High Elf compromise

You do it: this requires a gentle touch; and that aint me

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Actually, they weren’t even aware of how it was going to be used, and when it was used on Theramore, those Blood Elves were part of the action which held the Horde accountable.

Something that has not yet happened to the Silver Covenant.


I don’t see why VE can’t have some Blood Elf options. Blood Elf DKs can have blue skin options like Void Elves, and OMG it’s so similar people get confused. Granted, I don’t care much for those options. I’m kind of hoping to inherit some colours from the Night Elves, and a silver white hair option. Perhaps some shimmery void tatoos. I’m liking my female Void Elves. They have nicer hair options. The males can do a bit better with the hair. They look kind of cute as mini Night Elves.


All Hail Jaina and Vereesa doing the right thing.

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Yeah, the same writers that will be whitewashing Sylvanas in the next expansion, the one who burned down an entire civilization alive, including children.

Yeah, and the Sunreavers, who were part of Dalaran, who was a neutral party in all of this, helped create a weapon for that target.
A faction who may have Horde leanings but was part of a city that was supposed to be a neutral ground, helped the faction war.
Therefore, they were rightfully removed.

AND if their actions were justified in acting the way they did (the Sunreavers)…then it was justified for the Silver Covenant to remove them from Dalaran. At that point, the Alliance leaning faction then attacked a viable Horde military target - the Sunreavers.

Either way (including your own logic), the Silver covenant were justified in removing the Sunreavers from Dalaran.

So in response — stop crying over ‘muh Dalaran purge’.

I never really understood why people would say it would “Confuse” someone based on their characters skin color because a lot of characters have their faces covered up to some effect anyways.

I’d personally be interested in if void elves that were recently joining (you can see them in the starting zone, both high elves and silvermoon elves) that they too can become void elves and keep their blue markings or some even have somewhat normal skin tones BUT also magical purple runes to maybe keep the void corruption down? Something to that effect? They seem to like this whole tattoo train going on for races and it can make them unique as well as more hair colors/options.

As much as I’d like a silver covenant, since we have void elves, they may not be even remotely interested in doing it.

At this point I get a feeling they’d rather somehow kill off the remaining silver covenant since they keep murdering high elves (Or just defeated and can’t help in some event going on) then the remaining ones will feel like they are too weak to accomplish much and either turn into something else , maybe a gift from the titans and azeroth herself to protect while we are in the shadowlands. something involving Vereesa. maybe arcane related so we’d have a Death, Arcane, and void sister.

All the 3 sisters would be on the bottom half of the chart, representing Order (arcane), Shadow, and Death.

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Do you know why the SC exists?

Because they took offense at the Elves who had returned to silvermoon to try and help rebuild, coming back to Dalaran.

It was created, solely to oppose the sunreavers, it wasn’t a alliance group, it was a hate group who tacked on to the alliance, because the BE’s were part of the horde. They predated Theramore, and existed JUST to cause problems for the sunreavers, most of whom are Dalaran loyalists.

The mana bomb that was dropped was only slightly linked to the Sunreavers, the divine bell (witch kicked off the purge?) Also only barely linked to them as in it happened on their side of Dalaran.

Seriously, why the HElf love? What made the High Elves the High Elves is gone now… culture, politics, homeland… either are now part of the BE narrative, or simply gone due to lack of anyone left. At this point the HE’s still with the alliance is a radical group, The survivors of the outland expiation who only rejoined the new alliance as of the burning crusade… and 1 maybe 2? lodges of HE’s who were exiles due to political infighting in silvermoon.

At least with Void Elves you get a chance at a unique narrative and story going forward, rather then just exist in a constant state of looking back.


what what? :astonished:

Nothing screams faction pride more than hating on the opposite faction. Playing as a member of an anti Horde hate group sounds like the most Alliance thing I could think of

I also find High Elves’ lack of identity appealing since it is in and of itself an identity. A big reason why I like the idea of Half Elves so much is because their desire to find a place in the world is a neat concept


Wrong, one blood elf was involved, the rest had no knowledge beforehand
Also, Dalaran was not acting as a neutral agent in this as they were assisting in providing and securing the Divine bell in Teldrassil.

So what you’re saying is every target that that horde attacked and gets whacked with the massive villainry bat with is completely justified. As you’re explaining how retaliatory killing and imprisoning of civilians in an act of collective punishment is just a military action.


Imagine some small minds trying to defend and justify Theramore bombing and Teldrassil burning was right thing to do.

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Imagine thinking it’s ok to insult other people over their views on a video game.


Fair enough, I’ve never really got the whole faction pride thing, but i respect it.

Doesn’t that also apply for Void Elves? While their backstory is kinda… hack writing… currently they don’t have much in the way of a identity either and are trying to settle into their new place in world. Just without the baggage the HE’s have since they are less defined by what they lost and more defined by what they are becoming.

I’m just saying that if the purge of Dalaran is supposed to be treated as a completely above board squeaky clean military action, then Theramore and Teldrassil should get the same consideration. I’m not actually the one who is justifying atrocities in this thread.


You can repeat that High Elves are gone from current Warcraft history but it’s pretty clear from Blizzard’s own storytelling that there are enough to justify a playable presence, and that is all that really matters.

There remains individuals yes, but what makes them a culture, a people, is pretty much gone at this point. Bodies do not a people make. What HE’s are left are almost all fairly removed from their original place, and their only real definition at this point is either, what they have lost… or their identity being whitewashed away into just another cog in the alliance military.


That’s not true. They’re the true heirs to the Silvermoon story. It’s pretty clear the continued presence of High Elves at least partly exists at all because Blizzard knew that giving the Blood Elves to the Horde for population balance was a travesty and assault upon everything that made Warcraft lore good up to that point.

It’s high time we get to play them in some form.

That’s your opinion, and one i disagree with.

The Blood Elves joining the horde made sense in the context of the times, the only real issue with it at this point is the over reaching narritive they wrote themselves into with the new focus on the light. As for being the true heirs, the HE’s currently left… were not there rebuilding silvermoon, they were not there fighting back the undead, they were not there struggling with their kin. (i’ll amend that… MOST of them were not, some were, however were exiled due to the politics of mana veganism) How can they be the true heirs when they have done nothing for silvermoon?

The High elves were never true allies of the alliance or humans, only ones of convenience, even today that remains true. The SC only aligns with the alliance so long as the alliance gives them the backing in their war with the sunreavers. The few lodges of HE’s that rejoined the alliance (what… 1 or 2?) did so for survival… the only ones you could say really back the alliance are the outland HE’s… and we know little about them.

EDIT: If you wanna play them, then you wanna play them, i get it… but without lore retcons, half the reasons i see for them make no sense, cant you just say “I think their pretty/cool and i want to play them?”


Sort of. My guess is that people generally dislike how forced their inclusion was as opposed to how organic High Elves would’ve been. Personally I’m not a fan of races that embody a class fantasy, I have the same issue with LF Draenei. The Void Elf fantasy was already available to the Horde via Blood Elf shadow priests