High Elf compromise

Only if the VE storyline could be expanded by letting a second “wave” of Void Elves: Both Alliance High Elves and Horde Blood Elves (defective) volunteering to be infused with Void in Telogrus.

Since it’s a “controlled” situation, this would explain them only getting - some - traits of void and not going all the way like the original ones.

I can respect that about the class fantasy. And i agree, the inclusion was forced very ham fisted, there was many other ways they could have gone with it to make it more organic and a better fit.


I’d love to see hair options like the Dark Iron females have, only glowing in our blue colors, and options for big beards, perhaps with tentacles. Move the void Elves farther away in appearance to the Blood Elves.

Some tattoo options, especially like the masklike tattoos the Dark Irons get would also be cool

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The Blood Elf story is the high elf centric high elf story and the continuity of it. The Alliance high elf story is a human centric high elf story.


Thats kinda my point and why i’ve been on the side of “VE’s should never have been BE’s… but rather been high elves who took to the void like Alleria”

Removing the NPC HE’s with a few exceptions, and giving the VE’s a true story interlinked with the alliance and letting the alliance HE gain their own story without walking on the hordes toes.


Doesn’t that also apply for Void Elves? While their backstory is kinda… hack writing… currently they don’t have much in the way of a identity either and are trying to settle into their new place in world.

This would have worked if they had not been thrown into the game out of the blue and if Blizzard had dealt with the High Elf story threads prior or during the introduction of Void Elves.

It’d be a different story if Legion’s campaign had shown us a large group of High Elves ending up on the Vindicar to join the fight with the Burning Legion on Argus, having the thing with the void become a sort of pact with them as a people (the “you get this power, but your entire race is bound to a pact” type of deal). Play into the fact that High Elves have gone without absorbing magic, maybe write that this is keeping them from being strong enough to aid the fight. Alternatively, raise the stakes via a scenario where the HE’s make the pact in desperation (like “oh no! we’re going to lose! Fine, we’ll sign this Faustian contract linking our entire race to the void”).

The end result would be that all the high elves on the Vindicar (including Alleria and Veressa) become void elves. Maybe have a cinematic where even the few high elves left on Azeroth become void-touched. Go into a “we’ll use this power for victory now and figure out what’ll become of us as a people later” speech leading into the final raid.

We’d also learn that the Light-aspected Sunwell protects the Blood Elves from being affected by the void contract (an analogy to clear water and food dye could be made here). This could be presented as either “blood elves need constant proximity or interaction with the Sunwell to keep the void at bay”, or “all elves that were in contact with Light energies at the time the contract was made are not affected by it”. The latter could be used as part of the player-character void elf introduction and to explain why their numbers are growing. Could even throw in Liadrin losing it and almost getting into a fight with Alleria and Veressa over what happened, to say nothing of what Lor’themar would say about the whole mess.

In summary, there was a way to make it work that did not involve urinating in the cereal of High Elf fans.


Agreed, and thats what i would have rather seen happen.

The VE’s -never- should have come from the blood elves, they should have always come from the HE’s, so their story could have had a turning point to put them in the now rather then the past.


Yeah, it would have been nice story progression for High Elves. It’d also avoid the problem we’re currently having where you have an allied race that was pulled out from someone’s rear end.

Regardless of what Blizzard tries to do with Void Elves moving forward, they will always be the race pulled out of someone’s rear end because their introduction in both a story (to address why they became an allied race) and meta (to minimize backlash from high elf fans) perspective needed to be done right, and it wasn’t.


It’s kind of cool that a thread I created has over 3k posts.

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This is an alt of Huntillia.

So, yeah, a compromise. Thanks, Blizzard. Job well done.

I’m going to give myself a self hi-five.


Theramore citizens -including Helves- can blame their moron political leader who apparently still ignores the meaning of the word “neutral” or the phrase “pro-peace”.

One doesn´t enter a fight just to complain afterwards someone hit them on the face, dear…

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I’d like to think this thread played some roll in Blizzard giving us these new customization options, but I’m sure this has been in the works for some time now.

Yes, we were delusional.

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It’s always good to love yourself

Me and DDP both.

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The early part of this thread really didn’t age well now did it. :smirk:

No. Blood Elf visual identity should be preserved for the Horde.

But, Blizzard’s apparently going to screw that up.

It’s a compromise. You guys get blue eyed Blood Elves.


I don’t know it’s like suddenly people dislike compromises lol. I thought that was what the antis were always pushing.