High Elf compromise

That isn’t SC dude.
The number of high elves helping the alliance everywhere is over dramatized as well.

Yeah…DK’s are considered a higher type of undead. I think it had to do with the nature magic interfering with typical undead raising.

No, void elves are not high elves.

Just play a blood elf.

Most of those groups are ones that people want playable and should be made playable. More variety and choices is great.
Plus that’s exactly what the allied races have been. Subraces of the main races that were already playable.

Add all the races! WOOOO

If people want them, add them! Let people play what they want to.

Have you seen the Kultirans? :wink: lol

That’s exactly what factions are.
Light and dark
blue and red (couple examples here)
blue and grey
Differing political ideologies that split people.
Most of the time they’re the very same race…we’re just playing a game that has different races. Having the races split by factions makes those factions mean a lot more.

lol nope.

Nope, that’s your opinion and I disagree.
the High Elf story and the blood elf story has also diverged.
They’re no longer the same. Haven’t been for a number of years.

Yeah…that’s what faction differences are.

Sure did, just because you killed him doesn’t necessarily mean he’s dead, or the others of his race. We don’t know how many there are, we don’t know how many princes there were.
Plus killing forsaken subordinates didn’t mean much. He was furthering the goals of the horde for the betterment of his people. Sylvanas would have done the same thing if not worse…I mean we even see her do worse.

Yeah, Garrosh and Sylvanas both did some pretty bad stuff. They were leaders of the horde. That would be the horde doing those things.

Not all of them :wink:

Again, they diverged. This isn’t true.

Well no, giving poor reasons for them to not be playable is what I’m talking about.
You’ve yet to make any kind of good point on why an existing faction of elves within the alliance who have been supporting the alliance, and who people want to be able to play as, shouldn’t be made playable.
It makes much more sense to let people play as them.

You can do both. Differing clans of the same race with different ideals.
Different groups of Draenei, some which formed a different group.
Differing clans of orcs.
Different nations of humans.
Looks like plenty of groups to me.

Elves are basically the Eevee of Azeroth. You add a little magic and those suckers mutate like crazy. What were once the same race, doesn’t mean they any longer are. There’s specific reasons they all have different racial names. Magical divergence.

*blood elf

meh, the ones with the darker brown skin and white hair in the fan model edit are nicer looking

Yeah, that’s changing soon. It’s pretty much why they’re making a generic starting zone for all the races. They’re no longer limited by a specific group or racial starting zone. No matter what they add in the future, they can still use that same zone. Kinda nice that the race names are already pretty generic. Only somewhat specific ones are allied.

Not at all. The blood elf rangers are looked down on quite a lot.

lol entitled? Nothing wrong with letting people play what they want.

People like and want high elf lore, that’s why they’re wanting to play high elves and not blood elves. They’re not the same. Used to be, then there were major divisions.


I am open to this as a compromise, but only if they turn into Void Elves when they enter combat ala Worgen. That seems to fit the lore the best IMHO, keeps the story Blizzard wrote and lets people have their ‘High Elves’.

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Needs to be better beard options all over! BEARDS FOR EVERYONE!

Highborne were just upper class night elves.
There’s no reason they’d look vastly different.

High Elves used to be blonde night elves before the blood elf model was made so creating a proper high elf model to use wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Blood Elves and Void Elves have both mutated more, so being different isn’t out of the question. This was why Talendrion made the edit using the night elf body with heads from the blood elves. Give them more distinctive hairstyles a bit different from Blood Elves and they’d look even more different, especially if the animations were modified more.

This all does take more work where they could just go with what we’ve already got and add another similar race like the San’layn, then all you have to do is focus on customization options to differentiate them instead of even more modeling and animations changes.

Whatever works though.

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Accurate comments I’m not the one gloating about people being denied fun :slight_smile:

why? other reason than some people want regardless of the gameplay, lore and general?

yes, subraces and different races, never other groups;

Totally agree

add the same race again? no.
the same race again and In the other faction? hell no

And if i want to play a horse? add them? this is a obnioxus mindset that do not work here friend, things are not simple, this still is a warcraft game.

Anda gain, no, there is no reason to add then as another race when they aren’t, just RP and pretend you are one of then.

I think maybe i found the problem

you simple don’t know what factions are, how they work and their weight in the narrative, in the game and even in the history of the franchise.

So to you, is compltely ok if they make everything the same, but just in blue and red, if they “say in paper” they think different, rip away all the visual distinctions the factions always had.

you still fail to say how, inf act, you actually proved it would make the factions mean way less

Nope, that is Blizzard stance about the race, you can disagree all you want with then.

generally, when you kill someone, they are dead, and since no one brought him back im rpetty confident with that.

the ones who sylvanas brought are all dead and gone

matters little, since they are irrelevant and don’t belong in the horde.

He was not, he was trying to save his butt, this mean a lot because no horde race would ever do that, not even the forsaken.

When Garrosh tried to use and kill forsaken to further the goals of the horde for the betterment of his people Sylvanas herself stop him, so no, she would not do the same.

When she did worse she was removed from the horde, people rebel against her for the very reason you think is worthy to put a race in the horde.

That is nonsense.

They don’t do that, and as soon as they did they were removed.

Again, proving the horde don’t accept that kind of evil.

keep running in cycles like it matters, sure nitpick about this semantics will work, maybe blizzard and everyone else don’t know, keep going

they didn’t “diverge” a small group broke off from the main race, they stagnate, and the blood elves went forward

There is no “poor reasons” do you realize if it was “poor” illogical, or didn’t make sense, blizzard could have done years ago right?

if there was so easy, and everything against was illogical and poor reasons, they would never come up with void elves, use your head.

The good and universal point, already made by even the blizzards devs:

The race is already damn playable, in the horde.

You can dislike all you want, you can dessagre, but is the truth

No, you can’t, you chose a race.

You don’t pick “warsong clan”, “blackrock clan”, “frostwolf clan”, you pick ORC, just orc

you don’t pick “grimtotem tribe” “Runetotem tribe”, “Dawnstrider tribe”, “Ragetotem tribe” you pick TAUREN

You don’t pick “stormgade human”, “Dalaran human”, “lordaeron human”, you pick HUMAN.

Yes plenty of groups, but only one race

again, completely obnoxious to add one “allied race”, to every single different group, when they are exactly the same with the same race, just because they behave different someway somehow.

Is reduntant, is nonsense and not necessary, the game is an RPG, you don’t need every single thing spelled out, you pick a race and create your background and from what group you wish to be.

irrelevant, cause they are still the same race, if they will not e in the future only the future knows.

thats your headcanon.

They are still the same race regardless.

Blood elf=high elf

Thats why there is no reason to put groups of the same race playable, even less reason to put on the other faction

Yes it is

When you went to play football, and start going basket , there is everything wrong in letting then play how they want.

high elf lore = blood elf lore, is since WC3

people want a fanfiction version of high elves, who don’t exist in wow.

they are still the same race, some small numbers deflecting merely 7-9 years ago was not a major division, no matter how you try to paint that.

the proper high elf model is the blood elf model fam, because theya re the same race, they should look the same.

why a high elf would have an night elf body when he is a high elf?

This is not a mater of “if horde get another elf then we get another elf too!1!!” you know that right? don’t even think this is a “fair trade”

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I could work with that!

Heads/faces are the identifying part of the body. Switching the bodies would be barely noticeable.

Needs to be different head. Otherwise is a carbon copy of our blood elves.

Especially anyone toon who wears a robe. They would look identical.

No because they would still be Void elves. The whole point of high elves to play an uncorrupted high elf - not a blood elf and not a void elf.

Personally I like void elves better.

You say it isn’t about skin color. You say it’s about Lore. Yet, you end your post asking for Void elves, that were Blood elves that are High Elves to get fair skin colors.

You just proved it isn’t about lore, but rather the options found on Horde Blood elves(High Elves)


To be honest, I disagree, Alleria is regarded as a Void Elf in multiple instances and yet she doesn’t have the purple skin.

What makes a Void Elf what they are isn’t their skin color, it’s the fact that they can assume a Void form and have whispers in their head, plus being unwilling to touch the Sunwell, even at the end of the day they are only barely that much different from Blood Elves anyway but I do think it’d be perfectly valid for them to have more peachy skin tones that also have vague hints of Void corruption.

Also Void Elves are certainly themed or at least partially based on witch elves and gothic dark elf archetypes in other fantasy games that tend to actually run a far more diverse gamut of color choices that still keeps up a dark image of them. I don’t think giving them skin options besides purple, blue, and grey would ruin their cred at all so much as give them a wider range of options like the other elves are getting.


Did you read my post properly, or are you just jumping quickly to conclusions?

Here, let me requote for you:

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And what exactly is wrong with that when Blood Elf fans in your camp are celebrating that they are getting the same blue eyes that we have, along with asking to have the same type of beards and pretty emo hair that we get? I don’t see you calling them out or throwing a fit about that, I wonder why…

But at the end of the day, yes, it’s not the skin that defines a Void Elf as is evidenced by their own faction leader who is regarded as a Void Elf even though her skin and hair color tones says otherwise. There is nothing wrong with wanting a diverse color palette for Void Elves, just as well as you feel you have the right to ask for more options for your chosen preferred race.


On that note, its also hilarious seeing the outrage Blood Elf players are giving in the forums about darker skin color, when that was one of the main High Elf AR ideas.

So i guess skin color is more an anti thing than a pro thing, and High Elf supports didn’t “just” want fair-skin and blue eyes the whole time. :man_shrugging:


Who could have guessed that the people screaming about fandom racism were the real racists all along?


Right, it seems as if they’re literally trying to police how other people get to ask about their customization.

Celebrating that Void Elves now share the same eye color as Blood Elves, but telling us we can’t have a more diverse color scheme than just purple or blue, meanwhile they’re asking for Human options in another thread and behaving like the people they attack, acting on very double standards logic.

And meanwhile all I want is for the prettier Alliance races to have more gorgeous and beautiful options and more wider range of appealing selection, and I don’t even see the same level of excitement and passion the datamined Alliance options have drummed up so far compared to Blood Elf fans that are demanding they get everything from Blizzard.