High Elf compromise

That’s not the same as being a bigot. You’re taking this waaaaay to far.


Yes, thats how paladins came to be dude.

Ok I’m not flipping out for one I’ve explained everything in pretty reasonable detail and he comes with it doesnt Make sense to the lore.

Its like I’m speaking to a child who doesnt want his favorite show to change, when change is a constant.

This just in, wanting one video game race and not wanting another makes you a racist. more News at 11.


Would you be against Void Elves getting transparency, scales, or gray and black skin?


I would not. I think the void elven customization should focus on them being void elves, and draw to that. Rather than try to change them into another race completely.

You’re not exactly level.

That is awfully condescending. When you take a step back and read what you write, how do you seem to yourself? To me you seem a little like a child told he doesn’t need a candy bar and is shouting at his mum in the isle.

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Awesome, because leaning into the void theme can really offer them diversity just homogenizing them with high elves never could. Go diversity!


Those are different though. 1 is adding a unique customization option that isn’t already present. The other would be making a core race of a faction now available to the other faction through a cosmetic option.

The alliance have night elfs, but not undead night elfs or dark rangers. They have dwarves, but not undead dwarves. They also wouldn’t be going against their lore by saying “hey, im a night elf. I just look undead”. They would literally be undead and a new race.

The horde has blood elfs. An untainted void elf = blood elf 100%. There is no comparison for the suggestions you gave.

I am all for options when its plausible and makes sense. In this case though, it doesn’t due to clashing with an established race as well as destroying the lore and identity of what it means to be a void elf.

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Great but see he said a different race, they are the same race, as well as in the current lore they cant even recreate it, valeria and her teacher could so in turn they could make more void elfs but they’d look more like valeria or how they normally look. See the issue.

Nope, not at all.

Great, so you wouldn’t be against Lightforged Undead High Elves for the Alliance.

You’re already getting lightforged-undead Dreanai and voidformed-undead high elves. Don’t be greedy. :laughing:

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They would look undead but with like, golden eyes. I wouldn’t, but lore would be like “where did all these high elves suddenly come from”. They would have to be from a time prior to the name change and you all would have to have some lore reason that suddenly, ancient corpses are all being risen from the dead.

Yes, its not me, neither you or the high elf fanboys

its Blizzard, and they determined the blood elves as the high elf fantasy

And you have someone right above you with the problem about their skin color.

they changed their name, their still retain everything they were, and are growing in that direction.

hahaha lore am i right?

Because void elves are a race of being who have not human like skin color, those are blood elves

yes, but everyone want white :joy:


It’s purely this and has been. And that’s what they’ve said.

Like Ion or not, what he said was true.


And they would still show signs of Void but they would actually have options to choose from.

And people are asking for HUMAN skin tones. Not white.

Then they would be asking for white skin, not human skintones.

And to anyone saying all anyone wants is “White Elves”

Dark skin was one of the top request for High Elves actually.




There’s a reason Devi was so heavily reverenced in the threads.

It’s probably why Blood Elves are getting dark skin in the first place.

Now the request is being shifted to Void Elf options who want more than just Blue/Purple.

That’s not whitewashing.


people are wanting blood elf skin tones, they are asking all “human like” skin to masquerade how they just want the blonde and white option.

If they have more options, it will be voidish options, not human skin tones.

You know what it means, don’t try to sound like you are unaware.

from 8 skins tones only 1-2 have dark skin, sure bro.

And since that is already blood elf, well, they have dropped the ball hard here

because lore was never a factor, but skin color, they want blood elf skin color, to be white and blonde.

But to not make look like this, people say they want all colors

And it goes totally against the fact that void elves do not have human skin tones, it as much nonsense as people who want human skin tones to trolls

The full spectrum of human skin tones for Blood Elves won’t even be an option until Shadowlands. Of course people were asking for what was available. If the Blood Elves had always had a full spectrum of human skin tones, I’m sure the High Elf request would have always included them.


it would not, people want the lotr style of elves, is how they see in the fanfic/headcanon they create for wow