High Elf compromise

But that wasn’t what was being done, I’ve often spoken up for you and will continue to do so if I saw something. And I’m telling you there are worse things that have been said about me explicitly clear that is far more telling of people’s character.

I’m sorry you feel his comment had insinuation but I don’t think that was his intent. I often stick up for people even if I don’t like them especially when awful things are said I don’t ignore that kind of stuff when it’s said. So I hope you know I am always sticking up for people and I happen to enjoy speaking with you in threads so if it was something bad I would have said something.

Yep; different (and original) Alf here. Forums had trouble with the ACSii symbols so I made my…‘little sister’, so to speak.
All better now; this is still the same ol’ VIKING ELF you’ve all come to know and love.

Almost forgot…


Heh yes! I support both Alliance HEs and the increased customizations for Void Elf fans. :smiley:

I already said what needed to be said to him, if you and others do not want this to continue why are you telling me what to do?
Why keep posting about it?
If anything the helfer support group should have corrected him and then he apologize, but I’m not expecting anything that positive to happen.

I often expect more from people like standing up for what’s right when you see it, but you can’t expect that and it’s unfair to both parties. I just ignore people now who condone poor behavior and awful things. But I agree apologies go a long way.

But in this case I think it’s just being pointed out to you that nothing was said to be upset over.

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I was called a bigot yesterday and no one said anything to correct that person from the helfer group, then I see another person make 2 snide comments and it’s implication is completely ignored again.
He meant what he said, let him deal with it.
I see it’s (people calling each other names and making rude accusations) getting out of hand and I’m just not interested in ignoring it because it doesn’t help.
Thank you for supporting me when you felt it appropriate, I appreciate your efforts to try to smooth things over. :hugs:

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Well I’m not sure exactly what you’re referring to but I did see you stick up for customization options and I agreed with you, that it was sad people were would pick apart the skin tone customizations as a reason to be mad about.

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Well let’s hope everyone stops calling each other names and making terrible accusations against each other. It should never been allowed to ever enter the discussion.

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I’m sorry, I’m not trying to continue it.

I’m also not telling you what to do. I’m suggesting that since it hasn’t changed anything in the past to try to get a resolution, it would be better to just ignore it and move on. If you don’t engage it they can’t really do much more.

I agree with Lann. Its best to ignore it. Move on and apologies go a long way.

I’m sorry for not standing up to those who have been bigoted and jerks within the High Elf pro group. I’m also sorry for not standing up to those who do it within the anti group as well.



Well ironically I do see you call out Pro posters but I agree you haven’t done so on the anti group. So I’m glad to see you hold both parties accountable like I try to do.

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People care too much about what others say or how they think. You don’t know that person. Why care then?

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I’ve called them out a few times, but it gets lost in the slog a lot. >.<

I feel like I’ve been more weighted towards calling out pros though, so very valid.

I don’t find it funny. But I’m glad you do I suppose.

And conveniently present yet absent when calling out awful things towards others I agree. But I’m glad to see you being less biased now.

Mate, you haven’t been even handed in the slightest. That’s 100% chat.

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To be fair. I have a toddler. Sometimes I’m just not here. lol (Stay at home dad)

It depends to say I am pro HE then yes I support that group over yours. But I do often support a lot of anti pro BE points whether it comes off that way or not, especially posters who don’t support HEs from a BE POV, I disagree but I will say I validate and respect their opinion.

Insults are being used to influence the discussion besides just being something that destroys any efforts at having an intelligent conversation.

Just ignore those jerks.


Contradict much? If you want to have an intelligent conversation or discussion, then maybe you should also stop it with yourself as well.