High Elf compromise

No its not. The Highvale may have taken up some dwarven concepts, but any other High Elf is doing High Elf stuff just as the Blood Elves do. A decision not to feed on living things for mana is not a big difference.

Also the SC is even specifically formed based on the Farstriders… They modeled their largest faction off of a High Elven concept that is still held by the Blood Elves.

And they definitely can. Its stated that they fed on mana crystals, just not living things.

Look, I think High Elves on the Alliance is a good idea, unlikely due to Void Elves, but I am for it. Just stop pretending they’re not the same race.

They’re a different political party. One that verifiably serves the Alliance. That alone is enough. No need to invent things.

(I’m also Kyuu by the way.)


Lol when it is the majority of your race, including the prince (king really) it is the minority that split off to remain on the alliance.

I did not know this. Fascinating.

So how is it a different race?

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Ah. I was thinking the withered then.

Agreed. I couldn’t have worded it better myself.

Never said it was a “minority” group. I’m just saying that it’s the Direction by which the Group Splintered. The Larger group splintered off but that still left the High Elves as two factions of a Race, one that remained in the Alliance and one that went neutral before later joining the horde…
So the High Elves have been a Alliance Race for much longer then the Blood Elves have been a Horde Race.

Wasn’t actually “inventing” anything but fair point.

I’d argue that Vereesa has cut all ties with Silvermoon and tries to differentiate herself from them as much as she is able and the Silver Covenant has a strong Paladin influence (though only in Theme.) But I think that whole expansion sort of did…Including the Sunreavers.

My point was, the divide is there. Even if they’re the same race, I argue they’re a distinct PEOPLE. As distinct as differing Tribes of Trolls of the same branching family.

It’s odd that one might consider the king of an entire nation removing himself from the Alliance as not the de facto group but that the tiny, by comparison, percent that remained somehow has the greater claim.

The high elf kingdom left the Alliance before the events of WC3. WC3 just was the additional push (in an already bad situation for EVERYONE, Kael and the other high elves couldn’t know beforehand that Garithos was the way he was,) that cemented it.

High elves went Horde as a playable race regardless of “how long they were in the Alliance.” But that’s still the blood elves history at the same time. You can’t surgically remove the fact that up until that very point it was a shared history and that the blood elves get to claim it, too. A little over a decade of them not being part of the main group is a piss-poor stance of “uh but they’re different,” when they really aren’t.

They aren’t invalid they just weren’t chosen to represent the race in game playwise. It’s been intended since the inception of blood elves being playable that that was the race struggling with the events of their past (WC2-WC3) and overcoming it.

Blood elves are the future of the race and void elves are the void twisted variant/offshoot on the Alliance. In the face of all these developments including all the things even in the last few years it seems a bit weird to draw on the conclusion that that’s going to change.

I know people are asking for something they want, it’s just had many reasons starting in WC3 into BC and on that just has shown time and again why it’s a pipe dream.


You are saying this now.

But you said they were a different race. Not different faction.

And I’ll correct myself. People.
But as much as different Race as Wildhammer and Ironforge.

The Divide exists. Enough that one group can distinguish themselves from the other for whatever basis they choose.

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All good :slight_smile:

we will never compromise
we will never relent

Can you imagine if they made the Nightborne the Horde got, pale and fair skinned instead of blue? The amount of crying that would of happened would of destroyed the Horde better than Sylvanas ever did.

But it would be fair right? Since Horde gets fair-skinned and Alliance get blue elves. :man_shrugging:


Well, before the daily resets, here is my support for playable Alliance Quel’dorei.


It’s pretty clear you’re trying to make a terrible accusation without actually saying it. It’s not going unnoticed.

Just please stop being so unkind.

Funny claim.

I’ve only said Im against half-races since they are supposed to be RARE in Warcraft lore (as said by Kosak back in 2017, where he said that half-races dont have any established lore).

Not only that - but half races have also been shown off in a variety of different ways that has not been consistent to the game.

For example:
Arator and Alodi are supposed to be half-elves, yet use two different models (Arator uses the belf model, Alodi uses the human model).

Half-orcs like Garona, Leoroxx, and Lantresor have never received difference in appearance; even having the orc updated models.

The only time we have seen a stand out half-breed character is Rexxar, who received a brand new model because his original model looked like something from the PS2 during an expansion where he was taking up a major role.

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I do not think that’s what was intended Starla. I’ve been called awful things. And I give the benefit of the doubt, so perhaps you should extend the same respect, and as you know I’m very vocal on supporting the skin tone customization addons, here as a request, and in other threads where this diversity is being implemented.

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Then the same can be said of any and all ARs:
Branches of the lore tree only ADD; only when that tree is uprooted and replanted i.e., the constant retcons that go on, that the real damage takes place.

Too bad this spurious rage over what other players want and the efforts it generates isn’t aimed at how cutesey the Horde is getting and the melodramatic storylines being foisted on us.


What else do you think he means by ‘worrisome’ then?
We all need to stop bringing up the past, I’ve gotten over it and for the sake of this topic I think we all should. None of us are completely innocent of making unkind comments towards each other in the past but there is no reason for any of us to allow it to continue.
If you’re ok with his accusations…or want to gloss over them, that’s up to you. I’m not allowing these kind of things to be done without pointing them out.

I always forgive, but some behavior I just can’t condone and I think most people would agree some behavior is appalling. That’s why I was advising you to give the benefit of the doubt, because that’s not what was being said and worse things have been said. The Void Elf request for human skin tones like Alleria is valid, and no one is begrudging your stance on it.

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