High Elf Customization Request Thread

Man, reading some of the posts here, how could ANYONE feel that some high elf fans are pushing to completely take over the void elf race.


That had been there goal since the release of void elves.

preaching to the choir there

Yeah. For sure. They hopefully do have tools to see who is actually using what customizations… and that we’re all using the same Night Elf male face.

But then they’re also hitting a wall with the perception of how easy it is.

Adding hair colors is probably the easiest thing that can be added in game. So their agility at responding to feedback about Void Elf hair colors I think has skewed things a well with people making demands for things that take actual in game geometry, or really just anything that doesn’t take a paint bucket tool to pull off.

I think another confounding feature though is just politeness. The High Elf group for the most part has been like, “Give us High Elves.” and when responded to with vitriol, still respond to them being like, “Hey give us Dark Rangers” with, “Yeah. Dope.”

So now that same group of people have gotten customization options they want and I think most of them are like, “Yeah, give Void Elves things.”

But at the same time, like I said, I think the real demand for that stuff is coming from a smaller group of people.

But I’m not sure and it might all be moot anyways if they don’t bring back some lost subs. So we’ll see.

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It’s two different groups with one platform to get what they want. This was always the danger of doing customization this way. I mentioned that way back when they talked about adding Wildhammer customizations.

And Void Elf players, judging by eyeballin’ it in the open world, are the minority.

But that being said, people have only asked for options. Nobody has asked to delete those guys.

At the end of the day, people who want to play High Elves are going to ask for High Elf stuff. hair styles, etc… and there are just more of them.

and that’s likely not a reality that will be changing and that’s a challenge going forward.

Nope, you’re just making a WAG about who’s using what, how long people will stick with it after it’s newness wears off to explain why the actual theme of the race needs to come second place to your desires.

Also while continuing your wonderful streak of nasty personal attacks against people who just have a difference of opinion with your request.


Explain minority? There are guilds getting ready to ban any “high elf” that is with them in RP servers.

It looks pretty much like he notices a lot of bland elves in Oribos but not many void elves, therefore that means that’s how it is everywhere and so forth.


Once again. That’s the challenge with implementing High Elves through the customization systom rather than an Allied Race.

People have wanted High Elves for sixteen years and they’re gonna continue to want High Elf stuff.

I think the real rub is when it comes to the race name.

Ely Cannon says that they added High Elf customizations to the race so people can play what they want.

But you go to the forums and people tell you you’re playing a Void Elf and not a High Elf…

and that’s gonna lead to requests for some reconciliation of that situation…

and that might look like a real threat to Void Elves.

Give us a race name toggle option.

Other than that… Void Elves are fine. But they’re a smaller team than the High Elf team, likely by a lot and so people are going to ask for more High Elf stuff.

I think that if Void Elves are gonna have any chance of getting more Void stuff, customizations, lore, story, etc. that they’re gonna need more people who want to play Void Elves.

Right now outside of a very small group of people the guys asking for Void Elf customizations, lore and story are Horde players and I don’t think that’s gonna shake out.


People have wanted them for 16 years
They got them in BC and many of them were happy.
Then much later they got the same model on alliance, and that made more happy.
Then they got the skin colors and hair colors, and that’s made more happy.

And then there’s the people that can’t stand the thought of other people keeping some little bit of identity to their characters at all and want to strip Blood Elves down to the bone, some of them bad talking belf players who aren’t happy with the paltry amount they got in their pass for being greedy and so one.

Prove it.

Prove that people who like void elves are smaller than the die hard group that HAS to have high elves exactly as they want them.


Okay okay this is sadly hard to prove. I am gonna admit that. Let’s not try to dig a hole that’s impossible to get out.

Exactly. None of us have numbers.

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I misread what Gnomest and Cal were talking about.

There is to my knowledge no information about a change in the tag for Void Elves.

(Thought it was the Tentacle Toggle again.)


Oh thank god


This so much lol

I’ll be real. While I do want the customization for high elves in general, I am not gonna really say that void elves playerbase has high core void elf themed players more than high elf fans. The only reason void elf player base increased a lot more is because of skin and eye color during Shadowlands.

Aside from that, it’s really not possible to tell that exact statistic numbers besides Blizzards if they ever want to do survey based on that.

Correct. Only way you can do is TRP/MRP by customization while roleplaying.

All I know was people were having a good time, felt good to see people socializing like the old days, I was having a good time and the game needed this to happen.


but there already is many people myself inculded that want more void things added to void elfs .

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There are definitely people who finally have spoken up who want voidy things added into void elves. I think devs can do half of void thingys and half of high elf thingys when it is void elves turn.

Few redditors have said that they enjoyed their time making High Elf looking Void Elves even though they weren’t fans originally. So I mean, people just enjoy doing it.

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Since void elves are portrayed as masters of magic since to be able to conquer the void as well as use other forms of magic such as arcane with ease I think they should be the first race to be able to be every class. It only makes sense.