High Elf compromise

they could have put murloc in the tag, they are not void elves, because void elves do not look like that.

It is the main problem with fanfiction, and people wanting that to be true.

Something which is already plentiful on the Alliance. At this point diversity is anything but that.


That went out the window with the NE customization for the Night Warrior look. I’m not understanding what I’m supposed to understand from this.

Honestly outside of their hairstyles, Void Elves don’t look convincingly that way to me at all, they are much too vibrant in color scheme and I think they could have much more than that, though it also doesn’t help that they don’t have a gothic style shown in any architecture they have and they seem to be more like wannabe ethereals than goth elves.

But that’s part of where my push lies along with the diversity of options I want to see. If anything the Forsaken project that image much more successfully because of the options they’re getting.

Blood Elves weren’t black-skinned before either until they got options to look that way as well, funny how customization can evolve to diversify a race’s image.

Actually, I would say we have a lot of blue and purple races of various shapes and sizes too, arguably we have that too with human skin races but it’s odd how the discussion turns heated and very divisive when it’s simply asking for an option of the latter as if it is treated as the holy grail of something.

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You’re taking on example which you can shape to support your desired conclusion and holding it up as a static definition, ignoring the multitude of other options. Address the appearance of Nathanos, Malfurion, and Illidain.

There are people asking to look like them too, what’s the issue? I don’t see you coming after them with as much vigor as you seem to be in this case.

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you are trying to make a fallacy of analogy here, just because A equals B, don’t mean C equals B

all the customization have evolved based on the race.

If you want void elves a different race, to get blood elf skin color, you are not asking for evolution, but devolution, making then the same they were before their transformation.

There is no diversity in wanting the diversity of other races, Void elves do not get blood elf skin color, neither blood elves get void elf skin color.

Is crystal clear

Said by you who just shot down a number of options for them that still look different from Blood Elves.

Because you just don’t want Void Elves to get better as a race, but alright then.


Imagine Void Elves being their own thing. Hair that looks like a starry night, that flows like it is under water or in space, white energy vapors or miasma, an unearthly glow, partially transparent bodies, naga like scales, Nzoth eyes, starry eyes, obsidian eyes, ect. The game is filled with many diverse void themes. There’s no need for them to be the same as most of the races on the Alliance. They would be better doing their own thing.

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hairstyles and tattoos, are not valid differences

Again, withthe strawman, cute.

But, yeah, i don’t want void elves to get blood elf skin color, same as i don’t want blood elves to get void elf skin color.

I’m trying to explain a point and that person keeps derailing it to avoid addressing it. It’s not ‘vigor’ it’s a failure to connect.

Which I would think was clear if you had read the post…unless you’re trying to push buttons.

Yeah just like no gear vendors, oh wait…

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Those aren’t bad, doesn’t mean they can’t have that along with other features that diversify their concept either though.

Although a part of me doesn’t see these options given to them unless they were like Demon Hunters and more implemented in class form, but I would certainly give them that too.

Making them look like humans doesn’t diversify them. It further homogenizes them with the rest of the Alliance.


The Night Warrior example just happened recently, and with Shadowlands being customization focused, I think it adds validity to encompassing looks of even the hero classes as you call it.


The rest of the Alliance? I would not really call the Alliance homogenized at all, as I do happen to commission artwork of some of my characters, specifically my Night Elf and Draenei characters, and artists I’ve come to who aren’t familiar with Warcraft and tend to draw human-like characters tend to actually surprisingly have a hard time of portraying them in an accurate way.

Honestly I would say the only race that looks close to normal are Humans and even there you have people call them out as looking very abnormal and more like hairless gorilla or neanderthal than normal RL humans.

Oh yes, you certainly got 'em, I’m sure in the Dev office right now they’re thinking “Hmm, you know, we changed our minds about the gear vendors, so why not get rid of the factions altogether.”

Boy, you sure know how to leap far.

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Want me to list everything else they changed?

Anything even relatively close to the importance of factions in WoW?

Or we gonna bring up things like wow classic?

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If you do list it I hope you don’t mind me bookmarking for future reference :slight_smile: