Right? My choices are either receding hairline or emo. I just want to look good
That’s the thing IMO, most of the VE hairstyles would be so good for the Darkfallen and Illidari fantasy, not to mention that some of the VE hairstyles are just nice for every elf.
Some people think that it would only be a win for HE/VE to share hairstyles, but there are a couple of hairstyles I’d REALLY like on my BE (Melancholy, Awoken, Sorrow and Unkempt are BE MUSTS)
I’m willing to trade unkempt for falcon
Honestly i dont see a reason at all why VE/BE dont all share the same hair right now. Same with hair color. That Honestly goes for every races hair style/color though.
Blizzard… do you expect me to believe that we have killed gods, traveled through space to fight demons, gone back in time multiple times, fought the OG horde, gone to the underworld and cant style or dye our hair? Seriously lol?
Guess hairstyling is harder then slaying titans.
I agree. I don’t have a receding hairline (yet LOL) irl and I’d like to have more than 3 decent hairstyles for my male Velf. BLIZZARD MAKE IT HAPPEN BABAYYY
They should really just share all blood elf and void elf hairstyles since they’re the same people
This hairstyle I currently have on my Belf not being on the Velf is why I went to playing a Human Ally side.
I do understand the trepidation of basically making them the same race if they share hairstyles, but to be honest there are more meaningful ways to show their cultural difference than just hairstyles; specially when so many already are shared/inspired by hairstyles from other races.
What I would truly like to see is jewelry and accessory and tattoo options that actually reflected their cultural differences, to show how while they may look the same they are ideologically distinct.
Or just merge the models and make them an ostensibly neutral race with all options shared lmao but i don’t quite like that as much.
Ooh yea new jewelry and tatoos in a races customs would be cool.
Id also love to see more race inspired armor like the heritage sets.
Bringing back my VE jewelry concepts
Id love those tiaras in BE colors!
I hate wearing helms on my female toons, need more masks/crown/tiaras etc.
Or VE pallies so i can stop living with people who on the street…
Isn’t that other expansion based in quel’thalas? I hope they have a lot of cool thalassian themed sets with colors for each of the races (high elf, blood elf, void elf)
I cant wait for that expansion! I LOVE silvermoon city and really want it abit more in focus xD.
100000000% I cannot stand void elf current hair when trying to use a non-void tainted skin color.
I want to be excited but i just know that blizzard will mess it up. I heard that they’ll bring back the faction conflict which makes no sense at all but whatever, it’s their game ig. I’m trying my best to not be optimistic about anything
I really hope you’re wrong about the faction conflict. Please baby jesus be wrong xD.
This arc is about the fate of the world soul and everyone on it, a faction war amid that would be so illogical in every way haha.
Nope, they said it. Something like “individuals might remain friendly but the factions wont.” As well as some other thing about any truce is only temporary
So im gonna pretend like this is a really bad dream and forget you said that!
“We want to make sure the stories do still show that tension [between Horde and Alliance], and there is certainly more potential for that tension, right? Ne’ve seen some some with the Forsaken andnd with the Gilneans recently They don’t love each other. The the factions have cooperated in times where they needed to, by necessity - not because they loved each other. They unite, and then they always fall out. I think that’s a safe bet that you’re not going to stay friendly. You know, individuals may stay friendly, but maybe not factionally.”
The full quote. Personally I believe that silvermoon will remain horde, unlike the new night elf city which is neutral from what i understand. And while I’m hopeful they share the hairstyles, i doubt theyll do that. Idk why there are so many typos in the text though lmao. I’m keeping it though so that it’s identical to the source
I have a feeling silvermoon will become neutral. Especially with the expansion focus in that area.
Idk man the faction war is just so… overdone. It wasn’t even done well either.
The last time the faction war was good was in WC3, and that because it wasn’t an mmo. In an mmo you clearly cant have 1 faction truly lose. The horde technically lost BFA, but did they really?
At this point i just lose all intrest when i hear faction and war in the same sentence. Its always the same old with no real value as a story.