High Elf compromise

I think some extra options for void elves would be neat, but nothing too much lile blood/high elves either.

Lighter skin tones, but still with that purple/blue hue, like the lighter night elf skin tones.

Some new beards and hair options, and maybe some alleria style tattoos. Maybe new tentacle options as well.

Alliace have already the coolest elven race, though the male model could use some work


I said the ideas in regards to Half Elves are being given to the Blood Elves (Yeah, skin colours).

I never said Half Elves are being given to the Horde.

Half elf half Tauren?

Still not explaining.

Explain please. How is skin colour indicative of half elf? If skin clour is indicative, half of the alliance races are half elves.

Damn it fezzy.

Half human half forsaken. Oh wait.

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Reminds me of the endless pages of Doubters and Naysayers who said the same thing about Pandas…


Half elf…


Half vulpera?


1/3 worgen, 1/3 tauren, 1/3 vulpera.

They all furries after all.


Not kidding, I’d play that.

Seriously though if they ever do half elves I think they should be effectively neutral, but with the twist of Half Elf Half Human (A) and Half Elf Half Orc (H).

It would be neat!

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The storm hammers are a warrior talent called storm bolt. Now ya sure it would have been nice to be them as an allied race, but if you can pick voice emotes and new voice options along with idk another heirtage or preexisting armor set for them to wear it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

I am not a fan of neutral race, which is the reason i kinda dislike the pandarens.

Though, exclusive half elf type for each race would be neat.

The father of the half orc/half elf better be a blood elf.

As a Void Elf that HATES the Over Saturation of Purple, I wouldn’t mind the ability to tone that down somewhere… But Not because I want Void Elves to be High Elves. Maybe make us light reverse Light-Forged, with light void coloration with Void Tattoos.

Actually, here’s a Better Compromise…

How about let Blood Elves actually choose to play as Neutral now that the war between the Horde and and the Alliance is finished and actually start to tear down their stupid Faction divide-along-racial-lines Crap that has stagnated the story for 15 years.

Neutral Blood Elves would not be a part of the Alliance but wouldn’t be at war/hostile with them either. More Races should be about to play as Neutral, without this stupid Faction Divide defining our way to play.

Blood Elves who don’t want to side with the Horde can choose not to fight for them. Tauren NEVER made sense to war against the Alliance besides the fact they joined a Faction bent on conquest. The Nightborne just never made sense at all.

Same with the Draenei (both variations) and possibly the Gnomes who’d rather not fight stupid wars anyway. Night Elves can go Neutral for the opposite reason.

War Mode now allows players to actually play according to how they want to play. Let players who want play the Faction War can play the Faction War.
Leave the rest of us out of it.

Aye I’d take it, the Storm Bolt power is the warrior one. Its basically what it would be sure, but I’d rather the racial and something with gryphons. Wildhammer though are one of my favorite groups in WoW.

That said if they’re going that far as you setup they might as well go a bit further. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aye, I think the slightly different flavor for each side would make this neutral race a little better over all than how Pandaren turned out.

No hate to my pandaren friends out there. You’re cool.

Fair enough. I have no problem with this. :slight_smile:

This is where i disagree though.

My own idea is for cross faction pve to be available. Alliance and horde teaming up against a greater threat.

Pvp shall remain. Horde and alliance, despite teaming up against a threat, are still fighting for resources.

I mean idk if they would do the voice options but at this point why not? I mean it’d make us have even more control of what we sound like, all humans shouldnt sound like a penny or a chad.

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Ah yes, the color options Night Elves are already getting.

Because I guess that’s all we can come to expect at this point.

That’s what I’m saying. That can still exist for players who want to play that story in War Mode.

It doesn’t have to be an Either/Or dichotomy.

I’d love that honestly.

Still want Wildhammer as a full AR but since that ship has apparently sailed… :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll take this.

some ethereal wrappings/bandages maybe.

Is anyone surprised to see this? This is literally the only reason you antis care about Blood Elves - their looks.

I’m 99% sure that all those times you guys have said “ThE oNlY reASon YoU GUys wAnt HiGh EleVeS is BecAuESE TheY’Re pREtTy.”, is actually just you guys projecting in an attempt to provide any kind of argument that you can think of, even if it’s shallow and doesn’t make any kind of sense.