High Elf compromise

You’re criticizing people for not wanting something that didn’t exist until the past year. Your criticism is fiction.


You are so wrong, if people knew it was an option everyone would have wanted it just like I want it for the night elfs and Void elfs, yes even the Nightborne.

what? :joy:

sure dude, everyone will believe that.

And what now, every elf have human skin tones too? lol

Yes, why not it’s ok for one elf faction to get it? Makes no sense. You are Delusional if you think people don’t deserve or wouldn’t have asked for it if it was already a preexisting thing.

They have always had a super pale blue skin…? I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

Because not every elf is like the other.

the ones with human skin tone are blood eles, the other don’t, they are other race with different characteristics.

You don’t “deserve” anything that do not make any sense there.

Night elves are purple elves, they don’t have human skin tones
Void elves are voidish, they don’t have human skin tones.

Night elves got tons of skin tones of night elves, not humans, when void elves get more customization is to get more void customization, simple as that.

Ok let me break it down for ya Night elfs and Blood elfs are both descendants of trolls. so there’s that. Futhermore you know what every single Night elf looks like? Just like everyone “KNEW” what Bloodelfs “looked” like? Then void elfs are infact Blood elfs. so you lose that argument right there. So yes I am going to say that all elfs deserve more skin tone options Night elfs already have a lighter skin option to the point that they could easily have even lighter and more pale looking skin tones.



Call em as I see them.

Might I suggest a better pair of eye glasses to start with?


What ever you say great Defender.

I’ve said it before… and I’ll say it again… had they done this from day 1, it absolutely would have worked… especially if they had wrote the introductory lore for the Void Elves to include some members of the remaining High Elf faction instead of being exclusively Blood Elves… but instead they explicitly excluded involving any High Elves in becoming Void Elves, they painstakingly made it 100% clear that all Void Elves were previously Blood Elves, and refused to even add a single simi-natural skintone… then proceeded to insult the High Elf community multiple times…

At this point it is highly unlikely that anything short of actual playable High Elves on the Alliance will satisfy… additionally if they add Blue Eye customization to Blood Elves in Shadowlands, they are likely to see a backlash far worse than any they have seen before…

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nice for stating the obvious, captain obvious

i know they don’t have human skin tones because they are purple

check out wowhead for their NEW customizations:https://www.wowhead.com/news=311980/new-night-elf-character-customization-options-in-shadowlands-including-tattoos

See? they got new night elf colors, not human colors

they are changed by the void, so they look different, therefore, their options are different

They defintly do, and they are getting, but, they are not getting human skin tones because they are not blood elves, neither humans.

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I think this is unlikely to happen in the way you imagine it would. At least I think most of the helf supporters have learned their lesson and do not want a redo of the last tantrum that made them look pretty awful.
oo…love your name, btw. :heart_eyes_cat:

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You actually can’t say that from the current alpha build being how it is if you think that is all the new options we are getting. They already stated that we are getting a whole lot more options. Also you can’t say that for fact because you and all of us don’t know all the skin tones for the Night elfs.

If you take the void out of the void elf you basically have a blood elf.

So no

New models or a night elf subrace

I can say that with that and on lore with base, there will be no human skin tones for then, cause they are neither humans neither blood elves.

Is like saying blood elves will get the night skin colors too, because “is only fair cause elves”, get out lol


Why his statement was accurate the only people who constantly talk about blond hair and blue eyes are the anti he crew makes one thing.

Ok so in that same train of thought then you are saying blood elfs should only be white. So you once again can’t use that argument you don’t know what all night elfs look like no one does.

It’s cute that you think people care who they appear to people who take pleasure in denial of fun :slight_smile: