High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

She was quite literally added in as a suggestion from a Belf fan on the Dev team who suggested putting them in the Telogrus Revamp as part of the “Telogrus Misfits”, as per the two Devs who were responsible for it:



It’s giving Easter Egg callback characters but if you think Lyria is best representative of the Ren’dorei’s story going forward that’s your perogative! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


That’s still not what an easter egg is. They were suggested because their motivations align with the Void elves. They weren’t told what lines of dialogue to give them, that was decided by the narrative team, which we can see was done purposely to story-build.

Hell, the writer even says they were good candidates to be rehomed, that isn’t an easter egg. You’re trying so hard to discredit them because they hurt your narrative :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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The majority of new High Elf NPCs using Void Elf hairstyles/models, and the ones using Belf hairstyles all having blue and white and pastel blue hair, to me at least means they are intentionally giving them a more distinct visual identity, as opposed to just being blonde Blood Elf models like they usually are. They are cementing them as more visually distinct group of Alliance High Elves to contrast with the Horde Sunreaver NPCs. I never said it was super deep. I was merely sharing an observation from Alpha about High Elves in a High Elf thread.

That’s all :hugs:


Funny, cause this tweet included a giant quote of Lyria hating on the Blood elves, as convincing evidence that they belong with the Void elves. And it was enough to convince the writers to actually add them, and them give them more dialogue hating on the Blood elves.

Weird to do that if the idea of the Void elves was to have them resolve their conflict with the Blood elves and return home to Quel’thalas.

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The writer themselves said on Twitter:
“It’s a faction full of misfits, and as you saw there’s some who are there because of Alleria, some who don’t care for Alleria, some who have grievances with Silvermoon, and some who just want to go home. I’m not sure they’ve drawn the lines of their own identity just yet.”

That is their current story as of NOW, with their Racial Leader wanting them to return home.

People with media literacy can understand how that will segway into Midnight and how being called back to Silvermoon to defend their home can influence and change that, can allow them to voice their greivances with their kin and work it out, or at least come to a better understanding, and allows them to regain their home’s trust after using their knowledge of the Void to defend the Sunwell. Alleria and Umbric WILL go to defend Silvermoon and the bulk of Ren’dorei are going to follow their racial leaders. If Lyria wants to stay on the floating rocks in space with others who dissent that will not change the larger narrative, but rather serve to add more depth and nuance to the overall story of their people not being a monolith.

Again, everyone can interpret it how they want, and we can wait until Midnight :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Misfit - A misfit is a person who is not easily accepted by other people, often because their behaviour is very different from that of everyone else.

The void elves by their nature do not fit in back in Quel’thalas, which was the entire intention of adding them to the rift of misfits who’s ideas do not align with their people and homeland. Which was the whole reason why Lyria and Ennes were added, as they too hold ideals and beliefs contrary to the rest of Quel’thalas.

But one thing they do have in common is their dislike for the Horde, and we can clearly see they still consider Quel’thalas a horde city as it’s enough for Ennes to exile himself to the furthrest reaches of the Void then ever return.

Yes, we added these two NPCs because we thought they fit in so well with the Void elves, gave them dialogue stating how they never wanted to return with full knowledge that in the next expact we intend to have the Void elves and Blood elves hold hands and sing ditties about the wonders of Thrall’s balls in Silvermoon.


Really? Because in TWW I believe all we’ve seen thus far are High elves and Blood elves reconciling and hanging together, with neither a sign or word of Void elves anywhere. The only update we’ve gotten about anything regarding their relationship has only served to suggest the opposite. A story that basically tells us that Blood elves will run and hide in their houses and pull their curtains at the very sight of them.

Alleria’s short story basically tells us that the people of the city do not accept her, and because of this she no longer considers it her home. Then we see the rift get updated, and the only word we get of their relationship are two NPCs who basically state that they want nothing to do with their homeland, and Locus-walker telling Alleria to let go of her past and embrace the true nature of the Void.

As of now, we’ve seen nothing that suggests they are wanting to return home, or are making any efforts on reconciling with the Blood elves.

Except I’m pretty sure the whole point of Alleria’s arch is letting go of her past, and her obligations, Lyria and Ennas’ dialogue is a form of storybuilding for the void elves which goes directly against the idea you’re trying to pitch. Your only argument is is flavor lines when you click Umbric, which is not convincing at all.

I think it’s far more likely that when Midnight ends the Void elves will have proven themselves as forces of good, but just like Demon Hunters, and Dark Rangers they will still be shunned from society, and like Alleria we will see them shed their past and embrace their nature as Void elves as well. Putting them in a Horde city would diminish their role as the playable “alliance” elves for Alliance players, which is pretty much the very reason for their existence in the first place.

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I remember discussions here from a certain person and how irrelevant the Silver Covenant is, never a major player or storytelling was during WoW… and now it’s back with a new transmog design.

Sometimes the Karma-rebounds write themselves.


Idk who that is but i do remember years ago people were saying that vereesa will die at the burning of teldrassil and the silver covenant will die out cuz of that (don’t ask) and therefore we’ll never get high elves or normal skinned void elves.

People also said that darker skinned blood elves won’t and shouldn’t happen cuz it goes against the lore. Yet here we are

Oh, and people also said that void elf death knights should not happen because the thalassian death knights would want to go back to silvermoon with their people iirc. Yeah, people say a lot of things


I don’t think I remember anyone ever saying they thought the Silver Covenant was irrelevant, but I do us stressing their neutrality, and from the looks of it, that’s still the case.

I can recall discussions from certain persons on how the Silver Covenant hate the Blood elves and that they would never reconcile.

Yet here we are.

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Neutral? No i remember them being very alliance in wrath. They were with the alliance in the argent tournament, you had high elves in the alliance ship, forgot it’s name. They’re very much part of the alliance, if you’re alliance, the battered hilt questline is given to you by a high elf.

Tbf, they did. They were pretty happy and willing to fight them during the battle in dalaran in mop, iirc. They were also fairly hostile in that troll area in the ghostlands if memory serves me right, returning only because they still think of quel’thalas as their home.

This doesn’t mean that they’d all hate each other, obviously. There is this one high elf npc who is in the alliance and her husband was a horde blood elf until he died for her. So make of that what you will


The Argent crusade was a tournament, it wasn’t a faction-conflict, so that’s sort of a moot point. Additionally, High elves and Blood elves worked together in that expansion under the Argent Banner.

The battered hilt isn’t some weapon against the Horde, this isn’t an example of them breaking neutrality.

Some did, others didn’t. Have to remember that just before this event when Jaina is describing Dalaran we’re shown a scene of the Silver Covenant and Sunreavers laughing and conversating with one another. Additionally in legion a Silver Covenant High elf is the NPC that gives the quest for Horde and Alliance players to join the Hunter Lodge Class hall, and is quite friendly and cordial to horde players.

How were they hostile? My memory on that is a bit is faded, all I remember is that they came at Halduron’s call to assist their homeland. In fact Vareesa seems pretty friendly with the Farstriders from what we saw of legion. We even saw her risk her life to save a Farstrider who ran recklessly into a portal, and said he was a good elf and to rest in the light.

Well we’re referring to the Silver Covenant, the elf with the Blood elf husband is not part of the Silver Covenant. We have plenty of examples of high elves on friendly terms with Blood elves, or even the Horde in general.


They were present in the alliance tent. Not a moot point.

Not my point but ok

So were a lot of horde characters. Desperate times and all that

I remember the dialog being a bit hostile since vereesa said something like “Quel’thalas is our home as much as it is yours.” I don’t remember the exact quote but it was something like that.

Yeah, he was very diplomatic and neutral but he’s still part of the horde. Similar to the silver covenant as you’re describing.

I’ve never seen her personally so i got that wrong, point still stands though.

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That doesn’t matter though? They can help the alliance since the Argent Tournament was hosted by the kirin tor, it was a neutral effort. That’s the point, not whether or not they favored the Alliance.

The point, at least the one you’re responding to was that they were neutral in the faction war.

Not really the point, if the logic was that the Silver Covenant hates the Blood elves it would have been equally as easy to just give the Horde a Farstrider NPC, but the fact that it was purposely a Silver Covenant that was also abundantly friendly when he could’ve been resentful, or shown any spite, is a telling sign, at least in terms of narrative.

This wasn’t targeted at the Silver Covenant, it was a messenger who showed up to question why Vareesa was in Quel’thalas. The Silver Covenant themselves showed no hostility, in fact this instance is one of the only instances where the Silver Covenant acts independently of the Kirn Tor and Dalaran. And at the request of a Blood elf none-the-less.

She’s actually the High elf at the Farstrider lodge.

And since we’re currently discussing the Silver Covenant, I do fail to understand what point you are making here.

But it’s not just that one instance where they’re with and aiding the alliance. Go to the underbelly of dalaran and you’ll see a silver covenant agent and a sunreaver agent. Guess which one is friendly to alliance and hostile to the horde

My point is that if it were truly about neutrality they would’ve just made the quest giver a blood elf, yet the quest giver is dependant on the faction and the alliance’s is a silver covenant high elf

And the alliance got horde npcs that hate the alliance. Legion can’t exactly be used as proof for the neutrality of one faction while saying that that logic doesn’t apply to any other.

Ah, i see. It’s been years since i saw it so I’m not entirely sure, thanks for the correction. But again, they went because it’s still their home. Though i can see the argument being made for either side.

My bad, let me clarify: the silver covenant as an organization isn’t neutral, but individuals might not all be hostile to their blood elf cousins. Hope that explains it.

That being said, I’ve said all i had to say about this. I spoke about what i know and I’ll refrain from speaking about things i don’t know. Feel free to counter my points though but don’t expect me to respond, since I’ve said all i knew. :man_shrugging:

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She changed Tattoos and Hair Color.

Hey I spotted some Silver Covenant Elves that is dark skin. Neat.

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Well firstly, there’s a reason why this took place in the underbelly, as that’s where all the more nefarious incidents take place, but secondly the Sunreavers are still a Kirin Tor group, so this isn’t an action against the Horde, more than it is an action against the Sunreavers themselves.

Essentially it’s just a staged murder of a Kirin Tor soldier for information.

Making the quest giver a blood elf is no less neutral, than if it were a High elf. The argument is that the Silver Covenant does not get involved in the faction conflict, not whether or not they favor the Alliance. In this instance, the Silver Covenant were used an analog to allow the Alliance access to Blood elf lore, and gain access to the Quel’delar weapon.

Legion isn’t proof of neutrality, it’s proof of goodwill between the groups, showing that there wasn’t purely hatred between the groups. The proof of neutrality is that they were only ever involved when the Kirin Tor is present. Even during BFA, the expansion centered on the faction conflict, they remained entirely out of expansion.

No problem. And I agree they went because it’s their home, but I also think they are on good terms with Halduron and the Farstriders considering they have had no problem sharing quarters and cooperating with them in the future.

I think much of Vareesa’s contention for the Blood elves lies with the magisters, and their views, a mindset shared with the Farstriders. These two groups share many common ideals.

Well, pointing out a none Silver Covenant High elf doesn’t really make that point is what I mean by not understanding what you were trying to imply.

No worries, I always enjoy sharing different perspectives.

Ah wait, hate to go back on my word but something about the silver covenant kept creeping into my mind so i decided to check the wow wiki to put my mind at ease and it says:

“The Silver Covenant is a militant core of high elves that reject the admission of blood elves into the Kirin Tor. They have united under the banner of Vereesa Windrunner and joined the Alliance Vanguard to oppose the Lich King.”

Now there is a joke I can make here (none of you can guess it lol) but I’ll refrain from doing so >:)