On the sundancer, I find the saddle perfect. I wish we could get this for many other horses with an HD update.
And an updated Silver Covenant Hippogryph
Add updated hairlines too please. Surely the magisters have some spell that can fix it
Do you guys know any good high elf transmogs with the current availabil gear we have? I’m fine with any armor type except mail
I’ll never understand why Void elves have such crazy receding hairlines. Even the females have it, which makes no sense. At least Isveria wears a crown to hide hers lmao
Blizzard saw that blood elves love their hair and decided for that to be the differentiating factor between them and void elves. “شعري ياظالمين”
I stand by my words that day.
I’m unclear on what the current argument is, but anyone still pretending the SC isn’t Alliance are fooling themselves. It’d be like claiming the Sunreavers aren’t Horde.
Its a silly thing.
They were alliance leaning but also part of dalaran which is neutral. So they were by technicality.
But really its all for naught now as there is no dalaran to be neutral for.
With no dalaran theyre free to choose whatever they want.
Thats probably the alliance but with midnight coming up i really have no idea how anything elf will play out.
The game even backs it up. Only the alliance can gain rep with and use the Silver Covenant tabard, and only the horde can gain rep with and use the Sunreaver’s tabard. It’s clear there are two different factions of these Thalassians that side with different factions.
I’m still trying not to get my hopes up too much even with all of the NPCs, but it would be nice to get the customizations that the NPCs get.
Implying that anyone who disagrees with you is arguing in bad faith as a way to undermine someone’s opinion is never a good stance to take. That said, whether or not the Silver Covenant favor the Alliance isn’t up for debate, but the fact that they are loyal, first and foremost to the Kirin tor, and thus its neutrality is evident.
If suggested otherwise, they would have been used far more often than a portal keeper here, and a vendor there. Their presence in TWW even furthers this argument, as we can clearly see Alliance-aligned High elves in the Alliance hub, while the Silver Covenant is seen around the hub at large, and mingling amongst the Sunreavers. If the impression were that they were hardcore Alliance then I’m sure an effort would have been made to express that.
And perhaps it will, but not yet.
Exactly. And with Dalaran gone you think they’d simply jump to the Alliance immediately and we’d see them in the Alliance hub like they were in Dalaran, except they aren’t, they’re seen with the Sunreavers. That’s not incidental, that’s intentional.
Silver covenant discussions aside ^
Are you referring to any armor type? Or specifically to cloth?
I’d say the Windchanneler set is probably the most intrinsically High elven. I think the Night elf Warfront armor is also very High elvish as well.
Although, I get told often that this commoner outfit I have on is very High elvish as well, so any combination of elvish armor and ordinary clothes can achieve the look as well.
Any type other than mail
Light’s Vanguard Battleplate (Mythic Recolor) is probably the best looking High elvish plate set in the game in my opinion.
I mix and match the pieces from it because they go well.
(This is my paladin Alt)
I use pieces of the vanguard mixed with some older questing pieces
Might have to wait for Void elf Paladins first though ~
I’m not implying anything. The truth of the matter is the Silver Covenant is Alliance, the Sunreavers are Horde.
Thinking anything else is just not accurate nor true and its only ever been used as some reach by people trying to keep the Alliance from having a high elf group and nothing more. I’m tired of people playing around and acting like they’re serious with that argument.
They’re about as Alliance as the Kirin Tor is.
Not interested in self-proclamations or variations of “it is known”
This is just poor logic. This reminds me of when I came to the forums for the first time because I wanted Blue eyes and got greeted by a bunch of Helfers harassing me claiming that the only possible reason I could want blue eyes was to keep High elves from them.
Objectively, from what I’ve seen, the lack of Silver Covenant’s presence in the faction conflict throughout the game, independent of the Kirin tor is unconvincing. I’m not alone on this, and claiming that everyone who thinks differently must have an agenda is inflammatory and ignorant.
Especially because I don’t even mind Alliance High elves, I even play one on a private server. I just think Alliance High elves are very different than traditional High elves.
What is the saying? Only sith deal in absolutes?
At least those are confirmed :')
Thanks for the suggestion
And I’ve seen plenty of people claim the Kirin Tor is more Alliance leaning than neutral.
Anyway this is a customization thread, not a debate thread for what counts as a helf or not. There are plenty of those threads that exist.
We haven’t seen any new customizations for thalassians that we don’t already have. Still hoping for tattoos, scars, and jewelry, would enjoy some make up and nail polish colors too.
I really want braids for my helves (well really any character tbh)
Perhaps, I could see the logic in that as well, but we do know that the Kirin Tor does consider itself neutral. I don’t have any issue with people interpreting it differently, I do however take issue with someone implying I have a motive for simply not seeing eye to eye with them.
I want NEW faces. I remember the elf faces before the rework were really cute, and then they threw these peanut-headed horse faces on us in the update. Humans got a whole bucketload of new faces, I hope we get the same treatment in midnight.
From the mount jaurnal
Silver Covenant Hippogryphs are fiercely loyal, both to their riding partners, and to the Alliance.
And that’s just the dang birds lol