High Elf compromise

I agree which is why if you’re saying I’m out to misrepresent you, I would have done so when a lot of people were attacking mine and others intelligence, and your wording sounded a bit the same. But I remembered you argue in good faith and don’t insult, so I gave the benefit of the doubt, which is the opposite of being out to misrepresent you.

Thank you for re assessing that then because I did not.

in the time it took them to do one face, gnomest probably made three new chars with full custom armor, landscapes, new animations, skin colors, unique weapons and eye colors… on wow models. lol

big companies have way too many people in the food chain who insist on being part of the process since it validates their job slot. not to mention farming art out to other countries, might be cheaper but sure alot slower.

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If ever you feel I am misunderstanding you, please let me know directly. You now have several channels with which to reach me.

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Do they look the same or extremly similar with human skin tone? Besides worgen humans. They look exactly the same as stormwind humans.

Do void elf look the same as blood elf with human skin tone?

I have a void elf toon yes. Have you seen the new blood elf eyes customization?

Are they exactly the same? No. Are they extemely similar? Yes.

We know elves are very prone to experience changes when using different types of magic. The first one to chsmge is usually the eyes.

Edit. I fully expect u to say void elf with human skin tone does not look like another race in the alliance. But they look the same as another race on horde. Almost exactly the same even.

Well let’s see they still wouldn’t look the same. Because they are void infused meaning they have tenticals that spawn out of there bodies. Furthermore you have an issue with them looking exactly like blood elfs “Voidelfs are blood elfs” But yet for some reason if I see two standing side by side in a full set of armor they look the exact same. So in the end that doesn’t matter if they look the same with or with out armor on. Which they wouldn’t because tenical hair. Also the Gnomes dwarfs etc dont look the exact same but that wasn’t what you aruged. You litterally argued them getting the skin tone option because previously stated races are also getting said options. Which as I said is a wrong thing to argue about.

coulda been avoided…hehe avoided, from the outset by just giving velfs an unique silhouette, which the helfers right here on the forums were asking for for helfs, to begin with. instead of hip jutting, head tilting, hip thrusting, like belfs when idling, they could’ve animated like a human, automatically a different silhouette. instead of using the same casting animations, though i adore belf casting animations, they could’ve been human casting or a mix and match. they made those little changes for nightborne but left you and i, outta that kind of special attention.

Same is true for lfd. had they given you an unique silhouette from normal draenei, you wouldve had alot more possible customizations. mark my words, nightborne are unique enough from night elves that they dont have to be limited when their time for customizations arrives, but you and i, are outta luck

I wouldn’t say out of luck voices just have to be raised for the correct things and not against people having more options. Which is bewildering to me that people don’t want a game to have more options.

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Yes. I agree with this.

Imo, i should be able to tell at a glance what each race is. Instead of guessing or clicking on them.

This is why i do not really support similar models.

I am bias though. I love draenei. But i love lfd more. I always wished they were just customization for normal draenei.

we raised our voices back when they asked us to voice our allied race choices, and they selectively chose to not listen to the majority of it.

top request for alliance - alliance high elves with an unique silhouette and skin tones from pale to black. not recolored blood elves but recolored/reanimated, alliance high elves.

top horde request - ogres.

you see any high elves or ogres?

second place alliance - wildhammer dwarves,now added as customization to bronzebeards. they look fantastic, dont get me wrong, but bronzebeards and wildhammers are different.

second place horde - san’layn. see any san’layn? venthyr females are the opposite of san’layn females. a sanlayn female is an exceedingly feminine vampire. a venthyr female looks like a guy in a wig. some have a widows peak that makes it look like they have a receeding hairline even, like male pattern baldness. lol

i get that they have their own ideas but dang, why ask if youre just gonna ignore most of it anyway.

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If i am the developer, i would not give high elf to alliance.

I would instead choose half elf. We all know the alliance elf numbers are really low, more the void elf, but that is a different can of worms all together.

We know that half elves are possible. See arator.

This could give them an excuse for a modified human model.

High elf = blood elf. Doesnt make sense to give a different model to alliance elf now do we?

See to me not sucha big deal for bronzebeard, they could add new emotes and voice to pick from as well to make it more hey ima wildhammer dwarf.

That is where we disagree I don’t mind similar models because I want people to play what they want and the faction they want. I want people to enjoy the game like I have and have hope for new amazing things to be added as well. The model doesnt matter weather it represents blue or red. It’s the player that represents it.

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oh i’m a half elf supporter. even made a thread about it and it was 404’ed


Agree to disagree.

Models should stick with own faction. If you want that model? Play that faction. Just like i am playing alliance draenei instead of demanding horde eredar.


well i theorized, just as i did with my half elf thread, that the alliance high elves that didnt follow kael’thas to outlands and stayed on the alliance had been living among humans for 2800 years, and as a result, adapted cultural norms, like walking, posing, etc.


I did not think that far lol.

It was something i thought about for like 2 minutes.

I mean im also some one who thinks every race should be paladins. SInce we know fel paladins exist and know using the light is just having faith. As well as void is the opposite of the light Void paladins should 100% exist as well. I support the choice of options to be given. I support the options of more options to pick how you look. i support TWOHANDED ENHANCEMENT.

same thing may even be truer for lfd. how long were the argus draenei separated from the azeroth draenei, in the lore? was it even the same timeline?

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it was thousands and thousands of years.

so lfd should be alot different than azeroth draenei. different run, different poses. etc. then theyd be freed up to have all kinds of customizations

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Well yes and no, we know Drea live for a very long time. So those might be the same ones who left with velen or went a separate way.