High Elf compromise

I find it amusing some players reduce the Blood Elf theme to skin and hair color.

It’s funny if you think about it.

This would in fact help, here’s a better solution GET RID OF FACTION RESTRICTIONS.


To be fair though they are also already Alleria’s features, and she is also now a Void Elf.


You are the who had to use the straw-man fallacy to answer me, so i can say someone is being delusional if he think about delusions.

yeah yeah, the facade of “i just want diversity” to masquerade that in truth, you are just asking to void elves get the blood elf skin color, with a excuse of “b-b-b-ut alleria!11”, not gonna say you are the only one, but sure, go for it, rise that flag.

They are Alleria’s features, who is a Void Elf and is defined as such.


So you saying that Void Elves can get the same features as Blood Elves since Void Elves are exiled Blood Elves that are just infused with the void?


That’s certainly worth considering, but it’s another conversation entirely.

Yeah I very much do support diversity. So thanks for this interesting way of mocking me.


->support diversity
->wants the same color of the opposite race
-> making then exactly the same, making both less diverse

something is wrong here

Blame Blizzard, maybe they should have made Alleria a blue skinned elf like them.

Pity that, she gets to be a warmer toned elf while still having cool edgy shadow powers and still get to be called an edgy elf, even as per our own racial comments about it. I don’t know about you but that means Void Elves definitely can define themselves in a way that isn’t just a purple or blue elf, regardless of how you may want to bog us down because you are a Blood Elf partisan.

… Alleria is also a hero class and not a playable on the Alliance. Personally I think the Windrunner sisters are gross and are something I strongly dislike about WoW. Most of the major female Blood Elf characters shouldn’t coincidentally be shacking up with human males and if Alleria is a Void Elf in the same way as the others, she should look the part. Heck, at the very least her eyes can change.

Ugh opening up the new human skin tone diversity pallet to Void Elves is very much so a stance to take in supporting diversity. You’re describing exclusivity.


What does that even mean lol?

Our player characters are big darn champions and heroes in our selves and we just bunched an Old God at the end of this expansion.


Eh, not really. Void Elves aren’t a human equivalent race. Their options should represent Void themes - which are much more diverse. Look at the Naga, the ethereals, the vapors in Pandaria, void demons, ect.


ehhh… Alleria is a Void Elf, true but she is also fundamentally different from the others. She absorbed a Void demi-god and a dark Naaru. Those really cant just be pulled out for every new Void Elf and the original group was made as an accident by stopping a transformation partway.

Feels a bit like how Tyrande became the Night Warrior but any night elf can get black eyes.

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Blood Elves very much are. Gnomes are getting the customization I believe as well. I applaud it all. And Alleria is a VE and has a human skin tone, so opening human skin tones in their entirety of diversity up to VEs is very much the same thing we’re seeing else where and I applaud all of it.

Personally I think it may have something to do with merchandise and her existing inventory. The cost of updating it.

I don’t think it was the absorbing of a Void Naaru that allowed her to keep her own features intact, I think it was the years and years of training she endured under Locus-Walker.

Who also happens to be giving that same training to a new generation of Void Elves in their little rock area, actually.


The devs describe her as being the first void elf, and is very much a void elf. Nowhere have they described her being biologically or fundamentally different from others. That’s you assuming she is.

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There are many of us who disagree with them getting that. We objected to High Elves being alliance because they would be basically Blood Elves given to the Alliance. Helfers said, ok let’s make them look completely different. It’s like helfers understood why many of us object to giving the Alliance a Blood Elf.
Well blizz actually did this only, thank goodness, they didn’t give the alliance a perfect match they made it a little different and it was the compromise.
So now after all this helfers are still asking for a Blood Elf look alike.

It’s fine if you want to ask, no one can stop you. But everyone who has been involved with this discussion the past couple of years should understand why there are Blood Elf and Horde fans who would be against this.
And I for one am not going to go away about it.

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