High Elf compromise

I have a lot of questions for why people say or do things or in some cases don’t do things like speak up when awful things are said. I think she took inspiration for a name. I wouldn’t have done it, but to each their own I’m learning. I would like to see more pictures of VE mogs / concept art personally too.

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Want to really take a look at the reason:

I kinda of want to see concept art with the void going down their models like lightning bolts not a tattoo like just like Void stricken idk how to explain it, Void tained?


Notice how the “void” parts are conveniently placed in spots that armor typically covers.

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The only time I’ve seen someone close copy a name before was to troll em or be a jerk to them. That is a troubling thing to see.

Not a good look still. Someone you argue with regularly has a name and you make a specifically troll like name based on it? That is what I think. (Sorry the last one was on Kyuu. I switch around a lot and thought I was on Fezzy.)

I’d like to see that too. Even as just a tattoo sort of thing.

I’m not gonna worry about it too much, though I’d like to see the reverse too.

Again I wouldn’t go with it myself but I see the draw.

But rather a small issue to take offense to all things considered I think, but if you find that more offensive then other things obviously to each their own. I want to add I don’t think her name breaks any rules unless it’s a RP server? I’ve never been on those personally a bit scared to though I hear they are wonderful just overwhelming for me.

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Just as it should be.

I’ve been on the receiving end before. Sara didn’t make it on the same server at least. I was relentlessly mocked with a character similar in name. They even went after guildies and tried to trick them.

Perhaps I’m a bit more biased in that regard. I do not think its cool. That’s my opinion on it. I wont bring it up again unless Sara does.

You should give them a try at least once. They can be really fun. Just don’t go too overboard at first and back off if you don’t want to be involved with someone you encounter. They’ll understand usually. Like anything else protect yourself.

What’s wrong with that?

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I think that’s fair, considering it sounds like you’re applying your experience and accusing from there.

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I’m out of likes so I used Vidris.

If you truly mean no harm in it I apologize.

As I mentioned to Lann, I’ve had someone use a close copy named character to mess with me and my guildies before. It hits closer to home.

Well, as mentioned, I just thought the name was pretty cool. But sadly, just couldn’t think of what to do with the toon, so I deleted it shortly after posting the screenshot.

Anyways, shall we get off the Trollflake the Troll and get back on topic.

Here is the thing though, there is nothing in lore to say that any future Void Elves can’t have the same skin colours as Humans. And if the Void Elves are supposed to be a way to push the lore forward for the Alliance “High Elf” side of things, then it is doing a really bad job since there hasn’t been any real push for the lore in regards to Void Elves.


They need to answer directly in game if they can make more or not and how its being done.

Hard to tell how it would all work right now… along with many things with Void Elves.

The Void Elves are getting a fate worse than the Pandarens. Pretty soon, the Void Elves will have a Nomi and that Nomi will set every inn on Fire.

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If 8.3 hadn’t been rushed I imagine we’d have a bit more to go on… maybe not how they “reproduce” but at least more lore.

I suspect the rushing of 8.3 eradicated some bunches of lore for Void Elves. :frowning:

People playing them not for memes? I wholeheartedly agree

Honestly, every Allied Race seem to just get abandoned then have very little involvement after they become playable. Like, I thought the AR’s were also going to be more of a soul focus for this expansion in terms of the story, but as soon as they become playable, there focus is just thrown away as if it is just yesterdays garbage.

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I mean they do DO stuff. Void Elves help in the war effort for instance. You see plenty of Dark Irons.

But yeah… Kinda underwhelmed myself too. Zandalari and Kul’Tirans get plenty but they might as well been just a regular Core race release with what they got overall.

Its minorly depressing.

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And more on AR’s actually, they all would’ve been just better as customisations options for core races.

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Because they are allied races not core races. They don’t suddenly become core races because one recruits them. In the future I wouldn’t expect to see allied races beyond a few token npcs here and there.