High Elf compromise

Not really. They were asking for a new rig for high elves. Doesnt make sense to give one race 2 different rigs right? Blood elf = high elf.

Half elf on the other hand, could be a modified human model. But that is not what 95% of the alliance want is it?

It did for Kul Tirans and Zandalari, no reason it can’t for High Elves and Blood Elves as well.

It’s called world building.

If they can turn Blood Elves purple and call it a race, they can make a story for High Elves looking different, and the funny part is that they don’t have to look completely and entirely different, a new model literally does wonders for silhouettes.


It’s not just us? We voiced that we didn’t want a clone of our race on the Alliance, and gave our reasoning, this argument was something Blizzard agreed with and made the necessary adjustments to Void elves to not infringe on the Blood elf identity. Ion covered this himself in the Q&A on twitch. I’m still confused as to what part of this you’re missing.

Incorrect, one side is actually playing this race, the other side wants a copy of the race. Blizzard weighed both options, and decided that a clone on the opposite was not appropriate, and that visual changes needed to be made beforehand.

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And yet both sides pay to play the game. I’m failing to see why instead of validating the pro argument and listing valid reasons why you’re against it you instead choose to play the “you have no rights” argument I’ve never seen anyone else do this but if that’s where you stand that’s fine. But the HE request endures all the same.

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KT humans are humans and they definitely have a differant rig

Kul tirans i have no argument for that. Zandalari on the other hand, is much different even in lore, though i still think they should be customizations.

The 2 races you just mentioned, are within their own faction. So that gets a pass in my book, even if i don’t like it. High mountain taurens, mag har orcs, dark iron dwaves and light forged draenei are also what i have problem with. They should all be customizatioms.

Blood elf and high elves? Same race, different political views. Does not warrant a new rig like zandalari did.

Horde? :ballot_box_with_check:
Blood Elf? :ballot_box_with_check:
Anti? :ballot_box_with_check:

Sounds about right. :man_shrugging:

I’ve never seen other antis make this stand most will still defend the right to request.

You can request whatever it is you like, but you also have to respect the decision Blizzard made to protect the identity of Blood elves. If no one cared, or voiced any objection to a Blood elf clone on the Alliance they likely would not have cared and put them through.

It’s naive to say that blizzard doesn’t recognize both sides of this argument, and recognize the possible player repercussion that would occur if they made a decision without weighing in their opinion.


So are Blood Elves and High Elves.

Fact is you have no argument for either that doesn’t entirely contradict your point, Zandalari Trolls are just Trolls, they’re not inherently different than other trolls, Kul Tiran Humans are literally just Human, they’re not inherently different than Humans we see now, difference is they look and animate entirely different from Darkspear Trolls and Stormwind Humans, despite being the exact same race.

There is absolutely no justifiable reason why it cant work for High Elves and Blood Elves.

Yes it is. And you just went out of your way to say only your side had rights. Which is a weird position to take, if you disagree fine. But that is incorrect both sides have a right to their opinions and argument in this request.

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I already said they weighed both sides, hence the effort to add a thalassian model on the alliance at all, but they also considered our opinion and made the appropriate changes as to avoid infringing on Blood elves.

Despite the obvious effort to compromise, you now want the whole pot of stew, and continuously fail to see why that’s a problem for other players.

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Please read up on them.

Forest trolls, jungle trolls, zandalari troll, all have physical differences.

Edit: and night elves are just mutated trolls. So night elves should be using troll model?

Blood elves and high elves are NOT in the same faction.

Kul tiran wise, i really have no argument for that. But that doesn’t mean i like it that way. Only 1 out of 8? Allied race have this issue. They are in their own faction. I may not like it, but it is fine in my book of it is in the same faction. Not the opposite faction.

Or u much prefer the old high elf models using human skin night elves? High elf = blood elf. They should be using the same rig.

Kul tiran was a mistake to have a different rig in my opinion.

I’m not even intending to play Alliance HEs I prefer BEs so another assumption that is also false.

Are you meaning me in particular or the entire request? Because I view the request as a good thing for Alliance HE fans and BE fans as I believe it adds to faction rivalry.

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It really does, and it doesn’t have to step on their toes if Blizzard actually uses them all well.

Wait we’ve talked about this before haven’t we?

I’m interested in building both up. And particularly am sensitive to HE fans that attempt to deconstruct BEs in anyway shape or form, so I’m not sure why assumptions on my personal stance on the topic have been made.

And yes I think we’ve agreed on this before.

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Despite being all the same race: Troll.

This is a non-argument, Night Elves were actively shaped by the Well of Eternity, and became a different race, that isn’t an argument, that’s gas lightning.

Correct like you said, they are in their own factions.

Whether or not you like it that way, it is the way it is, and it’s what we work with based on the rules Blizzard has created.

The only plausible explanation for difference in similar races is story intervention and High Elves are High time due for a story intervention, which would easily make it plausible for different rigs between High Elf and Blood Elf.

The point isn’t whether or not you, yourself, want to play them, but rather that you feel there is no reason why it shouldn’t happen despite the fact the whole Void elf allied race was an effort to compromise on a controversial idea for both sides, but now you seem to think that one side has no place in the conversation at all.

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Just like the current Void Elves…


Right… which part of their bodies aren’t purple then? Seems to me that the feet, and hands were purposely chosen because, typically we cover our hands and feet. I wonder why their body and face wasn’t purple, and only their hands and feet were given human skin tones.

Probably because anyone walking around in a full mog of armor with only their hands and feet showing would look pretty laughable.