High Elf compromise

Let me ask you this. and im not trying to be rude but did you play the bfa story on both sides? and do the mechagon quest? Most racial leaders talk about how x isn’t so bad Goblins say working with the gnomes is kind of a good thing. etc That’s why alot of people assumed the faction divide was ending.

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They aren’t just void. In fact Ion described them as what? Another flavor of High Elf? And High Elves, and Blood Elves are receiving the human skin tone diversity pallet. And Alleria is described by Blizzard as a Void Elf in its entirety, they didn’t give a special definition to say “she is mostly” she simply is a Void elf, so its fair to request the customization options. There is no lore saying the VE’s are only blue for example, and Alleria proves it.

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I’m sorry
I’m really not overly cynical like this, just got real life things get me down right now and this stupid game is all I have…

If you’re down in life, getting into it with people online is a bad way to go.

But they can’t look that way 100% of the time, that is just a racial they have for out of combat stuff, and even there the writing of that racial is that their true form is their Worgen form.

I also happen to think that makes them a far more unique race than other ones though, they are quite literally the first shapeshifting race in the game that are two races in one. (Which is partially why I don’t like the Worgen aspect distilled to just being a curse, it should be regarded a race in its own right.)

When you hit rock bottom you can’t get any lower

Yup, the void flavor.

Sure. And it’s fair to request they go in another direction as well.

WoW heroes are the exception, not the rule.

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It can always be raining.

Which Alleria is a Void Elf, so what is the point?

And both requests can’t be done?

Except when they aren’t, and Blizzard gives NE’s the Night Warrior customization right before an expansion that hypes and focuses on customization.


She’s the exception.

They could, but they shouldn’t.

That’s pretty few and far between.

I can think of a lot of reasons such as me being tired of the tribalism I see in the WoW community, I know I engage in it myself so I’m not much better but I also know that I feel just tired and exhausted with it and I hate the divisiveness that Blizzard continues to push onto us to make us come against each other like this. I don’t think the faction system has led to a healthy community environment, as cases like this may show.

And even the dev team themselves don’t seem to really want to give it their all in with the faction pride stuff, as they dumped BfA’s faction war story much sooner than they did with MoP and dived faster into Azshara and Old God storylines, making the whole idea of the expansion feel like a scam in the process.

So yes, I’m 100% on board with this system being done away with for something much greater than just being able to play a Blood Elf and walk Stormwind’s cities, it is to better promote less potential toxic debates or everything constantly being seen like a competition when everyone should celebrate an announcement being made, rather than look at everything with resentment and jealousy or comparing who got better than what.

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Okay now I understand your stance I am more pro customizations I guess. And the arguments you’re using support your reasons why. I think I wasn’t understanding why you were focusing on why it can’t happen as if it stopped VE’s from also getting more void options as well. But you only want the customizations that you feel make sense? Despite Alleria being a valid reason for human skin tones to make sense on Void Elves.


It would also promote player agency and let players tell whatever story that they wanted. If that comes to pass then I would applaud you’re option to play a high elf, but as things are now WoW is a game of limitations. From this current point, I’d see the factions remain distinct with exclusive options.

I’m not allowed to have my own vision for the direction of the game? Do only your desires count?

Disagree. I don’t think she is.

I never said this, but if you think I did I have a list for everytime I felt others came off that way towards people asking for things too. I was trying to establish your position and you’re not pro customization it seems and that’s fine.


You think you know what diversity means, but that is not diversity.

How is it diversifying if you are going to make it the same as the horde elves? What you are describing is homogenising.

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Okay, but your reducing and misrepresenting everything I’ve said to try and burn me. I’m sorry if you feel I’ve done that to you.

So arguing for human skin tone pallet like Alleria has which would open the VEs to being able to be Void and human skin toned which would encompass all the new diversity options is not diversity? I disagree.

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The proof is in the pudding.

No he is describing diversity for the void elf players to not all be purple. It’s not homogenization if they get the skin tones of the race they already where/are. They are all blood elfs and that means all high elfs. It is very fair and reasonable for the alliance to be able to not simply be only purple elfs where as the horde can be purple and not purple.

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