High Elf compromise

We will never compromise, WE WILL NEVER BE SLAVES - Grom Hellscream

but we did and then were told by antis at the time, that there was no reason for them to look different. i kid you not. every possible excuse to say no has been used to deny any possible variable.


No, the “face” of a void elf character is very clearly purple, just like most NPCs mogs that only show the face as well. Purposely chosing places that are most often covered by gear to have the only “void” taint is very transparent, and not fooling anyone.

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When talking about High elves, there is no reason for them to look different, but Void elves have many reasons to look different.

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Still nope.

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thats a different topic. i’m referring specificially to that phase of development, where everyone was still debating that the high elf model was the blood elf model, and therefore the alliance high elf model, could not be made different.

the devs said, oh really? watch this - and made us blue with tentacles. so clearly they can and do make models look different in the same racial group. they just made the mistake of thinking we were just asking for a duplicate of blood elves. when we were enthusiatically supporting the idea of an alliance high elf that was visually distinct enough that they couldnt be mistaken for blood elves when in full armor. get it now?

It is a species. Do you see scales on dark spear trolls? Night elf and trolls look different. They are physicllally different. That makes night elf trolls by your logic.

Nothing is an argument then since we DO NOT live in a fantasy setting.

German shepards and pit bulls are to the zandalari trolls and jungle trolls. They are different species to the same “race”. With notable physical difference.

You forgot the point where they are ALL in the alliance. What you are asking for has not happened before. A different rig of the same race on a different faction.

You still have not answered why they should not be using troll models. They were " just trolls" living next to the well of eternity. They just “have obvious different customs and adaptations based as such, it does not make them different race”

Edit: notice i just used your own words in my argument? That is how contradicting you sound right now.

Come on. You did not even attempt to debunk anything. Apart from kul tiran that is.

You’re missing the point entirely for the sake of some perceived agenda.

Void Elves have more Void Corruption on their Hands/feet/Ears/Eyes/Underarms.

So if they had a more flesh colored skin they would probably still show heavy signs of Void in those areas.

They are still clearly Void Elves even without the heavally Voided parts.

They still show Void Taint over all their parts despite having another shade of skin. One of them being a color unavailable to Blood Elves anyway and probably more accurate to what we will see.

These concepts are still on par with current Void Elves.

If you think it’s to easy to hide it, that’s because it’s already the case with Void Elves.


You’re missing the point on why they were turned completely purple in the first place, and why it wasn’t some minor corruption that only appeared on their feet and hands. If the whole elf was purple except their faces (which is usually the only part of a character you can see) then it really defeats the whole purpose.

Would you really think that if the corruption was reversed, and only the hands and feet were human skinned, it would get the same reaction? Of course not. The feet and hands were purposely chosen as they are the extremities that often covered anyway.


Doesn’t make them a different race, they are one race: Troll, what part of that are you not understanding? And continuing to bring up Night Elves shows you have nothing to actually argue with. :man_shrugging:

And your point? Just because it has not happened doesn’t mean that it can’t happen, your lack of imagination does not stop this from being a possibility, it just stops you from looking past your illogical argument.

Because they are evolved from trolls and have become a different race, the different trolls haven’t. I answered this 3 posts ago, try reading the entire posts.

I’ve debunked everything, you’re just not willing to accept it because you have a bias towards this argument and that’s ok, but it’s about time you stop pretending to have a point against high elves and their validity as an allied race.


And there’s nothing stopping them from getting new options on the future.

Especially since the Dev’s even said to go ahead and request this specific thing.

These are clearly still Void Elves and still on par with the current ones. This just adds new options.


i look like someone took your model, drowned her in a pool of arcwine infested with discoball mirrors, applied a thin film of lacquer to make sure the wetlook remained, and called you a void elf. didnt change anything else except the jokes and the voice actors


There is nothing in lore saying I cant grow a helicopter prop on my head and fly around boralus either.

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They said your free to request whatever you want, just like Ion said after he effectively shot Helf fans in the foot. They’re never going to tell players “Stop asking for this” after all. Using the argument that they never explicitely told you “No” isn’t a really good one, but if you want to disregard all the reasons why they told you its not going to happen, and ask anyway, more power to ya.

They’re not “on par” with the current ones, the most important part of the character was purposely “cleansed” of the void, and the most irrelevant parts were given partial corruption, which is not the same at all.


Well, gnomes these days.


They literally said they are open to the idea and go ahead and ask for it.

They are still clearly Void Elves and still show Void all over, they just have different options.

According to you,

And then you said.

The night elves are trolls that adapted to the well of eternity.

By YOUR logic, they are trolls. I have been trying to say that they are a different race, but your point on zandalari and jungle trolls are the same is contradicting yourself.

No you did not. Otherwise, i would be agreeing with you, just like the kul tiran.

Did i say it can’t happen? Read through ALL MY posta to find where i say it can’t happen and quote it.

I SAID it doesn’t make SENSE for it to happen.

If you remove the void from the most prominent, and focal area of a character they certainly aren’t “clearly” void elves.

We got a giant, unapologetic explanation as to why its not going to happen.

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I still believe people would be demanding to play High Elf regardless. Void Elves can’t be paladins, and naturally the second most cliche thing aside from A male human paladin, is a female elf paladin.

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Except it’s not removed. They still have Void all over.

They have it on their Hair/Eyes/Ears and in tinges all over. Thus clearly Void Elves.

They aren’t a completely purified option and you can still see that they are Void Elves just by looking at them.