To expect rhis game’s players to constantly accept ‘compromise’ , in any area, is only going to continue to raise legitimate questions over game quality.
With the developers’ admitted bias towards certain aspects of this game, there will continue to be no end of acrimony on these threads.
We would all do very well to quit jumping on one another; especially over perceived slights and get it through our respective heads that what someone else wants is NOT necessarily an attack on someone else.
I always find myself defending many of the anti arguments when it comes to Pro HE supporters coming off anti Blood Elf which I don’t care for. But yeah much worse has been said that speaks volumes to people who condone that behavior so I don’t know why the same olive branch isn’t being extended in this case to you. I think most of us argue in good faith after all.
We would not be bothered if Highborne got human skin colors, because we do not have Highborne on the Horde, we have Thalassian High elves. Night elves/Highborne look nothing like Blood/HIgh elves, so really we wouldn’t care, if anything it gives the Alliance their own personal version of what they want. The whole problem is we didn’t want a Blood elf clone on the other faction, what Night elves get has nothing to do with us because they have ALWAYS been an Alliance race.
This sounds more like you’ve become bitter, and jaded that the Anti crowd is so vehemently against fair skinned high elves on the Alliance that you think it extends to everything, that we’d actually care if Night elves got fairer skin tones and blonde hair, which they did get in the datamining, and you don’t see anyone freaking out on the forums, because it doesn’t matter to us.
I agree and yet certain comments aren’t byproducts of disliking someone and speak volumes so I wouldn’t just say that’s passionate jaded feelings. Which is why I said there are worse things, and the intention of the poster wasn’t a perceived slight, I advised looking the other way.
I think Alf said it best. And better than I could however.