High Elf compromise

And you have no statistical data to support the claims of pro high elves being racist. It is interesting to note the avatars of people who often make these claims though.

Did I claim anything?

All I did was point out that historically the helf group has said being void colored isn’t good enough, they wanted to be light skinned.

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No, this is entirely incorrect.

Alleria absorbed the Void Mastery from a Dark Naruu. She didn’t study the Void at all.

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Mmmm, except for they very much are Alliance as they’re seen wandering around Stormwind and the most recognizable racial leader of the High Elves has outwardly said she hopes to bring the Blood Elves back into the Alliance.

Nice try.


They were also talking about darker skin tones for Elves long before we knew they were coming for BEs. So yes the Alliance HE fans have wanted the traditional fantasy on Alliance and they have also shown examples that encompass the diversity we’re now seeing BEs get.

And you know this because? You speak for us now? Speaking for myself, I prefer Blood Elves, and view people who are as passionate about Alliance High Elves as I am Blood Elves, and also seeing it as adding to faction rivalry and a chance to see the HE perspective in story even as a BE is a good thing for me. The Alliance HE supporters want the Alliance aligned HE that is and has been shown in Alliance.

Void Elves could have been High Elves from the perspective of how they have a population but the devs chose to make them former Blood Elves. Why? Why not just get rid of the HE population. Why joke about them in the April fools joke like they did Pandaren, was the legion joke not also world of elf craft or something to that effect before they introduced two new elf races.

High Elves are coming one day, they are still around people still want them, and I’m allowed to as a BE fan be happy for them too. Things don’t always stay the same, that may be why Blizzard didn’t use existing HE populations to make Void Elves.


Because they constantly asked for lighter skin colors for void elves.


Those may be Void Elf fans. Void elf fans can’t ask for things?

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The compromise is make a blood elf.

Because High Elves are historically light skinned and people want to play as the same high elves they did in the rts and the ones left who are currently in the silver covenant.

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They were the high elf fans.

Yes, the occasional artist sometimes showed them with darker skin colors. But come on.

I am not a complete idiot. Just a partial one.

I am well aware they were not just “void elf fans”.

And it still doesn’t stop your personal camp from asking for options that were previously exclusive to us, such as the blue eyes of my Void Elf or that one Blood Elf in the celebration thread requesting Human options and barely any rebuttal for it.

And Blood Elf fans have historically asked for Void Elf options like our beard and emo hairstyles too, you can’t deny otherwise and I haven’t seen your attention drawn to them at all when it’s happened either.

And even in the realm of gameplay I’ve offfered the point that you can give them non-purple or blue skin tones that vaguely resemble Alleria’s look with a bit more Void hint or such with lines and edges, to still give off that they’re progressing in their control of the Void but still have elements of it in their look.

They both got infected in much the same way and by accident, but Alleria trained for a long time to control it and maintain her look. Void Elves took a larger blast of it and are still training to return to that as well.

And there are new Blood Elf and High Elf recruits in the rift specifically training in the exact same way that Alleria is, they already setup the precedent that these are a generation of Void Elves that will be more like Alleria.

Whether you like that or not, it doesn’t change that this is a lore precedent that Blizzard has set. If they explicitly didn’t want it to go this way they wouldn’t have done it to begin with, but they did, and it most certainly opens the doorway for Void Elves to have more potential for they wish to look and the RP potential that brings.

You can hate that as much as you want and force them into a bubble of how you wish for them to be in a singular fixed way, but we have a right to request to have the same freedom of how we wish to design our character and RP them as anyone else does.

Nothing inherently belongs to either faction, and you don’t stop becoming a Horde race or a Blood Elf among the Horde just because there exist peach-skinned elves on the Alliance, just as much as Nightborne aren’t Night Elves even though they have purple skin and silver hair.


You have the option of playing a light skinned elf related to the RTS.

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By the occasional artist you mean how every single workup has included the full gamut of human skin colors. It’s very obvious what you are attempting to imply you aren’t good at being subtle.


No you don’t have the option of playing as a high elf currently the only argument for that is dks which could actually be raised high elves who never pledged to honor the blood of the fallen since they were already the fallen.

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Just like how us Pro’s can’t ask for anything, because “it effects the Anti’s game play”


They are WoW players and allowed the same level of respect to ask for things as anyone else. But I wouldn’t speak for an entire community I belonged to, let alone speak for one I don’t even belong to.

So saying things that speak for what you believe the HE community wants isn’t accurate. It is about the lore.


I did. It’s unfun to play Horde and sucks the fun out of any connection myself and many other High Elf fans made to the RTS games.


Because there is a huge difference in turning a void elf into the blood elf model, and adding human skin tones to the blood elf.

Its so huge that its hilarious you would even bring this up, because it shows you either don’t get it, or are intentionally ignoring the issue.

Adding human skin options to Blood Elves does not turn any Alliance model into a copy/paste implementation on the Horde.

Doing so to void elves does.

That is the issue.

Any examples you are giving that do not place a copy/paste implementation of race model across faction lines is irrelevant.

I’d rather the void elf customization embrace their void-ness rather than try to move away from it.

You are just flat out lying and exaggerating at this point. You have done this a few times now. At least you aren’t doing it this time by throwing around derogatory names at people.

Once again, ask for whatever you want. I have the right to ask it not be implemented. Interesting how I am constantly being talked to in a disrespectful manner in this thread.

Ive been called a bigot, a racist. Etc.

But me disagreeing with putting the exact blood elf model with their skin tones on the Alliance and some how I need to learn to respect others.

And its absolutely not about the lore. Do you know how I know?

The lore is the first thing the helf threads will typically sacrifice to get what they want. Its done constantly.


Or we can ask for what we want when the opportunity presents itself, just as the Blood Elf fanbase in other threads are constantly asking for things they want from Blizzard and getting it delivered to them in record time.

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And people should have every right to play a High Elf on the Alliance. Things that the Anti’s and Ion don’t seem to understand.

And if they don’t really want High Elves to be made for the Alliance, then why keep adding them to the Alliance.

And the argument, “the Horde is waiting for you,” Blood Elves are former High Elves. They stop being High Elves the day Kael’thas renamed them as High Elves.