High Elf compromise

I mean sure, they could do a redemption arc, but they could also have Tyrande rip her in half and eat her corpse so that she can gain her power like some twisted highlander thing the better to serve the jailer who it turns out has been elune the whole time.

More likely given the hole they dug for her, sylvanas winds up well and truly dead.

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And a lot of Sylvanas fanboys quit the game. Or so they say they will if that happens.

Still waiting btw.

Anytime you ready.

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Stop making these ridiculous threads there is no compromise. This was decided in burning Crusade and people are still fussy about it.

It’s over. We really need to move on. Making these threads isn’t going to change anything


And why should I listen to you? You’re not the boss of me.

Well you’re pretty much protesting outside an abandoned building at this point that no one is in and no one will ever come to again.

If you want to continue to preach to a deaf audience more power to you


Things can always change. Blizzard can change it’s mind at any time.


That’s true, they could even retcon the SC out of existence, remove flying, or any such other thing but just because they can doesn’t mean they’re likely to ever.

Possible =\ = probable.

This sounds like you’re grasping out of desperation because of the evidence stacked against it and their stance following suit.

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Doesn’t this mean…

Possible doesn’t (is not equal to) probable?

The doesn’t shouldn’t be in there.

Sorry I’ve thought this the like three times I’ve seen you post it.

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A lot of people have talked about quitting for a lot of reasons, the continuing stigmata that is the abscense of high elves as a playable race, flying being a thing/not being a thing, Vulpera, corruption, the fact that the earth continues to rotate around the earth…

And yet every day they continue to pay to pay month after month, expansion after expansion.

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i dont think blizzard is worried about the tens of alliance players quitting over ‘high’ elves. if they didnt quit in 2007, they probably arent going to quit now :writing_hand:


Also, I doubt they’re worried too much about people quitting over Sylvanas being killed. Such a stupid reason to quit the game.

The biggest point about all of it is NO one ever requested void elves. At the same time, alliance players did not request a version of Blood elves. It doesn’t matter that Blood Elves were at one time High Elves, they no longer are, no matter how much people would like to pretend that they are. They stopped being high elves when they yielded to the fel. Substituting another power source for fel doesn’t make them once again High Elves. It’s almost a ludicrous as saying that because Night Elves were once Trolls that alliance has Trolls.


And the overwhelming majority don’t give a crap. It’s the most played AR, people like it. This is a incredibly bad argument.


There is a difference between people actually liking it, and people being forced to play it as a blood elf substitute.

If they are really that determined to not give High Elf identity to begin with, they should have at least give non blueish skin and normal skin tone to at least make them feel satisfied.


Most played AR and it’s not a even a close contest. But I’m so sure they’re all being held against their will to settle.

That’s totally got to be it.

It’s kind of bad because they are attractive, I won’t deny it. But for lore wise, it didn’t really have any good purpose of their existence. It was just kind of random story put in to make them exist out of nowhere.

Not to mention, for some how a blood elf deciding to do void magic and get swallowed by it to become void elf seems quite silly and undramatic for a story approach. So I can’t say it’s a happy satisfaction on my end.

It’s like asking for red ranger figure, but they give you blue ranger just because and you just gotta accept it and play around with blue ranger for the time being until you can get red ranger someday.

Nobody’s forcing anyone to do ANYTHING. Wow isn’t holding you hostage, demanding you pick velf or a member of your family gets it.

What a joke.


youre playing the wrong faction if this is the defining issue for you

Their lore like almost all ARs is smallish and just starting. Yea, blizz doesn’t get back to everything right away but they also don’t tend to just outright ignore it.

…but I’m so sorry Pandaren players. lol