High Elf compromise

You don’t ever have any dumb ideas you think are good?

EDIT Also, I’m not asking for HE.

I’ll keep asking for playable Alliance High Elves until we get them or the game shuts down so grab a drink and get comfy because we’re gonna be here a while.


As long as Helves get lore and narratives light years far away from Belf ones, be my guest. After BfA and as long as the current writting team stays in office, I have 0% trust any narrative involving both groups will end up positive in any shape, way or form for the Belves (simply, these current devs love to sht too much on Horde races and NPCs not to repeat this ad nauseam… and Belf lore is good, actually one of the few semidecent things we Hordies stil have left lorewise. I rather not lose it just to catter to insufferable people trying to justify PvP on Quel´thalas, tyvm.


i miss kael and sylvanas

You heard him!

…which is EXACTLY what we rabid …DEDICATED High Elf lovers have been asking for!
Trust me, you belfs are unique; let’s keep it that way.
Skäl to you as well!


You’re playing the compromise right now.

You’re as close to the Blood Elf(High Elf) fantasy as you should be allowed on Alliance side.

Too bad those few elves are around Alliance. I see all kinds of Alliance races around Horde races and helping through expacs, but they aren’t joining the Horde.

CaN I haVe Night Elves with black eyes because their eyes changed making them evolved and evil and theY ShoulD be HorDE!

You keep using that word.
I do not think it means what you think it means.
Or are Forsaken, by your ‘logic’ simply ‘evolved’ Humans?

Oh sweet summer child.
If you think the Horde has a lock on ‘evil’…
Grins savagely as she sharpens her skinning knife while some small fur pelts of rather disturbing outline finish curing


But the Blood/High Elf fantasy is part of the Alliance’s foundational myths. The narrative themes and visual aesthetics are part of the Alliance.

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And it will be very easy for the High Elf storyline to diverge from the Blood Elf one.
I mean it already has quite radically diverged from the Blood Elf one.
At this point, it’s just about letting the players experience that divergence as it exists now and as it evolves in the future.

As for me, back on point of this thread, I’ve stated it before but I am not in favor of a compromise on this. Letting void elves have a ‘normal form’ option just isn’t enough. At the end of the day, they are still blood elves who messed with void magic and turned into something else. At the end of the day, for a while, they were with the Horde.
I am glad they are with the Alliance now, but I am not interested in their story.
I am interested in the High Elf story…the Silver Covenant…the ones who never left the Alliance. Who were not partisan to the various genocides the Horde committed against the Alliance since WoW started. Who were not willing to enslave Naaru and feed on them to satiate their magic addiction. The ones who would rather face their possible deaths with dignity and honor.


The Silver Covenant that went all ethnic cleansing-y on Dalaran elves that they didn’t like? That Silver Covenant?


Well Blizzard is giving the night elf models golden hair and pink skin tones. You can make yourself look like a old fashion high elf now. But I’m really not sure that helps.

Blizzard formed this problem themselves. They cheesed something that should have never been cheesed to begin with. They put in new races and swapped out a major request with a diet substitute. They could have not made void elfs and just thinned out the human form, added tattoo’s and re-did the high elf model across the board. But instead they choose to do something funky with the void elfs and now they are gonna suffer with a 1000 attempts to cover it up on the back end.

Blizzard is now enjoying the fruits of the “meaningful disision” it set up for itself.

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Yup! You don’t see me complaining about your your faction being genocide-y three times in the last 4 expansions.

I don’t think a couple of blood elves being removed from Dal 4 expansions ago should deter anyone from liking the silver covenant :wink:


yeah dont let him bully you. the night elves were the only allies of the blood elves, till tbc, the results of which magically turned the night elves into enemies. presto-chango, instant enemies, conveniently camped around the ghostlands, where they once had erected encampments to help defend quel’thalas from the scourge, alongside the blood elves.

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Sorry, I thought this was World of Warcraft?

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The compromise will be blood elves getting blue eyes while mechagnomes get blue diapers.


Anyone want to explain to him about Ion’s recent commentary? Or should I? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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haha blue diapers. that would be funny

Yeah, not Warcrimecraft. Let’s see how holding them accountable shakes out. The writers haven’t forgotten about it, after all it was recently brought up.


Do you know why they did that?

Because said Blood Elves created a mana-bomb that genocided Theramore, including the High Elves who lived there.

Don’t try to recontextualize this without providing all the facts.

The Silver Covenant was justified in removing the Sunreavers from Dalaran for their part in creating the mana bomb.

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It was a valid military target. Stop crying about mah theramore.

SC is scum, and I’m kinda amazed at all the people white knighting them.