High Elf compromise

I can understand if some on the pro-side took issue with those Blue Eyes For Blood Elf topics we saw quite a few of awhile back because many of them were intended to antagonize pro-helfers… which I’ve always felt was silly because giving Blood Elves blue eyes does nothing to end the request for playable Alliance High Elves. It’s why I am not losing my cool over the datamined blue eyes that are likely coming for Blood Elves.

I personally feel that playable Alliance High Elves shouldn’t have glowing eyes at all. Many of the current Alliance High Elf npc’s have typical non-glowing eyes of varying colors like humans. That would be another way to differentiate them from Blood Elves imo.

From your posts it sounds like you and I aren’t necessarily at odds. Your opposition to playable Alliance High Elves seems to stem from bad behavior from people on the pro-side and suggestions that themes Blood Elves are currently eschewing (but are still part of their culture) should be appropriated for Alliance High Elves. I agree with you that this should not be the case.

While some shared themes seems inevitable (rangers/scouts are a fairly generic theme), my opinion is that the focus of playable Alliance High Elves should be more about how they’ve assimilated into a predominantly human culture. This, along with interbreeding with humans (which we are oft reminded of), would easily explain a modified Thalassian model, new idle stance, new hairstyles (especially ones that are shared with humans that Blood Elves don’t have). Some might say these are Half-Elves not High Elves, but I’d say the two being mixed together makes sense given the history and lore we’ve seen in game and out.

Just remember that not all pro’s are out to get you or take your stuff away from you. Just as I know not all anti’s are trolls eager to poke a hornet’s nest or taking revenge for being treated poorly when they went into a pro-helfer discord to voice their disapproval (gotta love that logic).

But there are a fair number of anti’s who will not accept anything remotely close to what pro’s are asking for. If it’s something the pro’s would accept, these people will adamantly oppose it no matter how reasonable it might be. And that is why this debate will never end.

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Let’s see.

Humans - human skin tone

Dwarf - human skin tone

Gnomes - human skin tone

Mecha gnomes - human skin tone

Worgen human form - human skin tone

Kul tiran - human skin tone

6 out of 12? (Too lazy to count) races on the alliance have human skin tone.

You are saying giving void elves human skin tone is diversifying?

will the high elves have a pipe and Tolken?

By definition, adding more variety, is diversification. It might not be diversifying the Alliance as a whole but it would be diversifying Void Elves in particular. I personally have been wanting a bone white and pitch black option for both hair and skin colors for void elves myself.


You can’t take the void out of the void elf and still be a void elf

Find a way to be pale blonde but still have the void aura somehow

But you can still have a broader range of skin tones and still have the void within you. Alleria is a fair example of that.


Then… play… a … horde… elf…

It is not difficult. This is homogenising void elf with blood elf.

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I’m not interested in playing Horde… and the Alliance has had these High Elf NPC’s supporting us for years. Sorry, I’ll keep asking for what I want and there’s not a darn thing you can do about it.

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Personally I hope they remove the timer and combat break for transformation toys on RP servers. Let people play a high elf paladin on the Alliance if they want to. Heck, let them play a trog paladin if they want to.

No I am not.

After several people already tried to insult intelligence in this thread, I had to very carefully read what you said and take my time so as to not misrepresent you, and felt that wasn’t your intention to do so, giving you the benefit of the doubt because you’ve not intended insult before.

So I can very much assure you I am not trying to “burn” you, you’ve had your points and I’ve had mine, but I am very much not understanding where you’re coming from on all your points about Alleria.


before velfs were even a blip on the radar, helfers were asking for modified helf so that it didnt have the same silhouette as a belf. in this way, we would have access to more customizations without confusing us with belfs. but the devs decided to only modify the silhouette of nightborne.

as a result, this is what velfs have very limited customizations, not simply because they are belf reskins but because no changes were made to the skeleton and its animations:

we cant have any human hair colors or human skin colors. we cant even have black skin, black hair, white skin, white hair or even dk light blue hair, because belfs already have it. and blue is our color pallete. we’re even denied things in our own color pallete if belfs already have access to it.

also, we cant be demon hunters or paladins, which means we dont have access to tattoes that belfs access as demon hunters, nor glowy green eyes, cause then we’d look like belfs. this coulda been solved if they had just put in some effort to give us an unique silhouette and animations.

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youre asking for void elves to be de-voided to look identical to a blood elf. thats not diversity. if you want to play that model with that sort of look, you can roll a blood elf

youre also ignoring how alleria became a void elf which was intentionally made to be impossible to duplicate

the game director already confirmed that high elves cant be added to the game because they are already in the game(almost 2 years ago to this date, happy 2 year anniversary everyone!) and no you wont be getting out of combat or blood elf skin tones for the same reasons you didnt get ‘high’ elves

you got your blood elf(high elf) model. take it and make of it what you will

hey at least they are finally being honest and admitting this was really all about light skin tones after all

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You think i like playing alliance? I am only playing it for draenei, which is my favorite race.

Are talking void elf with human skin tone or high elf now? Stop derailing and get back to topic.

You’re ignoring the fact that despite how Alleria became a Void Elf, Blizzard specified she is a Void Elf, and said nothing further to her being different, so its safe to assume other VE’s can have access to the skin tones as well.

If you want to argue for Alleria going full void, go ahead, we can both be hopeful Blizzard will listen to us in advancing VE customizations, I however want the customizations to be more void like and more Alleria like in the entirety of diversity that the skin tones now come :slight_smile:


If you this is your take on my argument, you have reduced it.

You are welcome to use waffle words or match adjectives. ‘But you only’ isn’t going to come across well.

Yes, picking only one example and using it to argue about something, though related to, which is beyond the scope of the conversation… even when my meaning has been elaborated on several times is nitpicking.

It’s also safe to assume that they can’t given the differences between them.

I have some bad news for you. Allied race is not getting more customization anytime soon, maybe sometime down the road, but not soon.

Which is a bummer as i intend to main this LFD come shadowlands.

we can only be blue. i dont think thats what i’d call alot of options. we dont have access to any other skin colors. i mean is there any other race in the game, that has only one skin color pallete.

The two topics oft get intertwined.

I personally would like both to be honest. I’m not so much wanting the exact skin tones that humans have on void elves, but I would like a broader palette for them. There’s a skin tone I would like that is close but not quite human that I saw when my character was on the Boralus boat and the sun was beginning to set. It’s more of a shimmering pearl color rather than something any race currently possesses at this time.

Here’s what I mean:

This is me with no photoshop… just good lighting as the sun was setting in game.

But I also want playable Alliance High Elves too. Failing that however, if Blizzard were to write the lore so High Elves are actually becoming Void Elves, then it’s reasonable for them to start having a broader color palette.

The process that created the original void elves was an accident, and for now unrepeatable (though dev tweets indicate the void elves are looking into it). But if Alleria and Locus Walker are training High Elves in the way Alleria became a void elf (which seems far safer than trying to recreate a ritual gone wrong), then it makes perfect sense for void elves to acquire that diversity of palette.

And those skin tones don’t have to be human skin tones. They can be unique to Void Elves.


yep velfs werent asked for. and what has to be considered is the lengths blizzard went to for creating them, rather than just making ‘high’ elves playable

why its almost as if they have no intention of acceding to this particular demand
