High Elf compromise

I disagree because better ingredients make better dishes. They cant pull out such top tier ingredients for every new Void Elf and even the most taught chef can only do so much with the ingredients they have,

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or they should have made Sylvanas an human undead who shows bones too, but hey, here we are.

it don’t, that is projection, again:

Again, void elves are not getting customization now, maybe not even this expansion, is childish to keep asking like you will.

Second, you will not ask the blood elf skin color to void elves and think no one in the horde will point how bs this is, simple as that.

That diverstiy pallet already belongs to blood elves, pick there.

diversity means everyone is diferent, not anyone get to look the same.

Void elves don’t get blood elf skin color, neither blood elves get void elf skin color.

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Alleria would appear to be the exception and not the rule. Like many of WoW’s hero class.

I’d much rather see her get Void Elf skin tones. Diversity for them can be much wider and further their uniqueness as a player race. There are many void themes to pick from.

WoW needs more diversity, which also means fewer human equivalents.


What did you expect them to say? Nope, never gonna happen? Even in Ion’s interview he doesn’t outright say no to High elves, because that is essentially what he’s telling the players, and even uses the infamous “You want to play a fair-skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed elf? Sorry, the Horde is waiting for you.”

We can tip-toe around the rabbit hole all day, but eventually you’re gonna fall in.

It is backtracking, as the purpose of their change was to evolve their lore from blood elf lore, into their own, unique, purposeful story. Not to backtrack into looking like Blood elves again, how would that help their story? How would that progress the narrative and their relationship with the void? It wouldn’t, it’s placing a stepping stone for cleansing their corruption, which defeats the point in corrupting them in the first place.

It’s not about pingeoning them into anything, it’s about embracing their theme, and story as an evolved race, not stepping them back into looking like Blood elves again. When you picked void elf you seemed to have missed the mark entirely on what they’re meant to represent, why they’ve taken up a new crest, and new creeds, embraced new traditions and their new relationship with the void. The story is centered around the Void elves’ struggle to find a way to cure themselves of the void like your suggestion does, instead their story involves embracing their new powers, and harnessing the chaotic void to their will.

I’ve seen plenty of beautiful, and creative takes on Void elves, and which directions they could be taken in. Just google Void elf art if you’d like inspiration, from gorgeous new shades of blue and purple, to even pink, or gray. But this is neither here nor there.

And regards to the different walks of life of Blood elves, none of my suggestions are taking away from any existing playerbase, those decisions are not transgressing into territory that had been established in order to implement them in the first place. You cannot claim themes that belong to a race when that race is not playable to you. Being previously Alliance isn’t some high elf exclusive theme either, ALL blood elves used to be alliance as well.

Then you can’t look like a Blood elf.

And you can, but please don’t act surprised when people defend a decision that was made to justify their inclusion in the first place. Void elves were changed visually to not infringe on the Blood elves and upset the existing playerbase, so when you go around asking to look like a Blood elf, you can be sure those very players are going to voice their concerns again.


You don’t seem upset that Nightborne and Night Elves share the same diversity pallet though.

He also said that they aren’t out there in that way. Which is a ‘no’ but in so many words.


I respect that but there are a lot of Alliance fans who fundamentally disagree with Nightborne being Horde too, and I applaud that move by Blizzard as well and disagree with the people saying Nightborne should be Alliance.

I’m the last person to tell you you’re not entitled to have your POV, and would never tell you to leave. But many antis do feel entitled to tell HE requests on Alliance to leave the conversation.

I’m also very much a BE fan and from my POV I find HEs add to the game for all involved. As for Void Elves this is a VE fan request imo to add the Alleria human pallet diversity range to VEs, I’m going to defend it yes but I don’t think it’s a HE agenda to do so, HE fans want Alliance Quel’dorei that never were Blood Elves, or went that route.

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And no where do they say she is the same either. Its disingenuous to ignore the method of her creation compared to the rest and simply hide behind the labels for them.

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they don’t share exactly the same, and they have different models to cover that :^)

Weird flex, but okay.

How do you figure?

Right, it’s only not childish when Blood Elves and Horde ask for everything, I understand now.

But no, Blizzard hasn’t said anything about allied race players not being allowed to ask what we want, because I certainly doubt Lightforged Draenei will keep a shorter tail than regular Draenei forever for example and it wouldn’t be in your best interest to call them childish for asking such either.

It may not come as soon as the core races, but I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that it will come and might as well make the request known now.

Cool, and you won’t point out how bs that is and think I won’t point out how bs it is that you’re putting something like this on such an unnecessary pedestal.

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They very much said she was the same, and there’s a source in this thread so scroll up. She is a Void Elf. Otherwise they would have said something else.

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I don’t think that’s realistic. They’ve stated they’re committed to the faction divide.

Void Elf can be the name of a faction or the name of the race. Not to nitpick or anything, but a lot of these arguments hinge on correct capitalization.

In a game where they are more one sided to one faction.

Maybe they still have plans for that. We can only hope!


Lots of people on all sides of this issue have been rude and obnoxious to each other about it. It’s become out of hand especially this week.
It’s time we stopped pointing fingers at each other and just tried to be better, imo.

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This is a lot of Pro HE fans pov on HE’s as well. Or the reverse works in this thread for VE fans wanting the diversity of the human skin tones. But in addition to those I hope they also get void like skin tones.

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is childish asking for something you may get only in the next expansion now, it have no point.

Ask when they announce they will do allied races, otherwise is just wasting time and wasting feedback of other races

People are talking about “wanting diversity” but i don’t see a single one of then asking customization for the core races who will get now, later they will cry because “horde bias” “only horde gets what they ask for”

Rly exhausting.

Because they will not get now, they already said, youa re giving feedback to the wind

its not me who is asking for something it will not happen now like your life depends on it

I never said she wasnt a void elf as a race, youre ignoring whats different about her because of a label, not the content of the person. Its like saying Night Warrior Tyrande is the same as all the rest of the Night Elves now because thats still her race.

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Not to mention the fact that I wasn’t even playing the game during Legion so I wasn’t around during that whole argument, but why let facts get in the way of a good soundbite? :wink: