High Elf compromise

Think of it this way, every race has it’s own, unique, visual identity within the game, something players must play in order to experience. You can’t expect to fulfill the dwarf fantasy on the Horde, just like you can’t expect to fulfill the Orc fantasy on the Alliance.

Blood elves have their own unique identity within the game, something you must choose them in order to experience, the moment we state tearing this away from a race until there’s nothing unique remaining to them is when you’ve torn away everything that made them interesting, and players are obviously against that.

We’ve lost our model, which was only justified to us by the fact that the void elves would visually appear much different from Blood elves, so of course we don’t want the last visual theme of one of core races torn away as well.

Highborne are another matter, they’ve always been an Alliance race, we don’t play fair-skinned Highborne on the Horde, giving them blonde hair and human skin colors doesn’t detract from any theme Blood elves have because they’re entirely different.


Highborne is just an upper class of the Night Elves. They aren’t there own race, they are the same race as Night Elves.

Void, Blood and High Elves are all the same race, spread across both Horde and Alliance.

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Well I’m referring to a specific caste of Night elf, as those are the customizations we’re referring to. The fact that they’re night elves is the entire reason why it doesn’t bother Antis, because its not producing a high elf clone, it’s giving more options to a Night elf model. The problem has always been not wanting an exact copy of our race on the opposite faction.


And yet, that is exactly what happened when they gave the Horde Nightborne and the Alliance Void Elves. Yet, who is complaining about those?

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…which I, the player, have been calling for, for years.
There have been more than enough cooperative engagements, between Alliance and Horde, over the years. There are even times when we actually fought side-by-side: I feel right in naming the revolt against Garrosh, as one example.
But, predictably, blizzard then shoves all this aside for ‘business as usual’.
Gettin’ old.

Another change might be to expand the Panderan option; after the appropriate start zone, you get to choose your faction, irregardless of race.
If this is too dire for some…
(Like my Viking Elf)
Then, a long-asked for option might be…

True neutral; fighting for one or the other.
(subject for another thread I know; just throwing it out as suggestion here)

There are so many ways this game can be made, or remade, without stomping on other players’ toes.

These are my words.

Many players were upset about the Alliance receiving a Horde model, yet the justification was always that the Void elves had an entirely different color palate as to not infringe heavily on the Blood Elf thematic, which Ion goes over in the interview when asked about Void elves. It’s important to players that the distinction between the two remain, well, distinct.

Nightborne even got an entirely new model, and had their customization options severely reduced to not infringe on the rainbow spectrum of different skin colors available to Night Elves. (which is why they have the lowest customization options in the game.)

A Night elf can still remain visually distinct from Nightborne, but giving fair skin tones to Void elves would eradicate the only real thematic distinction between the two races. Giving Night elf fair skin tones would not infringe on any other race, especially not on the Horde, so reasonably players aren’t bothered by this new option for Night elves.


I doubt all those Gilnean and Night Elf players would agree.


If they’d stop writing stories where we go from allied against a major world ending threat to let’s burn down Teldrassil I’d be quite appreciative.

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hides Burning down Mount Hyjal expansion idea after Shadowlands

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Agreed! Especially my little nutcase here!
Sounds like fuel for some interesting stories, hmm?
That is, if Blizzard gets over its own admitted bias.
I sense a new thread idea coming on; I’ll think on it.

I see what you did there!

Not really, no.

I can count on you, as a critic!
I’ll get going on the first drafts!

Rubs hands together in gleeful anticipation of her first thread

And remember… I told you about the blue eyes. >:c

Stop starting trouble then. I expect to see no more ‘it’s worrysome’ etc. from you.

I don’t think that’s fair, there are worrisome behaviors and condoning of behaviors I’ve seen and I’m choosing to forgive, I don’t think the poster meant you any offense Starla. Another person who argues in good faith so there was no ill intention despite perceiving it so.


Folk have said harsh things in the past. They’ll likely continue to do so.

We can either go around in circles hoping they’ll not do that, or we can ignore it and move along.

Don’t feed the goading. Half these threads are always insults back and forth.

We’re all passionate regardless of what side we support.

waves at Alf

Did you do something to your name vowel it looks different!! Good to see you still supporting HEs :smile:

I am still questing, I got out of EK so once that happened it sped things up I kept taking the time to /bow to Sylvanas and the forsaken quest givers. Though seeing as BFA is heavy on those characters again I think I’ll be back to that soon.

Hopefully with BE undead skin tones, another reason I support the Void Elf fans getting the Alleria look! :smiley:

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Like the new mog Lann.

It will continue to be done if people think they can get away with it, imo.

Responding to it will continue it. Ignoring it will let it die.

No ones going to get anyplace if we’re just going in circles with insults. Most of us have seen it several times over in these threads.

Talking it out and trying to account for it isn’t working. Its time to let it sit in the silence. Mark em with a flag and let it be done.