High Elf compromise


And where did I say you can’t ask for something?

That reply was actually directed at Star who has constantly played the racism card if you do so as well then it would also be directed at you. I don’t know how often you play that card.

You do not even remotely, interact a friendly Ogre faction as often as the Alliance has interacted with Alliance High Elves for the past 15 years, get real.

Dunno how High Elves are a made up fact, they are infact right there, on the Alliance.


I never said that you said people can’t ask for anything. I said you act like. You know what act like means?


No, no it wasnt.
It was a half elf idea, my idea specifically.
The fact you guys are claiming the idea is one thing, but suggesting antis are racist?


That logic makes no sense. We are talking about lore here. I used an example of just a name change.

How does changing their name not make them still the same people? Their past lore is High Elves, their lore from the point they change their name is now High Elves and Blood Elves.

Deny it as much as you wish, High Elves lore is Blood Elves lore. High Elves customization are Blood Elves customization.

They are the same people. Blood Elves are the same people as the ones around Alliance that still call themselves High Elves.

Void Elves are a reasonable way to give Alliance players the model. Just like Horde got the ugly Nightborne that is no where as pretty and nice as a Night Elf.


Star was responding to someone calling me a bigot.

Star disagreed.

You said what the person originally said was accurate.

So either you agreed with the person that I am a bigot. Or you didn’t read the posts you are commenting on.

Stop moving the goal posts.

You didn’t say that I had to interact with anything as much as high elves.

You are making up that every race the Horde interacts with they get to play as. When there are plenty they don’t.

When I say “you can ask for whatever you want” Which I have said multiple times in this thread. You interpret that as me acting like you don’t have the right to ask for things?

Now lets look at what you actually quoted. It was me questioning you when you stated you had the right to play as a high elf.

We were not talking about the right to ask, but the right to play. I disagreed that anyone has the right to play as anything.

You have to retcon your argument more than Blizzard retcons their story.


“Blood elves no longer truly consider themselves high elves, and they tend to have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred”


Now, no where have I said that Blood Elves and High Elves are a different race. But Blood Elves are former High Elves. Now, they are recognized as two different groups of people, on Opposing Factions: Blood Elves on Horde and High Elves on Alliance.

“We must put this misery behind us. We must enter a new chapter! And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves! In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian… as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas!”
— Kael’thas Sunstrider proclaims the rise of the blood elves

Yup and High Elf lore is High Elf lore. No one has ever denied that.


Cept for the “model” wasn’t the issue, the issue is that Void Elves are Void Blood Elves, not even our Alliance High Elves, their shared history doesn’t make them all the same people with the same experiences, High Elves did different things to survive after the Sunwell than the Blood Elves did and therefore have different stories to tell, as well as different allies and point of views, their shared heritage does not make all elves inherently the same.

Stating that takes away from all elves, but especially Blood Elves.


It’s a good thing we’re all playing Blizzards game and don’t need your permission to ask for things in lore that we like to see.



I feel like you are trying to make a point and failing miserably.

I am sure if I said for the 5th time “ask for whatever you want” it won’t mean anything to you. I have never attempted to deny your ability to ask for anything.

I don’t know why yall are so hung up on using this piece of misinformation as a main arguing point.

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That says they no longer “Consider”

That does not mean they are not.

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And yet the point was made all the same, and you’re failing to see it.

I do hope for HE’s but I stand in good faith with the VE fans who have lore reasons to want to look more like Alleria as well :slight_smile:

So, if it would have been High Elves transformed into Void Elves, and the void elves still look the same and act the same as they do currently, you’d be fine?

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So you are just lying about me through implication to make a point?

Implying I’ve said certain things I have clearly never stated or implied?

Nice only reading part of the post.

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Like when you spoke for the entire HE community on what they want and why? I’m just observing what’s being said and how same as you apparently.

Obviously, that was like the first thing people mentioned: “Why not just grab High Elves and turn them into Void Elves like Alleria.”

Transformations and all.


I have observed the high elf community regularly ask for lighter skin tones for void elves.

Have you observed me saying you do not have the right to ask for something?

He never said you did, he said you have the right to ask for things. Essentially defendj ng your ability to request high elves. Instead, you misrepresent him entirely. That is not cool at all dude. Its just gas lighting at that point