High Elf compromise

You wanna play a blue eyed bloodelf well… you are going to have to play horde. The final answer has been given, sorry no blood elves in goldshire!

And people have been asking for the High Elves that did not call themselves “Blood Elves”

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That, is where I disagree. I want more AR’s. I think the Wildhammer and the various troll tribes and the Grimtotem and the Taunka ect. should be AR’s. In full.

You lose racials, voice lines, racial mounts, and lore with them as just customizations.

No final answer was given. They actually have so far encouraged folk to continue to ask politely.

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Well, actually, I love the looks of all the character customization’s coming for Shadowlands. Because now it is giving our toons more options to look different, and don’t look like every NPC that we also see as well.

Customization’s are long overdue.

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Oh I don’t mind the extra customization, I just don’t want to lose Wildhammers and other distinct groups and races just because of it.

Dwarves should still get tattoos. But Wildhammer shouldn’t end there. As an example.

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Yeah, that is a very valid point.

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Lore has no bearing on why they havent given the blood elf model/skin tone to the Alliance.

Doesn’t matter how much lore you bring up. I probably shouldn’t even say anything. Continuing to bring up lore as your main argument is probably the best way to ensure it doesn’t actually happen.

Void Elves have actually been used in the story, Pandas are almost entirely ignored.

Well yeah.

I wouldn’t like it if WoW suddenly became mostly about Vulpera and Lightforged storywise.


Is that the reason why we already have a Blood Elf model on the Alliance?

Is that the reason why Anti’s have been ignoring our ideas to make the models look a little different to make them feel more unique than the Blood Elven models.

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The blood elf model was given as a compromise in the form of the void elf.

Making them different would go against the lore. They have not been separated from each other long enough to be different.

But as long as you cite the lore for reasons you should have the blood elf model and skin tones copy/pasted over, it will remain on deaf ears for the people that matter (Blizzard).

They aren’t on the Alliance because of a gameplay reason.

If you come up with a model that is noticeably different from the blood elves, then you are abandoning the lore.

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If anything we need to hope Blizzard sees them and likes it when they introduce High Elves, their the ones we need to hope don’t ignore the ideas… and their patch notes indicate they see our threads :slight_smile:

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Also when they tell you nothing is off the table. I’m betting high elves come up in the office a fair bit.

That is some wishful thinking.

High Elves won’t solve any of the major problems effecting the game. No clue why they would regularly bring them up from a game design stand point.

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Because it’s about the lore.

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High Elves are barely involved in any lore going on right now. So why would they regularly bring them up in the office?

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Why wouldn’t they? They design the lore as well as the gameplay. I’d bet every meeting involving adding new races at least brushes up against the topic. They see the threads. They know how populous they are. Even if its a minority its a vocal and active one.

If you don’t want them thats fine. I respect that opinion. I honestly don’t think they will happen, or that if they do they’ll be customization. But I cannot just tell someone who wants them no. The lore supports them as an AR as AR’s have been presented. Void Elves just make it… complicated.

And yet, nobody was originally asking for a compromise to what we already had within the Alliance. Huge difference.

There is ways of making them look a little different without effecting the lore, or doesn’t even take magic for them to change either.

Take for example

Except that they are. Just unavailable to be playable.


Because they are an Alliance lore rich race ready to be used in future lore. I think we’re even returning to northrend for the pre patch with perhaps SC involvement.

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Let me help you with those :slight_smile:


They look like blood elves

Naked blood elf


Here is the comparrison to the difference
