High Elf compromise

I agree. There isn’t anything in the lore to suggest that any future Void Elves would be transformed to being purple or blue like how we have Void Elves today. But that isn’t really saying the lore is changing because of a players request.

The Void Elves are only purple or blue or which ever colour, because the ones we have, are the ones that were transformed by the Void Etherals. Alleria saved Umbric and his followers from the full transformation to the Void. There is no lore to to say, “any future Void Elves will be transformed by Void Etherals”

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Agreed, the request is about asking to have that same “all walks of life” nature added to the Void Elves for better RP purposes and diversity, as what seems to be used to defend the options being given to Blood Elves.

I think the idea of having more of an Alleria look would help support the potential RP of Void Elves who weren’t Blood Elf turncoats, but High Elf loyalists, who looked up to Alleria as an example of how to control the darkness and see how it can be used more as a tool, embracing it like Umbric’s followers have but seeing it in a different way than they do.

This could also establish a point of character development for High Elves who previously hated the Blood Elves for their willingness to succumb to dark and twisted magic to survive, showing their ideas about it change a bit and seeing its potential as an approach to help the Alliance.

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That’s kind of what they did with the BE narrative in BC though.

I’m not saying it was done to appease player customization, I’m just saying things are done differently with a focus on player customization so it’s fair for a player to see customization they want in this case Alleria one of their leaders, and ask Blizzard to make lore, and in the case of Void Elves they need to make lore anyways.


Okay but these are two entirely seperate examples.

In one example, a choice was made to justify a decision to existing players. This shouldn’t be changed, as it was the very reason why players were okay with it.

There is no reason why the BE narrative should stagnate and remain the same, the choices made to the BE narrative weren’t revolving around justifying something to other players, there is no principle they need to uphold.

Do you not understand why these two examples do not correlate?

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First and foremost void elves are not getting customization right now, is time for the “core races”

Second, they will not get customization that is equal to blood elves, that is completely against the “focus on player customization”, no its not fair that void elves get to look exactly like blood elves, is like giving exactly human living skin to undeads, is obnoxious.

Void elves will get more voidish skins later.


Yes, just like the Void Elf narrative, I would like for it to grow and evolve and see more RP potential added to them. I do think the hyperfocus on the Void is perhaps stifling and can pose that risk, but I think with more growth in how they master and control it, plus take after Alleria’s teachings, that would help them to grow and evolve into a race that can be just as compelling as the other elf choices.

As it stands right now their lore is very weak and I wish I could enjoy them more, but Blizzard will just say no to me on that for the time being I guess.

This we know. But it’s still fair for players to ask, and Blizzards statements on Alleria BEING the first Void Elf make it a valid request to find a way to look like her, they need lore anyways. So their requests should come with new lore.

This you know because you work for Blizzard? How do we shut down wanting to look for Alleria esque options on the basis of its not being worked on right now. But this other request you view as fact. Both are fair to ask for I hope they get more void options and Alleria esque options varying to encompass the new diversity we’re seeing from BE’s and humans and the races in general.

The void elf narrative doesn’t need to stagnate, but it certainly doesn’t need to go in the one direction the Devs deliberately changed to justify their inclusion to existing players in the first place. There’s so many different directions the Void elves can go narratively, and yet the only direction you want to take them is backwards, back to looking like Blood elves, the one thing the Devs said they felt they needed to change to not infringe on Blood elves and upset one of the largest player populations.

Lore can be changed, and it very well should be changed, but that does not mean that it should be changed in the one direction they deliberately changed it from to justify them in the first place.

Yeah cause retconning the Eredar and creating the Draenei out of the blue was a natural progression of the story.

Retconning Suramar from a flooded city to a hidden Arcane bubble was a natural progression of the story.

The very concept of Void Elves was such a cohesive, meaningful, natural progression of the story, of course.

Kul Tiran mages were also a natural progression of the story, in spite of the fact that, other than Jaina, they don’t exist - player requesting KT mages had absolutely nothing to do, nope.

Players asking for Thalassian elves to replicate Alleria’s experience, which would open the door to further customization options such as more natural skin and hair tones for Void Elves, when no other than Afrasiabi himself said it was definitely possible and told us to ask for it on the forums, that however is lorebreaking and completely disproportionate. Yep. Not suspicious at all on your part.

Enjoy your blue-but-not-really-blue-eyed Blood Elves, ma’am. If they ever come.


There was no reason NOT to retcon Eradar, or create Draenei out of the blue. There was no big decision that said “We’re going to make a retcon, but I promise we won’t change eradar or the Draenei” and then after doing some retconning, decided to retcon them anyway. That’s the equivalent of what is being asked right now.

Again, there was no reason not to retcon it, there was no decision that stood in it’s way, or player mechanic.

In fact in all your examples there was never any executive choice that stood in the way of these narrative decisions, so it makes very little sense for you to attempt to correlate it with the Void elf request for fair skin, when the VERY reason the void elves look blue was to justify their inclusion to players.

You do not tell someone “Hey, we’re going to do this, but don’t worry we’re changing X, and Y” and then after it’s implemented and players are okay with the changes made, you turn around and go “So we’re changing X, and Y now”

One of these examples is not like the other.

To support fan fiction and role player sessions.

No one is asking that though?

Not at all, but it is clear that we both look at it in different ways, as I don’t think a Void Elf regresses back to being a Blood Elf by just simply looking like Alleria. What would really make them regress is if they were purified entirely of their Void powers and never used them again, and then their personal racials shifted to something more Holy or Arcane. THEN that would be a case of them going back.

But that’s not anything anyone is asking for to my recollection… moreso just to ask to have options that display more diversity in how Void Elves are potentially corrupt or how they see the void or the levels of Void infusion they have taken in during their training and what their elven background stems from. They can most certainly have skin tone options that almost somewhat resemble Blood Elves even but are not the same, merely only identical, just like as you once outlined with blue eyes earlier.

Among other things.

What I am personally more torn about is whether or not the Void Elves should go more monstrous or more elegant and beautiful path like the other elf races, personally I’m more fond of them picking up the “monstrous on the inside” theme that the Blood Elves once had before the BE’s became righteous holy crusader elves, and I would like Blizzard to experiment with the idea of Void Elves being a beautiful race while also still practicing a dark and dangerous magical force.

But that is just me, I personally think we got plenty of brutish and scrappy monster options already like the Kul Tirans and Mechagnomes, to where I think the Void Elves should go more the route of being a beautiful and pretty race like the other elves, but still have a level of diversity in how they are allowed to be RP’d and portrayed.


I may not be the person you were asking for defense from but here’s my response:

I’m a paying Blizzard customer . That alone gives me the right to ask for features I want added to the game. Plain and simple.

If I get the feature I want, I’d enjoy the game more and I would be less likely to go on hiatus when the game is in “suck mode” (like I am about to do now that I have my void drake) because I’d have the feature I want to keep me playing. There’s is nothing wrong with asking for the feature I want to be added to the game. And even if the answer is “no” the first time, to quote Ion “anything is possible”, so I will keep on asking for what I want until I get it or the game shuts down. There’s nothing wrong with this.

On the other side of the coin, those asking that I not get the feature I am asking for aren’t asking for a feature. They are asking that another customer be denied what we want, that they we a diminished experience with the product, and consistently show up to harass those asking for this feature.

Whether its out of spite, selfishness, trolling, or some other reason, there is a stark difference between me asking for a feature and you asking that I be denied.


i don’t think its fair to spam the forums

I don’t think it makes even sense to ask something that you know you will not get now.

Alliance should be focusing on asking customization for races that will get the damn customization now, not wasting time asking for others, later they will say that blizzard didn’t do what they want, well too bad if you spend 6 months whining about void elves not being white and blonde.

it don’t, you don’t get to look like your leader always.

See Sylvanas and her undead.

It is not valid because her color is blood elf color.

This i know because is what we are getting with the datamine

Orcs get more orchish colors, Trolls get more troll colors, Night elves get more night elf colors, Draenei get mor draenei colors and so on.

Because it look exactly like blood elves and that would invalidate all the reasons they are different in the first place.

If blizzard wanted to give void elves alleria color, they would have done from the start

If you want alleria esque options play a blood elf, they are there,

Is rly amusing people just wanting to get Void elf to look like BE/he, using the facade of “diversity”, dude, no one is being fooled by that.

you can replicate that experience by playing a blood elf

damage control :joy:

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To that I say, welcome to finally understanding how Alliance players feel when it comes to Blizzard deciding on what races to give us. This is the entire issue with the Void Elves too, and I’m afraid the discussions will just keep looking like that because the devs themselves haven’t bothered to fill out the blank canvas that we are.

Maybe that’s meant to reflect the entire theme of the Void Elves though, they are insane, the decision to implement them was insane, and their lore is a mess of insanity because the Void is itself an insane force of pure randomness.


So you’re against customization options? That’s an odd stance to take I am happy for everyone getting new things and happy to see people requesting new things as it shows a love of the game which Blizzard encourages.


There we go.

Stop using the straw-man friendo, you don’t need that.

We’re allowed to ask for Void Elf options… whatever vaguely nebulous options those are is anyone’s guess because they don’t seem to outline it or explain what they are with any vehemence that they do Blood Elf options.

And I would consider the Alleria aesthetic to actually be a Void Elf option, ironically.

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That’s essentially what you’re saying? Alleria is a Void Elf as purported by Blizzard. Void Elves have a valid request to look like her.

I don’t support anyone trying to speak ill of or in disagreement with any of the new customizations. I’m very much pro customization.