High Elf compromise

Why do you feel you have the right to do that?


Making an observation of the number of anti high elves who currently have blond hair and were in the blue eyes celebration thread while throwing around the racism accusation is not derogatory. Learn what words mean anyone of even moderate intelligence isn’t thrown by your attempts to use what to you are large words and text walls. It just makes it very obvious how lacking in depth your arguments actually are.

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You claimed I was a bigot.

That is derogatory.

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(credit to Talendrion@WyrmrestAccord)

For perspective here are some examples used by the HE community for some time in our megathreads, highlighting ideas we’ve had and this clearly encompasses or tries to encompass the diversity we are no seeing in depth from Blizzard on Blood Elves. So its not simply about a lighter skin toned elf, its about playing an Alliance affiliated Quel’dorei.

The Void Elf request for lighter tones would be I would think in reference to Alleria one of their leaders, and despite how she became a Void Elf is still referred to by Blizzard as the first VE, she is not removed or different, she is still a Void Elf. And this request by VE fans is valid to ask for, and really not about High Elf fans what so ever.


Why do you feel that people do not have the right to play what they’d like on what ever faction they prefer?

So if I change my name IRL do I become a different person genetically?


I asked a simple question. Don’t deflect.

You stated it was your right to play as a high elf.

Defend it.

To answer your question : You don’t own the game. You are not employed by Blizzard to make any decision. You don’t have the right.


Please quote exactly where I claimed you are a bigot.

My reply is my question.


Fine then. In that case, you do not own the game either. You do not have the right to tell people what they want and don’t want.

Yup these were the workups I were talking about.

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A blood elf paladin named… Sylvanas… I’ve officially seen everything in GD

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It’s pretty common most blood elves who are vociferously anti high elf tend to fall in the camp of I want to be dark and edgy but still be a pretty fairy princess. Sylvanas exemplifies this mentality.

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I was called a bigot, someone disagreed. You stated

No it wasn’t. Answer the question.

Why do you have the right to play a blood elf.

I have never said you can’t want something. Or don’t want something.

Please stick with the facts here.

I am disagreeing with what you want. That is not saying you don’t want it.


It is not about that, it is about that Blood Elf fans want the human beards, or the Void Elf hair and beards, among other things. They are getting exactly what they want and they are still covetous and greedy, feeling they can just ask to have everything so no Alliance player gets the opportunity to ask for something equally as appealing because the Blood Elf fans will turn around and go “you don’t get to ask for that, it’s exclusive to us and Blizzard said so!”

And in the meanwhile it looks as if from the datamining all the Alliance appear to be getting are Karen haircuts and really garish make-up choices that do not look easy on the eyes at all.

It’s specifically a huge deal only because you’re making it that way, because you want to personally control and police what other people want or wish to see from Blizzard in an expansion where they’ve opened the door to listening to feedback and trying to diversify race customization.

They can do that without needing to be purple or blue, that’s the beauty of diversity in customization options, Alleria embraces her voidness and doesn’t need to be a blueberry to do so and it’s beautiful she gets that choice.

I certainly would love for Blizzard to allow that choice for us and I hope they will one day after setting such a lore precedent for it in the game with the new recruits in the Void Rift and the existence of Alleria as well.

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You’re acting like people don’t have the right to request for something and act like people shouldn’t have any access to anything regardless of what faction they’re on.

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Because the Horde has the right to play every single race they consistently and constantly interact with, we don’t. :man_shrugging:

Equality is not a hard concept to grasp, if you’re not already biased. :thinking:


Fantasy Game in a Fantasy Universe. Nothing to do with what happens in Real Life.

Once again, if it doesn’t turn a horde model into a copy/paste replica of an alliance model, its irrelevant.

Ask for something that doesn’t turn an alliance model into a copy/paste of a horde model and you may have a better shot at getting it.

And you want to turn a horde race into a neutral race from a gameplay perspective. I would be against this faction cross over regardless of the options.

I am against putting humans on the Horde for the same reason, for example. I do not want a copy/paste of an Alliance race on the Horde.

How am I acting like that when I have repeatedly said you are free to ask for it?

Please attempt to actually read my posts.

Horde get to play as Ogres?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I think making up facts and exaggerating makes equality a hard concept to grasp.


And I feel its so disingenuous too, I’m a BE fan, will always prefer BE’s, and I stand with the HE request, I dislike that my favorite race bars someone else’s favorite Elf race with both valid narratives to tell. Blood Elf fans are getting a lot of the amazing diverse options that HE fans have tried asking for in HE’s for awhile, I think both sides should be happy for the new diversity options, and I think when we get High Elves, the diversity options will appear as well. Neither side should try to gatekeep the skin tones, HE fans who are upset BE’s are getting it, or BE fans who even at the theory of HE’s would object to it on HE’s.


Oh, let’s see…

Yeah, read your own post.