High Elf compromise

Do undeads look like Sylvanas?

Do green orcs get to look like Garrosh?

no its not a valid request

Void elves already look like their other Leader, Umbric, you can live with that.

You don’t want new customization, you want old customization, the ones already exist in blood elves, to be given to void elves.

We can also live with asking for things whether you like it or not, it’s not a huge sink of our time or anything either as I’m enjoying the game while I come discuss here. (If anything it’s the lag that’s keeping me from that… man why does the game lag so bad???)

This. /10chars

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You didn’t actually make any sort of point there my dear. You might be trying to imply that I’m asking for what I want out of “spite or selfishness” but that’s clearly not what I said in what you quoted nor is that my motivation. But it seems like it might be yours with how much it stung you.

I am asking for a feature I want. One I’ve wanted for years. No amount of opposition will prevent me from doing so and to continue to do so until I get it or the game shuts down. Period.

Does that make me stubborn? Absolutely! But that doesn’t make me selfish or spiteful. As a paying customer I have every right to ask for a feature I want as often as I want, even if the answer is no… until the answer becomes yes.

So if anything you’ve only reinforced my point. You are only here (and in every topic that mentions High Elves) to oppose my request. You aren’t here to ask for a feature. You are here to deny a paying customer a feature they desire. What you are doing is very different from what I am doing.

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Blood Elves might soon look a bit like her if undead customizations come into play, but I’m pro customization on things.


The reasoning has been explained numerous times. Horde players don’t want a carbon copy of themselves on the other faction. Period. You have the right to keep asking for it (no one ever claimed that you didn’t) and others have the same right to keep asking for it NOT to happen, from now and until the game shuts down. We’re paying customers too and our opinion is just as important, whether you like that opinion or not.

But you are.

When Ion was asked about why the void elves were visually changed from Blood elves and high elves, he specifically mentioned not wanting to infringe on the Blood elf visual theme. So by asking that your void elf LOOK like a Blood elf, you are asking for a theme that was specifically changed to justify them in the first place.

It’s not just about story, it’s about gameplay, and visual themes. I’m not saying that Void elves are singularly defined by anything, but that certain themes were deliberately changed as to not infringe on existing themes. So even if a Void elf might have a different story than a Blood elf, it doesn’t really matter if both models look identical. Ion didn’t justify his decision to add Void elves by changing their lore, he justified adding them by changing them visually.

So to then backtrack on that original justification that served to placate the existing playerbase by changing would make absolutely zero sense.

They can have more options, but those options don’t need to be centered around having natural skin tones. There are many options available to them, but it seems like you’ve missed the point entirely for Void elves if you think the best direction for them to go narratively is backwards, and not in the same direction that justified their inclusion in the first place. In fact make them more voidy, embrace their theme and narrative, not contradict and undermine their very purpose from the start.

The Blood elves were not designed under any existing precedent or justification, there were no visual themes or story implications they had to worry about infringing on, so the devs were free to take them in any direction they saw fit, this however does not apply to Void elves, who were designed very carefully as to not upset an existing player base by changing their fundamental appearance.

And they can be beautiful, (And they already are.) but that doesn’t mean they have to look closer to Blood elves, or that they need human skin tones. Emphasis on what makes them already unique, build on their story, not detract from it by undermining it.

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like i said, waste your time whining and asking for customization to allied races, when may not even happen in this expansion, instead of asking for customization to the races that will get new ones.

That is all up to you

Then i flip the coin to you, blood elves already look like Alleria, so?

No, only some people on the forums. Not everyone who plays on the one faction.


Alleria is an alliance character? So you’re saying Blood Elves stole Allerias appearance? I don’t think that’s fair to say.

I think it’s fair for Alliance Void Elves to request to look like their Alliance affiliated Elf Alleria, yeah.

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And numerous times those asking for playable Alliance High Elves have suggested ways to differentiate them and every time the other side shoots those suggestions down. The circular arguing shows no sign of abatement.

Just remember though. Even though we are both paying customers, what you are doing is very different from what I am doing. I am requesting a feature. You are requesting that another customer be denied a feature. The two are very different things.


This seems like the best solution to me-
2-3 non-void hair and skin tones and eye color options for Void Elves would resolve the issue for 95% of people, i think.

Nico for president


My allegiances are already to Sylvanas Windrunner, so I can’t second this per se, but you have my unofficial support for this statement hehe :smile:

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It would be an acceptable compromise for me as long as the lore explanation behind those new customization options is that there are a few High Elves turning into Void Elves.

I’d definitely be happy, yep.

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This isn’t true though.

As many of the playable Alliance demands involve tearing away themes intrinsic to Blood elves. Can you say with a straight face that Blood elf customization requests like Tattoos, braided hair, etc, all things found in Blood elf history aren’t met with outright hostility by Helfers who feel those themes belong solely to them?

I would never had a problem with the helf cause if more than half the time it didn’t involve trying to rip away themes from Blood elves.

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Is this supposed to be a joke?
So funny!! No way could it be mistaken for anything else but super light hearted humor.


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Alleria appearance is the blood elves appearance, they are like that before she even born

Because most of then were obnoxious suggestions that revolves around changing hairstyle and shoving some tattoos on then.

you are asking a horde in the alliance.

people are asking they do not do that.

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And Alleria remained looking like it after she became a void elf which confirmed by Blizzard she is a void elf. And void elf players have a valid request to look like her.

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