High Elf compromise

If you want to play the light skinned elf, Blood elves are waiting for you. I’m not going to support any request that takes away what makes Blood Elves unique.

Your requested feature is redundant and would help destroy faction identity and hurt the game itself. I don’t want WOW to turn into a game where factions don’t mean anything. My request isn’t selfish. Yours is. Remember that.


I thought Trollflake was a cool name. Wasn’t doing it out of spite or anything. But sadly, just can’t really think of what to really go as.

You’re clearly not.

Didn’t see you complaining when that exact thing you’re afraid of literally happened in Legion with Void Elves.

Which also goes to show you didn’t read the actual requests which specifically states that High Elves should have a Zandalari and Kul Tiran change to them in regards to the Blood elf skeleton, specifically to differentiate them from Blood Elves.

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And do you have a bridge to sell us too?


Lots of people were complaining, and the ONLY saving grace was the fact that they were purple, and visually different from Blood elves.

So you can imagine how those people feel when the one thing that placated them is being requested to change.


The exclusivity of playable high elves are a feature of the Horde and making them playable on the Alliance would neutralize that feature. The distinct choices for both factions is also a feature and making high elves playable would blur those lines. We want to preserve the features that we have.

No, my point is you’re just framing the situation so you can harass people while you act justified. And I’m not your ‘dear’.

As do we.


Yeah, plenty of them actually. All over the Echo Isles

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Which is as silly as the people upset Nightborne went Horde.

Nightborne players have asked for more Night Elf faces and customizations to help them like their models more and I don’t see anything wrong with that either.


Well, then you should’ve made threads claiming that Void Elves were a mistake to give to the Alliance too, since Void Elves are the same race as Blood and High.


And we were specifically told not to give up hope when another dev was asked if Void Elves could have Alleria options. Not Blood Elf options, but Alleria.

Though I do distinctly recall you shut that down once because you value Ion’s word as it agrees with your worldview more, but whatever the case may be they are open to the subject anyway.


  • When asked if customization for Void Elves along the lines of High Elf fantasy would ever come, Blizzard responded that there’s always a chance but be respectful when making feedback posts.

Well we just simply disagree on it being a backtrack, as I moreso see it as an evolution of their story and how they’re coming to control the Void.

But again, I don’t think we’re going to meet a rapport on this one, what I want is being seen by you as something being taken away when it is simply to have more diversity in aesthetics and customization options for my race that gives further unique images and RP potential, I don’t so much agree with your stance as what you want seem to be to pigeon-hole them into only being a singular thing as a society of people (which they should be, and not just the military army thing that Blizzard has stuck with them) you are advocating it as retcon when really it is just adding more to them and what they represent compared to the other elves in the story.

And I have yet to see what options people have brought to the table, although the ones I’ve seen across different forum communities have not looked very creative or interesting to me and just further pigeon-holes them into one singular path of RP which is simply to be Umbric’s small army of void cultist researchers and not more interesting things like elves that come from various other walks of life who went about the Void infusion differently like Alleria did or have more of a history of being Alliance members.

Now I’ve personally seen you support not only that Blood Elves have the option of being Horde loyalists, but also that they have members who were once Alliance loyal and saw a change of heart and decided to be with the Horde, if you are okay with that from a lore standpoint then I don’t see what the big deal is with it in regards to Void Elves and seeing that represented in their customization.

I don’t want your Holy Light culture and Knight champion themes, I don’t want your loyalty to the Horde or love of Orcs and Undead, I don’t want your Sunwell, I don’t want your golden spires and green forests, I don’t want any of that.

I want to be able to play a Void Elf with as much rich diversity of RP options as the other elves, besides just the skeleton lore that Blizzard has given us. Simple as that.


And again, not all races get to look like their leaders, you are not the specials ones who do.

Forsaken do not get to look like sylvanas, but they do look like Lilian voss
Orcs do not get to look like Garrosh, but they do look like Thrall
Night elves do not get to look like Malfurion, but they do look like Tyrande.
Void elves do not get to look like Alleria, but they do look like Umbric

You are delusional if you think you will get a better treatment than those races, when the very alleria look is the same of a Blood elf

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I did have a problem with it. Including Nightborne. But it’s time to move on. Just be glad they moved the bar.

Unless you mean just a blue face tattoo, than those are one and the same.

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Clearly it’s not silly if an overwhelming amount of players voiced their concern, a concern that was taken seriously enough to alter Void elves enough to maintain an appropriate visual disparity.

At least Nightborne were given seperate models, but then suffer tremendously in the customization department because their counterparts Night elves have myriad of colors to choose from that the developers had to limit the Nightborne options. Now Nightborne have the LEAST amount of customization options out of ever race in the game.

I’ve never seen this request, I’ve never seen a megathread, or even a thread asking for Night elf themes.

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Yes, I would like the tattoo options too.

The ones Blood Elf fans are asking for it seems as well and will probably tell me I don’t get to ask for because Blizzard gave it to them instead.

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While there will always be outliers requesting ridiculous things (because it is ridiculous to ask for something to be taken away from from one side or the other), it still is absolutely true that the pro-side has offered numerous suggestions on how to differentiate Alliance High Elves from Horde Blood Elves.

I don’t see the pro-side attacking requests for Blood Elves to get this or that feature to anywhere near the same degree that the anti-side jumps on requests for playable Alliance High Elves. But that might be purely my lack of seeing it.

You see, my dear, I don’t make a habit of visiting topics requesting features for Blood Elves just to poo-poo them.

Also remember… that those themes you feel would be “ripped away” would not actually be taken from you. Some might be shared… they are all still Thalassians after all, but if playable Alliance High Elves ever happen, you would lose nothing, nada, zip, zilch. So I wouldn’t worry too much about that.

Any pro-helfer making comments about taking Silvermoon or some such nonsense is obviously delusional. There is a certain order to game design after all.


Please refrain from name calling just because you disagree with my stance on supporting more customization options.

I want more things for all races in game I hope everyone gets things they want and have been asking for that’s why I’m pro customization options.

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Anything the Alliance really does ask for goes to the Horde. Should come at no surprise with anything these days


That’s because high elf features already are Blood Elf features.