High Elf compromise

I never said that

This is top level irony.

Its amazing.

I state that I have had to spend a bunch of posts correcting people from misreading what I typed…and you literally misread it and act like I said something else.

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I think it is uncalled for when you make snide comments to helfers to insult antis or belittle them.
I think it is uncalled for to repeatedly misunderstand someone because you think them saying no to high elves, is synonymous with saying no to your abiloty to request it.

Perhaps I am being harsh, but I personally am rather done of getting bad mouthed and repeatedly having to correct people who refuse to listen.
Who ironically demand others listen to them.


Maybe stop making multi chain quote posts to hide your lack of an argument then people will just dismiss and ignore them :slight_smile:

It’s sad I always try to validate everyone’s point of view even if disagreeing, one shouldn’t resort to insulting intelligence, it’s simply rude, and uncalled for.


Dude I’ve watched you bad mouth a lot of people you are literally the last person on the forum who gets to try to get on a high horse.

There is a reason you hide your public profile so people can’t pull up all the utter junk you have said such as trying to claim that people who post about being pro high elf have no life meanwhile you with 3500 posts mostly on the topic definitely do.


This makes a lot of sense if you don’t think about it. At all.

Then you realize it makes zero sense within the context of the conversation.

Oh right, and you didn’t read Broflake comment, didn’t you? Oh, irony.

Where have I done that? Source of me doing that.

You should see how you post before making such bias.

And where have I bad mouthed you?

Oh boy


As I said you aren’t good at word traps you should really stop trying. There are bored people who do word traps as a job right now stuck at home.

I am not sure I necessarily agree, because hi igh elves have a habit of being contaminated by magic easily, as we saw with fel and their green eyes.
They arent infused st as tus unless their bodies show it as well.

As for her eyes, they are depucted the same way in various media. Theh were like that prior to infusion along with sylvanas

Trollflake loves to pass that around doesn’t he?

If it’s not twisted lore ignoring its his high horse of achievements and mythic keys to pretend he’s better than everyone he’s talking to.

I’m so glad ignore is back :slight_smile:, works perfectly for those who never really had an argument to begin with.


I read it. All I said is that I have had to correct a ton of people misreading what I have stated. Constantly.

I am not making word traps.

I am sorry that following along in forum conversations is apparently difficult.

That sounds like a totally cool name. :joy:

brb, gonna log in and try and get that name


As someone with dyslexia attacking people’s intelligence while in disagreement really isn’t fair or cool. Disagreement can be had while validating both points of view and never needing to resort to insults or insinuations of lack of intelligence.


Hey guys, if you smoke, you cant tell people not to smoke. If you ever do anything you may have done in the past, you shouldnt so it.
You should also make judgements and assumptions without k owing the backstory either.

Its so people like you dont stalk me into the death knight or rogue forums to harass me or flag bomb my posts.
Furthermore, i have about 1.5k posts.
Editing a post increases your post count.
More than half my posts have nothing to do with helfs either sooooooo try less hard.

Last comment to cezol in regards to skin colors.

Bias does not mean what you think it means.

Where am I referring to you specifically in this case?

Yeah, you are rather bad about misunderstanding people. More often than not, you mame assumptions, get corrected, ignore the correction, keep assuming anyway.

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When you quoted her post and said “you.”

Was that not obvious?


Best mention that to other helfers like cezol then.

Actually, that vibe is given off when the request gets silenced, shutdown, or flagged to death until it’s deleted, then it gets rejoiced and celebrated that it doesn’t exist anymore.

That is, at least, the next level of saying no to people’s right to ask for something, to figure out ways to have their right to ask for it get taken down or flagged.

If you don’t support that then good on you, though.

I decided to look up Alleria on WoWpedia, so far the vast majority of her official colored depictions have been right around the same timeline as Argus and outside of that her appearance in WC2. (Where she had milk white eyes.)

Whatever the case may be, Alleria was a green eyed High Elf as described in the books and we’ve had no colored depictions of her prior to the Argus patch. Notice also that Blood Elves have green eyes besides their baseline one as new options, those are probably likely the kind of eyes Alleria likely had in the story before becoming a Void Elf.

Regardless, the whole thing is odd in itself, Void Elves have blue eyes like High Elves do, albeit in a more ghostly look, but they look pretty much identical to the blue eyes that look to be on their way to being given to Blood Elves. To me I would definitely say it’s a fair observation to say this does appear to be a Void Elf option given to Blood Elves, because they are not the dark blue eyes of the current High Elves in the game, but they most certainly look identically the same as the light blues that Void Elves have.


And you call that me telling the pro’s to attack the anti’s?

Oh, it means what it means. You should maybe look at your own post first and see where that bias really does come out.

You were speaking to me. Who else were you saying it to with being bad mouth.

Spill the tea sis


Yeah, no, that isnt how English works. There is a reason names are used instead of he, she, him, or her when discussing a new subject line.

Quoting and then speaking about a group after does not refer to the person quoted.