High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

I feel the same way, but given what’s happened in the past… yeah, it’s not looking good. I quit early on in bfa and i heard that they were now fighting the naga and some old god and then shadowlands was truly the underworld of the warcraft universe.

The story is all over the place and all of it seems so unnecessary. It would make much more sense to let certain races be more unrestricted in terms of factions (namely the elves), but it seems like blizzard thinks otherwise


I also have a feeling Silvermoon will be neutral.
The Alliance and Horde elves (Silver Covenant and Sunreavers) need a new city.
These two elven groups will probably be present at the elven reunification.


The thing that makes me laugh too is that Blood Elves got a bunch of new hair colors in shades of pink, pinkish purple, lavender, pale blue, green, etc. that Void Elves don’t get access too…yet half the new elf NPC in Telogrus Rift use the blue and purple hair belf haircolors to signify the elves becoming void elves bc they’re so voidy looking lmao

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As much as I hope you’re right, I also highly, HIGHLY doubt that blizzard will do that given their track record. I’ll gladly eat my words if they actually do that, but it’s best to not expect anything :confused:

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Hairstyles aside, how would you guys feel about void elves getting green eyes? :eyes:


It wouldn’t make much difference to me. I might use them on my warlock, but otherwise probably wouldn’t use them myself. I have no particular objection to them. Personally, I’d like to see eye options like Alleria’s are in the key art and Xal’atath’s TWW eyes.




I wonder if the Northern Lordaeron close to port of Stratholme and Quel’thalas would be a good place for Alliance and High Elves?

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Aren’t alleria’s eyes pretty much the purple version we already have?

Wheres this quote from?

I saw it in a video by doronsmovies or whatever his name is. It was fairly recent iirc. He talks about an interview and shows the quote

Not that I’ve seen. Her old green armored model has blue eyes akin to what we have as players. Her TWW model’s eye’s are something new and still different from the key art (the TWW beta model’s sclera are darker and the irises more blue than white compared to the key art). Here’s a comparison:


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Oh that does look cool. I’d be fine if blood elves get those eyes too if it’ll get us their hairstyles. Anything for a normal hairline lol.

Assuming that these customization options do get added, what are the chances they get added before that elf expansion? Midnight, was it?


No clue on when we can expect new customizations. Hopefully sooner than later.

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Fair enough. Please blizzard, give us what we want, I’m tired of using the same 3 hairstyles for all my characters


My thoughts exactly.

They could port over Xal’atath Eyes real quick… >_>


And the hairstyles, but will they?


The Asian community did this with some postings back in the day, before 9.1.5. It did end in a victory and karma-bound for the Alliance-players, but even years later now they enjoy the misery of the US Blood Elf-players (rightfully so to some degree) but please don’t let it end as some sort constant reminder that people are too egoistic and have to face their consequences for the wrong-postings.


I think void elves should have green eye customization because now new recruits (blood elf) can have a 100% non-void appearance and there is already a void elf with green eyes (Ennas).