High Elf compromise


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you forget, i already compromised and asked for half elves. think you own their skin color too?

People can ask for what ever they want, you can disagree but it’s not cool to keep saying things to the effect of invalidating the right to request.

Technically none. They still have purple highlights on the parts besides their hands/feet.

Because those are currently the most void corrupted part of Void Elves. It’s an extension of their existing appearance.

They still have void marks around their eyes, the tips of their ears (The only part that shows with full armor) and their hair.

Not to mention their underarms removing the torso from being listed as “Not voided”.

The Void also extends past the elbows/knees so it’s not really hideable.

These are pretty close to being on par with current Void Elves.

In a full Mog all you can see is the ears and these are still clearly Void Elf ears.

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Oh, that’s right, I forgot that you’re one of the more reasonable posters.

shakes your hand

Would you like some coffee?

Zandalari is a seperate species of trolls. They may share common ancestry of jungle trolls and forest trolls, they are a different species all together. They HAVE physical difference.

You telling me a chiwawa and german shepherd looks the same as they are all dogs?

Blood elf and high elf? The only difference is their political views! They dont even physically differs. Humans and kul tirans, they should have been customizatione, but kul tirans are at least weight lifter build.

Tell me more about the night elf ancestor as well. They have physical difference. But they all descended from trolls. So they should all be using troll models? Of course not.

If this is an insinuation that HE fans are unreasonable I don’t think that’s cool. The anti opinion has always been valid to me whether I agree with them or not, I don’t consider the opposition “unreasonable”. Blanket statements on a community aren’t cool.

Wasn’t directed at you.

Directed at the one guy that insists on void elf look exactly the same as blood elf.

Just give what was asked for in first place, no replacements, not alternatives, no waste of AR slot, Just what we asked for the Alliance High Elves that Already exist in game and support the Alliance Along with Alleria and Veressa oh wait they already there supporting the Alliance to. Just not playable. We didn’t ask for Ren’dorei or Horde Sin’dorei, Thank you for reading!

Also conveniently the parts of our character most commonly (and easily) covered while wearing armor.

You mean the extremely subtle marks around their eyes? =/

And the rest is easily covered by 90% of mogs in the game, leaving just the face which has hardly any void hint at all, which is quite literally the face of your character, and main focal point. Make that the darkest spot on the model and see how people react.


This is incorrect, all trolls are just trolls from varying regions across the world and have obvious different customs and adaptations based as such, it does not make them different race, otherwise they wouldn’t be called “Troll”

This is again a non-argument considering dogs don’t work the same as a fictional race in a fantasy world.

Yes you’re right, but just because they are physiologically the same does not mean they cannot have a new rig to represent them, that is literally what has happened with Kul Tirans and Humans, who are both human..

I already answered this, you have run out of an argument and are now gas lightning for the sake of gas lightning, you are about to not be taken seriously in this argument if you continue to make non-points for the sake of arguing.

You understand that its ok to disagree with the idea of High Elves correct? You don’t need to like it or agree with it, but lying about it and spreading misinformation is borderline trolling.

It’s an insinuation that there are unreasonable HE fans, just as there are unreasonable antis as well.

At this point it sounds more like you’re splitting hairs, and trying to start an argument.

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I poilitely ask for 1 million USD. No replacement. Not alternatives.

Does that sound ridiculus?

Blizzard owns the ip. Blizzard have the final say.

If they wanted to add high elf to the alliance, they would have done so with the appropriate lore in place already. This of course, could change in the future, not that i would like that decision. I would still go with it as again, blizzard owns the ip.

That is fair to say. It just came off as if you were poking at HE fans being unreasonable.

I’m really not but I do resent both being told my opinion, and then having your argument be the HE fans have no rights. There are better ways to argue your opposition then that.


i should be able to tell the difference between a blood elf and a void or even high elf, when in full armor, but i cant because the devs made the mistake of thinking all we wanted was blood elves.

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Because that’s what it’s like with current Void Elves.

And ears. And hair.

They are clearly still Void Elves.

Just like current Void Elves.

Argue about the face not being Voided enough if you want, but they are clearly still Void Elf faces.

But with it still showing around the Eyes/Hair/Ears it is still on par with current Void Elves.

And the current benchmark is only ears show in a full mog.


I’m not suggesting that they have no rights, but many Helfers believe they have every right, and that the opposition has no say, and if we try to voice our opinions it’s clearly only to be malicious, and not because we value one of our core race’s identity.

If players didn’t want a belf clone on the alliance side, and didn’t SAY anything, then it likely would have happened and many people would have been upset over it. if you don’t say anything then your opinion will never be known, and decisions get made without everyone’s input.