i don’t think its fair to spam the forums
I don’t think it makes even sense to ask something that you know you will not get now.
Alliance should be focusing on asking customization for races that will get the damn customization now, not wasting time asking for others, later they will say that blizzard didn’t do what they want, well too bad if you spend 6 months whining about void elves not being white and blonde.
it don’t, you don’t get to look like your leader always.
See Sylvanas and her undead.
It is not valid because her color is blood elf color.
This i know because is what we are getting with the datamine
Orcs get more orchish colors, Trolls get more troll colors, Night elves get more night elf colors, Draenei get mor draenei colors and so on.
Because it look exactly like blood elves and that would invalidate all the reasons they are different in the first place.
If blizzard wanted to give void elves alleria color, they would have done from the start
If you want alleria esque options play a blood elf, they are there,
Is rly amusing people just wanting to get Void elf to look like BE/he, using the facade of “diversity”, dude, no one is being fooled by that.
you can replicate that experience by playing a blood elf
damage control