High Elf compromise

Well, I mean some of this is just “Well the people who don’t want us to have a copy of their race don’t agree with our suggestions of ways we can get exactly that with minor tweaks” You’re making it out that we’re all just naysaying everything unreasonably when you’re really referring to the fact that when you ask for no compromises to your vision you don’t get compromise in return.

The body isn’t that important, I mean frankly, I’d be ok with a blood elf model with a night elf head. The face is one of the biggest things we use to differentiate between people, so keeping the head is keeping the biggest identifier.

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Lol you didn’t need to respond, i already discredited you and debunked your incorrect ideas.

Bye now.

Fixed it for you


To be honest they should make Valeria meet with the Blood Elf leadership and the Void elf leadership and announce she will be stepping down from leadership to help hunt her sister and hold her accountable. The she allows the High elf faction to join under the Horde or the Alliance (since they are working under a truce now). Under this method the lore is still intact.

After that add the customization options to both the blood elf and void elf races.

That is the most reasonable way to do it and draw the least amount of anger. But mind you they with still get a lot of anger for stalling this long.

The amounts of abuse those two poor words go through in these threads is staggering.


When your “compromise” results is something that doesn’t remotely resemble what’s being asked for it’s not really a compromise.

Again… as I said, that is why this debate will never end.

If an entirely different body model isn’t good enough unless it’s blue, then compromise isn’t really what’s being sought.

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You got the compromise. What you’re complaining about is us saying exactly that back to you. You are not looking for a compromise, and complaining we disagree when you offer no compromise.

If the body but not the head isn’t good enough for you, well you aren’t looking for a compromise either, are you?

Ask for what you want, I don’t care. Just don’t pretend that it’s just us not compromising.


You’re aware antis aren’t what’s keeping high elves out right? It’s Blizzard.

We did not get a compromise.

Void Elves are NOT a compromise. I don’t care how many times you and your ilk say it. A compromise involves both sides having input and settling on something both can live with. None of that occurred with Void Elves.

All we got was the thalassian model painted blue. That isn’t a compromise and isn’t what was asked for.


No, it was way better than a compromise.

It was something interesting.

Maybe to you. I disagree. Don’t get me wrong, I like void elves for what they are but they dont fill the request for playable Alliance High Elves even remotely.


its not a debate. development told you flat out no plans because high elves are blood elves and already playable. its self apparent to any logical person that they are never happening(for the alliance). they are part of the horde, which is of course the root of the issue, them being on the ‘ugly’ faction

if you want to be a high elf nico you have to come to us

You’re welcome to.

Still won’t get ya helves. At least not alliance side helves, thankfully.

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Won’t stop me from asking for them till we get them or the game shuts down. So get comfy cause we are gonna be here a while.


Oh I’m absolutely going to have some fun dashing that periodically then.

By all means enjoy yourself!

This is the compromise already unfortunately.


Just because you don’t like it doesn’t change what it is.

All I’m asking is to stop pretending you’re on some sort of moral high ground over us. You’re asking for what you want, not a compromise. And that’s fine. What isn’t fine is acting like we’re a bunch of scum for disagreeing with your demands for everything you want at the cost of basically everything we want.


It’s not a compromise.

even blizzard poked fun for the april fools joke. ‘what more can be said’ i believe they posted? and they nailed it

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