High Elf compromise

Shhh. They’re going to start talking about skin colours in this one.

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At least to you, because you put skin color on a pedestal whereas I say all customization each race has is equally important and makes the individual races what they are.

Just as I scratch my head at the cheering over Blood Elves having these Void Elf eye colors because it just makes them closer to Void Elves now if anything, it’s strange but I guess whatever floats their boat if they want our stuff now.

Doesn’t mean they get to police me when I ask for stuff I want.

It wouldn’t at all, because Alleria has very Void Elf like features even despite her High Elf-ish look, such as more purpleness on her hands and the signature light blue eyes of the Void Elves.

And Void Elves still keep other iconic options like their tentacle hairstyles and chromatic hair colors (although I certainly would like black and blonde as options) along with more color options to make them look more diverse in aesthetic.

I read it. He said they are no longer High Elves, they now call themselves Blood Elves. That doesn’t make them a different person genetically. Their past is still their past as High Elves. They can’t just forget it and say it never happened.

Hmm. Almost like Blood Elves have a heritage armor quest that goes into that detail. :\


I’m glad you support our requests then! I hope to see you defending our right to request more in the future.


Maybe you should apologize for the misunderstanding.

I do not support the request.

I am genuinely worried about your ability to understand basic english.

I support your right to ask for a request.

I disagree with the request itself.

I sincerely hope you stop making up things about me.

Woah, that is really uncalled for.

How would you like it if I made an extremely toxic, and upsetting post towards you?


Her eye color was the same prior to h sre absorption of a dark naaru along qith the rest of her character design.
It matches her portrayal in other aspects of wow as well.

Or and this is a crazy thought you could notice that the quote was in a chain which start with call em as I see em in skimming the over a thousand posts at that point I assumed it was just the next in the series of calling star out on being rather bigoted which does tend to be accurate.

You can disagree with the request, but do you or do you not advocate for the right of others to request?

Please don’t resort to insulting people’s intelligence.


She was touched by the Void and had Void powers infused in her prior to that though.

And I don’t think we ever saw an in-game appearance of her prior to the new Void story given to her, she was described as having green eyes in the books for instance.


You have a habit of not understanding people either intentionally or not.

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That does make them Blood Elves though. You seem to be stuck under this notion that its all about the past, when High Elves story is almost complete built in World at Warcraft at this point.

There is such a thing as differences in political affiliations, that’s literally what Void Elves are, Blood Elves who didn’t vibe with the Horde. Still Blood Elves though.

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Mmmm no, read the literature.
Prior to the naaru thing she was wielding void powers but had yet to be infused with them.
Think of it like warlocks. They use fel energy, but ujh nlike a demon hunter, are morninfused with it.

Her design is also the same in media prior to void knowledge. It isnt new.

Ah i forgot most helfers have me on ignore because I hurt their feelings with logic. XD

So much for their cause eh?

Funny enough most of my replies the last bit have been having to correct people blatantly misreading what I am stating. :man_shrugging:

But the person you stated you agreed with was not calling out star on being rather bigoted.

The person you stated you agreed with flat out called me a bigot.

Saying you have the right to request is not supporting the request. I thought I cleared this up in the post you are literally quoting from

Let me double check.

Then please stop twisting everything I say to such a laughable degree.


She was specifically infected by Void by happenstance on a mission in Mac’Aree and was unable to cleanse it away, that is a form of infusion I would definitely consider because it enveloped her to such a degree that she needed training specifically to control it.

And it was bad enough that it had her imprisoned as well.

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Yes please stop twisting the HE request to what you perceive the HE request to be as well. I am not trying to twist anything I will say however, and do appreciate you to refrain from personal insults regardless if I’m understanding your perspective or not, it’s no need to insult people.


Oh right, so that is called bad mouthing and sucking up, and needing to be silenced too?


And if you read the quote chain that really wasn’t clear. But hey you do you I’m done arguing an insane point that you are just fishing for ways to report from.


It’s what happens when twisted logic inevitably fails the spiteful and biased.