to the character as helf, no EE for my helf characters. So even if it’s just a skin of the current thalassian model.


I’d like that as well but it just wouldnt feel the same way without the blood elf model imo. But i really dont see blizzard doing that. Maybe if we beg them enough they’ll let us choose our race tag :confused:


I mean dracthyr, pandas and earthen use the same model for horde and alliance, and velves are just purple thalassian models that can also use the normal skin and hair colors.

If a velf and belf both wear a helm that hides hair, you can’t tell at first glance all the time.

Blizz could change the velf and helf model/animations I guess.


Either a full race or refined Void Elf options would work. I’m fine with either if done right.


So weird to bring up my character’s hairstyle in a conversation that has nothing to do with me :woozy_face:

Jealousy really is a disease


Tbh I feel the unique model argument is pretty moot. Most AR’s are NOT a unique model. Blizz has gone on record and said Kul Tirans were one of the most work for an AR, and that’s probably because they’re the most unique model lol.

HM Tauren are just Tauren with some extra additions, same with Mag’har orcs, and Void Elves, and DI Dwarves and Earthen, and LF Draenei, etc.

If anything High Elves being a pre-existing model makes them MORE likely to be their own AR in my opinion than something that would take tons of effort. It’s a low cost high reward win for Blizz and getting player happiness up.

I could see them giving them a different idle stance or animation perhaps tho

As long as they got some unique hairstyles, tattoos, etc. I think that would be enough to satisfy most High Elf fans for very little work on the art side


Yeah, but if they have the same model as void elves then whats the difference other than the text and voice lines? If it’s a different model then i wouldnt play one, the blood/void elf model is too iconic for them imo and anything else would be too far removed from that. Is it shallow? Probably. Is it true to me? Definitely.

Hence why I’d rather just get the blood elf hairstyles now and I’ll choose to reas “void elf” as “high elf” as I’m already doing. If blizzard somehow makes it into a subrace thing which would let you keep the model while moving all the normal skins to the high elf section, I’ll take it. But how likely is that?

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I cant agree with this.

Allied races do use the same model, but they add a new spin to the race.
Theyre x race but…

But with high elves, we already got our model but made different.
And for the high elf fans it wasnt enough.

So if high elves ever were to be a new race, they would either need a new model to act as the unique spin, or… well there isnt really an or as void elves show a spin on what the race is isnt welcome.

On the other hand, having another thalassian model would be just as redundant.

“What about the earthen then? They’re just dwarves” fair point. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been wanting high elves since i first saw them. Hell, I was active on the forums since the very first high elf thread after the reveal of void elves.

To quote what i said then, “You didn’t ask for it, so here you go.”

To be fair with earthen, theyre taller than normal dwarves, have skin made of stone, and hair made from metal wires.

They reuse the model, but theyre going for something different to their flesh counterparts.

Oh really? Thought they were just dark iron 2.0

Yeah pics for an idea of customisation and size difference.

Still recognisable as a dwarf, but has some very large and noticeable differences.
None of their unique customisation could work on a regular dwarf as it just wouldnt make sense.

Thats where high elves struggle.
At their core, theyre just the same as blood elves.

Kul tirans had the same problem (being humans) and so we got new models.

I mean you could say that about velves anyway since they have the same model as belves. Dracthyr, Pandaren, and Earthen all have the same voicelines (aside from for the alliance/horde) Your argument would also have to apply to the other AR that share models.

If you’re content with just getting belf hairstyles, that’s fine. But I won’t be. And this thread is just what those of us who want helves would like if we got it our way. Best case scenario. It’s why I’m fine with getting a new model for velves and helves so people who really want to tell the difference (even tho you can’t at a glance with earthen, dracthyr, or pandas) can.


All they have to do is give them unique racials, their own heritage armor, some unique tattoos and hairstyles, some more humanoid eyes with white scleras like the OG high elf eyes, unique voices, and maybe a different idle stance. And that’s literally the same amount of difference as Highmountain Tauren vs regular Tauren or Mag’har Orcs vs Regular Orcs.

The different lore, different cultural values, different political allegiances are already existing in game and don’t need to be created.

Um yeah…because it wasn’t high elves, so why would high elf fans be happy…? lol

I heavily disagree.

For one, Blizzard knows they could literally just re-use the same Thalassian model and it would make a TON of players happy. Easy win for very little work.

For another, as I’m sure Blizzard knows, making a unique model for them would actually have a high possibility of making people upset and unsatisfied, as they already have an idea in their head of what High Elves look like and could be upset if the new model looked bad to them.

We already saw something like this when we got Nightborne player character models that looked very different than the Legion NPCs, and the feedback was largely negative. Players wanted Nightborne that looked like the Nightborne they’d been questing alongside for an entire expansion.

There’s no reason for Blizz to not just re-use the existing model and make tons of people happy and instead risk upsetting people with a route that would take more work and development resources on their end lol.


A new hair cut isnt enough to justify adding a new race to the character creation screen.

Because void elves are still alliance high elves.
Just with a bit of void.
The one and only thing missing is they have the word “void” instead of “high” in their name tag.

Really the one and only thing they should do, if anything, is make it so all races can choose from suitable name tags for their race.
That way you could change your name to be high elf.
No new races necessary. More customisation for every player.
Its a win win.

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Literally the vast majority of AR are just existing models with new hair, new skin colors, maybe something unique like antlers, and different tattoos. lol. This is such a silly argument.

Most Void Elves are originally Blood Elves not High Elves, although yes some Alliance High Elves were shown studying the void and joining them too.

Pretending High Elf fans should have been happy with Void Elves is just plain silly though. That’d be like if since so many players on the Horde want Ogres instead the Devs gave them Lightforged Ogres, and then expecting them to be satisfied. Like no, that’s not what was asked for, lol.

I’m glad you like Void Elves but this thread is not about them


Some would say mine. Depends on what you’re looking for. Especially consdering, Blood Elves are High Elves.

EDIT: I cannot sign in to my Blood/High Elf warrior but he’s using the Antorus Throne LFR Set with the Quel’Serrar blades and using the red cape/scarf thing. I think it’s a nice call back to their pre-red days.