High Elf compromise

No because that’s also a Horde customization option. Blue, purple, and any shade in between makes sense for a void elf. Not blood elf customizations. Unless you want a sickly black that is obviously tainted by the void with purple veins and such, I might be down with that.


No. I don’t follow your orders. I do what I want.


You know why people call Alliance boring? Because they are Tolkein-esque. They draw from classical fantasy tropes. People want high elves because they are a part of that.


I mean, yeah it is. They’re undead, just like she is, with no bones showing. :woman_shrugging:


reasonable, consistent, non hypocritical though decidedly spiteful answer since the velf color pallete is so dinky and you have this wide array of options.


I don’t want to play Horde for my Vulpera, because I like Alliance better than Horde. But I can’t get everything I want. Belfs and Velfs exist. That’s the compromise. Both sides have the model, they’re different enough to make the devs happy. There we go.

Do I want more skin tones and hair colors and hairstyles for my Velf? Absolutely. But I want Velf ones. Because that makes sense.

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I gotta say, assuming you weren’t a high elf supporter before this(your OP implies you weren’t), you now see the attitude and resistance they’ve been dealing with for years lol


All the AR have a smaller kit of customizations

Alliance also has warlocks, death knights, demon hunters, shadow priests, Dark Iron Dwarves, Void Elves, and prolly some other questionable elements I’m missing. Not sure Elrond or Galadriel would approve of that.


Only if they turn into Void Elves in combat like the Worgen do from their human form. I’m good with a second form idea like Alleria, but the Void Elves are Void Elves. That needs to remain. Watcher already told people non-corrupt High Elves ARE Blood Elves.

Frankly I’m inclined to say the High Elf crowd deserves nothing, but if it’ll shut this ridiculous debate down once and for all; sure. Give them the ability to stand in Goldshire in their pre-void experiment forms.


I’d be happy with this.

You know why I have a wide array of options? I’ll tell ya. Because I play Horde. And the Horde was intended to have those options. The Horde blood elves did not slurp purple goop and then get screwed in the middle of an experiment. The void elves did. Thus, I have customization options for me, and you have customization options for you.

I have no sympathy for you, or the Alliance. None. In any capacity. There’s a really, really easy solution. It’s called playing Horde. I play both factions. I don’t think both factions should have everything and I don’t think both factions should have access to all the races, and I most certainly do not agree with neutral races.

There is zero reason why void elves should get pale / white skin tones. They’re void elves. They’re meant to showcase corruption. They’re meant to show the power of the void. Not hide it like insecure teenagers.


You’re not getting my point. Sylvanas is Forsaken, but she doesn’t use a Lorderon Human model. She doesn’t conform to the restrictions of playable Forsaken. My point was signature characters like Alleria are not a valid argument for Void Elves getting pale skin tones.

Alleria is not bound by the restrictions of a playable race, neither is Sylvanas. That’s why Sylvanas is a Forsaken Elf and Alleria is a “normal” skin toned Void Elf.

Trying to say “bUt aLlEriA hAS NoRmaL sKin” as an excuse for why playable VElves should is not valid.


Said as it ought to be.


i gotta start keeping quotes.


Honestly the compromise should be you get banned if you bring this up anymore.
Ion said no.
High elves have been part of the Horde for 14 years.


That isn’t a great argument to begin with because none of the racial leaders use the same models that playable races do. They’re all “special”. If you want to compare her to anyone, compare her to the worgen. Their leader has two forms and so do the players. Doesn’t really make a lick of sense for her to be able to do it and the rest of her race can’t.


Its so crazy how these “compromises” always seem to be based around giving the Alliance exactly what they want.

Void Elves are the compromise.


This is all just spam at this point.


Feel free because I’m consistent and say what I mean / feel. It’s absolutely absurd that the Alliance continues to beg for Horde options when the Alliance was told more than once that the high elves are Horde. Blood elves are high elves. “If you want to play a fair skinned, majestic elf, the Horde is waiting for you.” The game director told you it not once, but twice.