High Elf compromise

You already have humans, tall stout humans, werewolf humans, short hairy humans, tiny bobble head humans, and cyborg tiny bobble head humans. That’s pretty homogenized. Let Void Elves add some spice to this bland Alliance stew. They already have shades of blue, let’s see them do something new.

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Great a classic player.
But as a matter of fact yes. There’s a list on Wowhead with every major change since 2004 and alot people consider mA pIlLErS oF thE gAmE!

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So perhaps we can expect your support for HE’s to get back to some things that are a bit more Alliance traditional approach?

Personally I don’t see why adding Void Elf options takes away from the options they already have, or stop potential more Void looks, Void Elf fans just want the Alleria human toned look on their Void Elf. And the Alleria look is very much skin toned void elves, thus diversity adding, and I see that as a good thing given they added diversity to human skin tones elsewhere in game, BE’s included.


All those changes were made and they are still firm on keeping high elves (the one’s with human skin) playable only on the Horde. Either it goes too far against their design philosophy or it’s not nearly as popular as people think it is.

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None of those changes are as intrinsic, or comparable to the importance of the Factions, so the fact that the first thing you jumped to was gear vendors makes me believe that you know this as well as I.

And I don’t play classic.

This feels too much like reaching.

And even in the examples you list they all look wildly divergent from each other physically despite having human-like color schemes.

I don’t see any new ideas presented that seems to want to move away from that.

The only way I think you can get divergent at this point is if we got a green skin race. :man_shrugging:

Also I’m probably not in the popular camp on this but I happen to not want more monster options for the Alliance because we have enough, unless it’s genuinely popular requests like Broken or Ankoan, although I’m more talking in the case of Void Elves because I think they should maintain being a race more on the beautiful spectrum than monstrous. Right now you have a larger community on the Horde side that’s ever growing and it seems as if the Alliance community is getting smaller as more players switch to Horde for better quality of life and the bonuses of how beautiful Blood Elves are.

There’s literally a thread for Night fae on the front page complaining about having too much human-themed races on the Alliance, and you honestly believe that the alliance has too many monster themes?

Okay, you’re clearly living in a bubble.

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I didn’t understand this sentence.

Because it would fundamentally change what Void Elves are, and hopefully Alleria will join the rest of them on the Willy Wonka tour. Making Blood Elf customization options available on Void Elves would homogenize the Alliance, and homogenize the Horde and the Alliance.

Yes, alot of them were. And even if they were not who cares, the games over 15 years old and the faction divide is more stale then year old potato chips

He doesn’t understand it’s the same model same silhouette so that argument he gives is by far the weakest argument you can give on the matter of I don’t think you should play the same model as my horde because it’s my horde no one elses. Then we say ok but people say they want the black and white skin tones too because they have the right to request it. Then he says that would make you have the same model as my horde because that would ruin my horde. When it doesn’t effect the game you are playing at all. He is prolly more afraid people would swap alliance with that option. Which if they do cool. Let people play the skin tones where they want with who they want. Because it’s all over our game we all play we all have the right to request for things and we all have the right to say that something shouldn’t happen. But to say you shouldn’t have skin tones is not something anyone should ever be against. You shouldn’t have to wear full armor and pretend you are a different skin color. let the true skin tone be shown that you want to play as.


Please give me one example of a change that was made that rivals the faction divide.

Well I don’t agree with them either as I think Kul Tirans and Mechagnomes are pretty nightmare fuel incarnate, one literally being a brutish race and the other are amputees.

Although Kul Tirans just happen to be both monster-like and human-like at the same time.

That’s been the trend too, we’ve gotten something uglier and less appealing where the Horde got something either regal and majestic or cute and funny, as is clearly the case you see in KT’s and Zandalari and then Mechagnomes and Vulperas added in their respective package.

I think the next set of allied races, if we even get them, definitely should be something that would make people want to actually play Alliance in bigger numbers, because Zandalari and Vulpera were successful whereas their mirror counterparts… not so much. :man_shrugging:

I’m saying you call for more other worldly races in Alliance, so I personally don’t see a problem with VE fans requesting Alleria’s human skin diversity pallet be opened up to them. But if you feel its important to only keep them blue to “spice” the Alliance up, perhaps you’ll support HE requesters to add to what they love about the Alliance as well.

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Why? No matter what I say you will just say ‘not uh’. Enjoy 1 hour wait times for BGs in a year

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How they look identical to Stormwind humans?

I’m for getting Jinyu or Anakoan with all the colors of the crayon box.

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Because it make Void Elves more human like and less void. Because it homogenizes them with the other Alliance races, and because it homogenizes the Horde and the Alliance.

There are more options than blue and human.

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In culture? Sure, but definitely not in aesthetic, they are savage wolves and that aspect of them is played up in some ways.

I don’t agree with Blizzard’s choice to make them just cursed humans, but they’ve been flawed on lore writing for the longest time and on an aesthetic level they definitely cover a sort of ground for Alliance that I don’t think can be treaded in a new way again.

I’m a rational person, if you offer a compelling example I would have no qualms agreeing with you. I for one would love for the faction divide to vanish, but I do not think anything that has happened in the past in evidence of it’s probability.

But if it’s going to happen, it better happen for everyone, and not to accommodate a request from small vocal minority.

You realize next patch most humans can have Varians face and hair. So you really don’t hold any ground with that argument of looking like a warcraft hero. oh and Worgen are getting a white skin tone for the worgen form as well as genns scars.

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So, if you go in your spell book under general. There is a button. If you push it you turn back into a human. It used to confer a different bonus, but these days I think it’s just cosmetic. So yes, they look exactly like a Stormwind human, even if they can turn it off.