High Elf compromise

Well here is the thing. High Elfs and Orge’s alike where both the first obvious answers for the races people wanted when allied races where being made.

It’s like Blizzard steered clear of the top 2 and did everything else. It’s like offering Ice cream cake and then opening a box of cake made with lima bean ice cream. The thought is nice… umm but, it’s not what we wanted.

Blizzard dangled that piece of cheese too long. At this point even if they give Void Elfs the high elf customization there will always be part of the population that will never be right with being jerked around like that.


well, if you ask me, they look even more ill than when they were just blue. the circles around their eyes really pop, highlighting them in a way that makes them seem sick somehow.

if i were going for the variant look, i’d have the void all over the body, creeping up the neck but the rest look like a high elf, and then just give them a huge selection of human skin tones. maybe facial markings that automatically identify them as helfs instead of belfs. and i’d change their idling stance. if the void can change their skin/eyes/viewpoints, it can also change their attitude, in which case, they shouldnt be non stop smirking like belfs do.

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According to lore actually. That’s why they’re elves and not trolls.

Adaptation and Evolution are not the same thing, frost trolls adapted to the northerned and that’s why they look different from Zandalari or Amani, Night Elves evolved from the magic of the Well and became elves and are no longer trolls.

This really isn’t a difficult concept to grasp, your loose grip on lore has lost you any credibility you might of had in this argument :man_shrugging:.

Yes I did. It’s cute you think I’m trying to make you agree, I’m not, I don’t care what side you take, I only care about getting facts straight and making sure you don’t get away with spreading misinformation.

Why would it not make sense? High Elves are on the Alliance as you’ve agreed. Kul Tirans and humans have no reason to look different even though they are both human, as you’ve agreed.

Why would it not make sense for the same exact outcome to come from a rig change for High Elves? Who are the same as Blood Elves?

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Oh my. I would reroll if this was the case. That sounds awesome.

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hints of void is not the same as Void all over.


But it’s still clearly Voided.

Thus, still clearly a Void Elf.

No, if it’s not void all over, its not clearly voided.


high elves were a major selling point of TBC expansion. deny it all you want zynx the high elves are already playable as part of the horde as the blood elves

this whole thread just became a plea for blizzard to retcon their own game

i am enjoying it tho

:popcorn::smile: :popcorn:


Evolution is a broad term that refers to any change in anything over time.

Zandalari, jungle, dark, ice, forest trolls are as much evolution to night elves.

Thats besides the point. I am trying to say they are different. Night elves are not dark spear trolls. Dark spear trolls are not zandalari trolls. They should NOT all be using the same model.

Ah so you are one of THOSE people that use their head canon as lore.

No you didn’t. Stop trying to suggest you did as it is not convincing at all.

Because they are the same race? Kul tiran have the build of weight lifters compared to humans. You want weight lifter elves or mal norished elves? Go for it then!

Good day sir!

As I said earlier in this thread:

If it’s something the pro’s would accept, the anti’s will adamantly oppose it no matter how reasonable it might be. And that is why this debate will never end.

It applies as much to playable Alliance High Elves as it does to asking for even remotely human looking skin tones for Void Elves.


Well this is the key point. It is not “clear” enough. More distinction must be made.

if 75% of the body, the hair and eyes are effected, but its depicted that the void didnt take them over completely, which it didnt so why not depict that, it could’ve started at the feet and moved upwards. it gets to the neck, and starts taking it over also, leaving only the face, which perhaps have tendrils of void curling onto it from the neck area, like a giant neck tattoo thats partially depicted on the jawline. that would be more in keeping with the lore - et. al, they werent totally voided. cause if they were, they’d be ethereals right now, not blue elves.

p.s. make the tendrils creeping onto the face, have that void glimmer in them

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The difference between High elf’s and Blood elfs is the leadership, the magic supply, the interbreeding with humans and the fact they are allied with the Alliance.

Blood elfs feed off fel magic and now off the sunwell again, But not random magic sources. They don’t tend to interbreed with humans. They work for the Horde not for the Alliance.

They are technically the same race. So are the regular orc’s and the Magar Orc’s. Both are Orc’s, one just has a different diet and leadership.

But the Magar got it’s own race and they are only a few people who slipped thru a portal. But the High elfs who supported full war campains and have their own outposts naaaa there’s not enough of them. (boggles)

By that matter, HOW am I a new race and not just upgraded gnome options?


Eh, I figure if they had touches of non-void it could work, but not this minimum void so they look the same, at the very least something like


That at least leans into the whole void and alienishness of what they went through.

What does “what pro’s would accept?” Are we talking about actual half elfs that aren’t just a high elf with a new name but an actual new model with at least as much human body influence? Or is this the pros that yell about how half elves are a travesty that denies the righteousness of their request? Because yeah, we are going to disagree most of the time with the people who demand their pure undilluted request with no compromise (pure here referring only to the request, not the elves)

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That is why i rather have half elf rather than high elf on the alliance. They could have a different model to blood elves and it would make total sense.

If void elf, with very low numbers can be playable, so should half elves.

eek you were doing so well till ya said this. they didnt deliberately consume it but received it via radiation from the fel crystals which powered silvermoon. passive effect, in other words


I put in the word Magic for you…sorry about that…my brain thought it and my fingers did not type it.

They are not, they are different cultures, not different races. You are Wrong.

You’re right, Night Elves shouldnt, cause they aren’t trolls.

But Darkspear Trolls and Zandalari Trolls are…???

I’m sure you can figure it out…maybe.

You understand that not understanding lore does not make it head canon correct?

You are factually incorrect about Trolls and Night Elves, you believing you’re not does not make you correct, it makes you irrelevant.

Yes, i did. Like i said before, convincing you is the last thing i care about, at this point, people are actively seeing you butcher the understanding of lore to try and fit your narrative, it is not working and you are not spreading your misinformation.

I’ve done my job.

That’s one way to look at story building, thats the great part about it, it can be done in multiple, viable ways that all make sense in the end.

Thanks for agreeing that you never had an argument to begin with. :wave: :wave: :wave:

I’m talking more about anti’s being against anything even remotely close to what’s being asked for.

If it’s half elves, the anti’s want them to be humans with pointy ears and not a modified thalssian model. Even a brand new model won’t be acceptable if it looks even close to a thalssian.

If it’s actual high elves, idle stance, a mix of new hairs + human hairstyles that blood elves don’t have, and an entirely new body model is not acceptable. Just look at how your side reacts to Talendrion’s mockups which use Night Elf body models. It’s a freakin entirely different body model but its not acceptable.

If it’s close to normal skin tones for Void Elves that’s a no go for the anti’s as well. Doesn’t matter if its a skin tone that Blood Elves don’t have even in SL, if it isn’t blue grey or purple its not acceptable to the anti’s.

And while I know not every anti holds these stances, the “usual suspects” that continue to frequent these topics generally do and that’s not something that can be argued with consider the post histories are there for all to see. Heck we can just look through this topic to see it.


I said good day!