High Elf compromise

If done well and done right, and the proper lore elements were added to the game, I would accept Half-Elves as the Alliance side High Elf story. It makes logical sense and does not conflict with any lore in game. But as I said, they’d need to be done well and done right and not just slapped together, tossed into the game, and then forgotten.


1000s of years apart though, everything changes over time

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I skipped reading the questline for unlocking lfd to be honest. I was unlocking them via a trial character and i was worried i would get kicked out halfway through or something.

My highest alliace was a lvl 100 at that time as i spent more time playing horde. With the 100% xp buff though, i am finally leveling my favorite race.

Iirc, LFD were just draenei infused with light, hence i was hoping for customization instead.

Yes but you wouldn’t change biologically from the race you were born as. They live for thousands of years. I think they are actually the longest living race in the game. Night elfs live for thousands of years blood elfs live for like 500-1000 years. and I think Drea just live for 10s of thousands of years.

i dont mean they biologically change. like if you continued living on a rocky planet, while one of your relatives lived in a meadow, you’d end up having different run, walk styles. at the very least.


would be awesome if they could roll the african and asian skins/features they are giving to humans, into half elves too.


The beauty of doing fan art. Less restrictions. More passion and more fun!

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Perhaps but they are pretty Military esc as a race in general.

and yet, and every idea in regards to the Half Elves has been given to the Blood Elves.

Name me 5 half elves on the horde.

On the alliance, there are:


Read my post properly instead of quoting only part of it.

Read your own post properly.

Where is the idea of horde half elves? Name me 5 horde half elves.

“every idea in regards to the Half Elves have been given to the Blood Elves

Yeah, skin colours…

Night elves are getting fair skin and blond hair in sl.

I am happy with that

By your logic, humans, gnomes, dwarfs, worgen human form, mecha gnomes, kul tiran, blood elves, are all half elves.

How is skin color an idea?

Edit: still waiting for the 5 horde half elves.

I would rather the Wildhammer be an AR. They’re not Bronzebeard Dwarves and they’re not DID.

Their storm hammers should be a racial and they should have gotten something to do with gryphons. Plus it removes them getting druid possibly which they could be in the rpg. While that’s not canon it would be a way to give alliance another druid and be neat.

Plus the Wildhammer were the first dwarves in the Alliance of Lordaeron. Not the Bronzebeard. It’d be nice to see them rise again.

That said, if they could give you emotes and voices and maybe even a slight change to their racials with the customizations they’re doing that would be swell.

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I have not once said Half Elves are being given to the Horde as a new Allied Race.

Not every idea. I wanted half elf half orcs to be a thing. :smiley:

You said the ideas of blood elves were given to the horde.

There are at least 3 half elves out of the top of my head on the alliance and 0 on horde. How is the idea given to the horde?

As for skin customization, how is skin colour indicative of half elves? Explain please. Otherwise, half of the alliance race are half elves by your logic.

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You just made me think of something i wished i didn’t.

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