High Elf compromise

I’d say we have more of a right, since this race has been Horde since TBC. Too bad you don’t like playing Horde.

You should be grateful you even got the model on Alliance side.


Translate into english please.

Or am I being a bigot by asking you to say something that makes sense.

You keep trying to deny my fun by wanting to make a Horde race neutral from a gameplay perspective.

If you just give people what they want that isnt a compromise.

No. The right skin color is still incredibly important to the High Elf Brigade. Pretending that it isn’t is juvenile.

You are asking for skin colors that turn void elves into blood elves. Keep your diversity void elf related and people won’t disagree as much.


oh dear god I had an auto correct that went to g instead of k the meaning is obviously completely lost /s

Why, his statement was accurate. The only people who constantly talk about blond hair and blue eyes are the anti he crew, makes one think.

And so do we, you don’t get to browbeat other people just for wanting to speak up about what they want to see from Blizzard after seeing the nice things you’re getting.

Especially given that, I don’t see why you feel the need to act so entitled when you’re getting everything you could want as far as the customization is looking.


Once again, untrue.

The Pro Helf population has constantly talked about specifically wanting light skinned elves for years. Especially after void elves were released. Asking for a light skinned customization to void elves is a very common thing, for example.

Please don’t be so obvious with your revisionist history.


Void Elves and Blood Elves are more than their skin color. Void Elves getting less purple or blue skin tones that resemble Alleria makes them no more like Blood Elves than Blood Elves getting the Void Elves signature ghostly blue eye colors.


From a character model standpoint (which is all that matters), the skin color customization is incredibly important.

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Uh it is true nobody except the anti he crew constantly brings up hair color not to mention most of the people who want hes who post on blood elves seem to have black or brown/red hair while the people constantly talking about how high elf supporters are racist often have super pale skin with blond hair on their forum avatars.

So now you are declaring people are bigots or racist based on their wow forum avatar?


To be fair, Void Elves are still standard skin color beneath their void taint. I think what people want (other than outright getting High Elves) is to be able to control their taint in a way like Alleria/Worgen Two Forms does. People want to play a High Elf without the constant taint whether that High Elf has super pale or super dark skin color.


To you perhaps, you’ve let it color your perception on these discussions more than I think you should.

But Blood Elf fans have argued for blue eyes based on lore precedent, so I most certainly have the right to ask for Alleria’s options based on the lore precedent that Blizzard themselves established within the game

Unless they ever change Alleria to look more purple or blue, or they stop calling her a Void Elf and just a High Elf with void powers, it seems clear to me within the lore itself that a Void Elf that looks like Alleria is just as valid as one that looks like Umbric.

I get that.

And frankly it doesn’t matter.

Blizzard clearly doesn’t want either faction to have a complete copy/paste of a model from the opposing side.

Also to Blizzard.

Not turning Blood Elves into a neutral model from a gameplay point of view seems incredibly important to them.

You have the right to ask for whatever you want. Ask away. Just be aware you have a next to no chance to get it based on Blizzard’s past actions. Since they clearly don’t want models to be completely copy/pasted across faction lines.

Lore isn’t why the Alliance isn’t getting the model with skin color they want.

Gameplay is.

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I know right.

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Alleria studied the void.

Void Elves got transformed in a different way. The two can’t be compared.

Also, adding in any way skin tones that are Blood Elf(High Elf) Blizzard should have just copy/pasted Blood Elves to the Alliance with blue eyes and different hair colors.

Why didn’t they? Because it’s a Horde race and those customizations belong to the Horde race.


I’m making an observation that most of the people claiming that high elf supports are racist are currently celebrating blue eyes and have blonde hair on their characters.

Playpen, Astrius, Nexsa etc.

Whether this makes them racist is very much up for debate but it does make claims that high elf supporters just want blond hair and blue eyes for racist reasons rather questionable.

Also gameplay has literally nothing to do with it. It’s just the devs being horde biased as usual put a blood elf in full armor and a void elf and you cannot tell them apart except by whether the name is green or red to you.

And the Alliance has had High Elves since vanilla, we just haven’t been able to play them :man_shrugging:

Yes, so grateful we got the empty Blood Elf skeleton with 0 lore attached to it in Void Elves.


I am making a point that you don’t know definitions of those words, and you don’t have the statistically data to support it. You are just making vague comments.

So you haven’t had them. :frowning:

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High Elves are from the Alliance. They’re already on the opposing side :exploding_head:


Cool story. However if you’re paying attention for the last couple years, because I remember you. It’s been brought up lorewise how those few “Alliance” High Elves aren’t Alliance and that the Alliance doesn’t control them in any way.


Now you are being dense.

I am clearly referring to the ability to play a race.