High Elf compromise

Dude, Blood Elves are literally getting blue eye options next expansion.

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I personally wouldn’t mind cross faction pve and such, but with the current dev team being stuck in perma faction conflict mode… I just don’t see it.


Congrats for not bothering to read!

But wow does that anyway. Kul’tirans, humans, same race, different names. Mag’har, Orcs, same race, different names. High elves, blood elves, same race, different names, different politics, different allegiances.


This i agree with you.

They should have been customization options instead.

Just like how blood elves are getting blue eyes. Regardless of theie factions, they are all BLOOD ELVES.

There are NO MORE high elves as kael renamed them. Quoting syefryed as i agree with it.

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Their original name was high elf though, so why would it change for everyone instead of just the ones that actually followed Kael?


Looks like i have to quote myself again as i hate repeating:

They may not follow kael, but kael was STILL prince (king really, since his father died) of all high elves (at that time) when he renamed his people.

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That isn’t how it works. Terenas wasn’t king of all humans. Anduin isn’t king of all humans.

Most high elves at the time that are still in the alliance were not citizens of quel’thelas but instead of various human kingdoms they live in.


I don’t think OP understands exactly WHY Void Elves lack those options.

It’s so they…look different from true High Elves, aka Blood Elves on the Horde.


Terenas was king to ALL lorderon humans and Anduin is king to ALL stormeind humans.

Just like how Trump is president to ALL american citizens.

U want to say kael is not the ruler of those not following him? So those non followers are NOT high elves then.

Yes they were high elves because high elf is a race. They were not citizens of quel’thelas as they were exiled following the second war.

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He was Prince of Quel’thalas, not of all high elves. Those who no longer considered it their kingdom wouldn’t have to change their name.

Anyway, here’s a couple in game, notice the name tags there, high elf wayfarer. Notice the ones named silvermoon scholar? The game differentiates them. Why would blizzard label them as high elves if they are all blood elves?



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You singled it out. All of those races have allied races ON THE SAME FACTION.

Blood elves exist on the Horde and the only way Blizz would give you the model was to put those through massive cosmic change. It doesn’t matter if “but we wanted high elves” cause that’s what blood elves are…you just wanted the ally version which…why you can’t headcanon it like most of the other stuff baffles me.

IE, if you want to play a standard high elf, the Horde is waiting for you.

This is gold.


Why are they calling themselves high elves then?

Same as above. I have said it before,

High elves = blood elves

Blood elf is the race, high elf is the regnegade faction just like how void elf is a regnegade faction.

They are ALL blood elves


Because that’s what they called themselves before and didn’t feel like changing it?


why wouldnt they? in that moment when kael who had gathered the dalaran population and lorthemar who gathered the survivors of silvermoon why would they refuse the rebranding in that moment before ANY schism

does that make a lick of sense to anyone

pretty much. modern ‘high’ elves are just blood elves with a different opinion and extremely rare outside of dalaran and non horde ofc

So, if one day humans are no longer called humans and are called “insert clever name”. It is used by 99% of the population.

Me being in the 1% insists on calling my self human because i don’t feel like changing. Am i a human or “insert clever name”?

Am i a different race/species from everyone else by calling myself human?

I am starting to think you are one of THOSE people.

Good day sir!

Because not everyone returned with Kael’thas. Some left previous to the undead invasion because they disagreed with Anastarian blaming the humans because of his own mistakes.


the dalaran population did. the few elves that fled the continent with jaina and the few on the expedition are the only ones that are debatable

a couple priests and a mage maybe that followed jaina and arthas. after anasterian withdrew they secluded themselves to dalaran and quel’thalas