High Elf compromise

Hey, you leave my Trollflake alone.

Well, I patently disagree and you’ve chosen to try to do a weird experiment of showing three identical colors together and argue that they are wildly different from each other yesterday and I think if it came down to the topic of skin tone choices I think you wouldn’t be half as willing to use that type of argument.

Blame Blizzard, they are the ones that put Alleria and the Void Elves in the same basket and have pretty much defined them as being the same way even if they reached the end result differently, that still doesn’t change that they are one in the same as a people.

And all I humbly request is that they bridge that even further by letting us be able to look like her and be closer to her in looks, just like there are Forsaken fans that want to look more like Sylvanas by having access to undead elves in a similar sense.

But either way, just because the way they were made was not one-to-one completely identical in the instruction manual, that does not mean that Alleria is not a Void Elf.

And with that I would even leave you with a link to the upcoming novel and the race that even it describes Alleria as being:


“The Horde is nothing!” With those infamous words, Sylvanas Windrunner betrayed and abandoned the Horde she vowed to serve. The Dark Lady and her forces now work in the shadows as both the Horde and Alliance, including her own sister, Alleria, race to uncover her next move. Struggling to shoulder the crushing weight of leadership, King Anduin entrusts the void elf and High Exarch Turalyon to uncover Sylvanas’s whereabouts.

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The blood of trolls run within all of us

Oh do you have an official source for this? A dev explained it?



What IS the High Elf fantasy though? And no, I doubt Blizzard would agree that it’s a bunch of scantily dressed High Elves /sighing dreamily at their human Paladin ‘allies’. I mean this isn’t Goldshire RP for pities sake.

Now if the Void Elves / Future High Elves were more like their leader ‘used’ to be…

“Do that again and you pull back a stump.”

Now THAT’s the kind of Elf I can respect. Almost makes a Night Elf look tame, no?


Wasn’t it said Alleria IS a VE, the first VE or something. And people try to make her out to be something else because of her experience? What’s to say other VEs can’t look like Alleria?

This is entirely valid for Void Elf fans to want.

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Enjoy that wait. I am still waiting for someone to link to an official source where it says Void Elves are a different race to Blood Elves.


No, Blood Elves can’t have Blue Eyes, at least not yet. So they would be remarkably different.

Don’t Void Elves do that now despite the lore saying they literally can’t touch Paladins? I don’t know, haven’t paid attention to the RP climate on the servers.

From what I understand that’s Alleria mainly. Another facet of the lore in need of explaining. I moonlighted for a week or so as a Void Elf but the lack of real lore turned me off of it. :frowning:

I thought Ion confirmed they are the same race when calling them another flavor of High Elf, which is what Blood Elves are. And the true Alliance Quel’dorei in their entirety as in they never were changed is what HE fans are asking for.

To be against this void elf request seems silly to me.

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I just remember that Nixxiom video where he said Void Elves are all ERP’ers pretending to be goth gf’s and I just wonder how true that really is. :joy:

The Blood elf lore being changed wasn’t to accommodate any request, I’m not sure why I have to keep repeating this. There was no reason for the Sunwell to remain corrupted/destroyed, it was not to justify any inclusion, or player request, it was a natural progression of the blood elf narrative.

The lore was designed to explain why the Void elves are blue, but the choice to implement that lore was to justify adding a Blood elf clone to the opposite faction. The sunwell being restored wasn’t done to justify anything, and the resulting customization were a result of that story progression. The Sunwell wasn’t destroyed to appease, or justify anything to Alliance players.

But changing the lore that was only ever implemented to justify the use of a Horde model, after it’s been implemented, is another matter entirely.

Honestly, I haven’t found anything that says Void Elves are a different race to Blood/High Elves.

This is my struggle playing a Void Elf as well. I’ve made a Velf DK and Mage, and I’ve struggled trying to find a ‘core’ identity with both of them.

The beauty of Void Elves to some is the fact they have so little lore and so much potential to go from there. So you have to make lore requests to fit things you want from Void Elves as a Void Elf fan, because there isn’t much lore for them.

To be fair Lann, I actually do agree with this one here. None of the lore within any race was changed to fulfill any players request.

To be honest I would say that they are not really a race at all, but more like a military group, much the same way the Lightforged and perhaps even the Mag’har are. (Or probably even Worgen, who have been boiled down to just cursed humans, so Human is actually the real race that Worgen are and their curse is their affliction.)

It’s not really my preferred way for Blizzard to deal with race additions in this manner, especially when Void Elves don’t appear to be given a true culture or a civilian populace with their own political intrigue. The difference between them and the Blood Elves appears to entirely be related simply on the fact that they can’t touch anything holy or light-related anymore.

Well to be fair I’m not saying it was so idk what their arguing.

I’m saying in the era of customization focus, it’s fair for players to come up with ways to see customization options they want. And for VE specifically they need elaboration in lore.

I agree that the Void elves are in severe need of some more lore, but I don’t think they should go back and remove an implementation that was the main justification for adding them in the first place.

“Hey guys, we’re adding a blood elf clone to the alliance, but don’t worry they’re going to look completely different!”

“Oh okay.”

12 months later

“So we’re gonna make the void elves look just like blood elves now.”
