High Elf compromise

You are correct blizzard doesn’t want to do it, because they know the importance of maintaining faction identity and the uniqueness of the blood elf high elf.

It’s ok, but yes, I have a very off color sense of humor, often dark as well. It’s the side effect of having turned into a cynical husk of a human being… and then something as silly as the crossover between animal crossing and doom eternal has me giggling like a schoolgirl.

I was taken aback by the sudden string of gibberish myself.

To be fair… leaving like she did was the first time that Sylvanas did something legitimately bad towards the Forsaken (I swear if someone brings up the whole “Arrows in mah quiver” thing ignoring the entire context imma burst a blood vessel). Baine has a long story already of neglecting his own people, the tauren, not the Horde, and favoring the Alliance instead.

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She left because she realized she’d been baited into telling people how she really felt and exposed that this whole time she had no actual respect for the horde or it’s people and thus voided the legitimacy of her position.


Bruh, is not cold enough here for such a hot take.

No. She was baited I agree. But I think her definition of the Horde was always a “I am the Horde” philosophy, the alliance questing in Stormsong has a horde commander echo that statement that “she will always be the Horde.” Before he dies as well.

If she believes herself to be the Horde it is thus in her mind and extension of herself. Why would someone with vanity dislike themselves? What’s good for her is good for them and vice versa.

I will wait for clarity in Shadowlands tyvm.

I don’t doubt some of her actions have been bad, but I still think what ever she’s doing is for the benefit of herself and those she views as extensions of herself, I’m not sure if it encompasses the Horde anymore but I do feel Forsaken and BEs she has always shown good faith to.

I’m just looking at it from the point of view of the Forsaken. They were her arrows, they were her shield, she literally gave them a reason to exist. They feel defeated, abandoned (again).

And what’s worse… she left them at the mercy of Lilian Voss and Calia…

The things Alliance fans would write / advocate for the Forsaken story by advocating for Calia… I dread to think about it.

She’s possibly the only character that makes my blood boil, more than Magatha.

The horde is not and has never been it’s warchief, it’s been the people that make up it’s membership and whom the warchief is ostensibly meant to serve and protect.

Sylvanas couldn’t grasp this because as a psychopath she viewed others as merely tools to be exploited to maximum effect and ironically failed miserably in this regard; Saurfang is arguably one of the greatest generals to ever walk the face of azeroth and would have followed sylvanas to the the throne room of stormwind if she’d excercised the slightest hint of impulse control at darkshore, While baine only broke ranks after sylvanas betrayed the core principals of the forsaken people with her plan to torture derrick into being her mind broken assassin.

So no. There is no need for clarification at this juncture because we know everything there is to know; sylvanas started a stupid war that was intended to empower both her and the jailer at the expense of everyone else.

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I’m just waiting for the inevitable Kerrigan moment.

Something something the place Sylvanas went when she died after ICC was the Maw and she escaped because of some Macguffin Val’Kyr and now she’s gonna fix the machine of death and double cross the Jailor and blah blah blah.

The cliches practically write themselves.

Her story isn’t finished. And clarity is needed for clarity for at this point perspective POV isn’t clear. So one can’t comment until clarity is had through the storyline in Shadowlands. And I feel she will be vindicated.

Yet lore wise they are different. Ion has said, but Ion has said lots of things that they either change, go back on, or just retcon, so what is “in game” is always up for argument…

Calia’s addition to the forsaken is frankly bizzare since she has virtually nothing in common with them.

The forsaken were a people that were created by a plague and the majority of them were effectively canon fodder for the liche king’s armies, made to kill and even eat their country men and/or families with some spark of indivdualism still rattling around inside of them watching this happen.

Then they were hunted by their former friends and allies because they thought they were some horrible new strain of the scourge and had to be killed. And at the same time, the forces that had perpetrated this condition on them alternately wanted to either reabsorb them or annihilate them.

Contrast that with Calia Menethil, who spent the same time living in stormwind as a guest of the Wrynn’s, her every desire catered to for years, who returns to the north, shoots her mouth off in spitting distance of Sylvanas, gets killed and then raised as some creepy lightforged undead by the Naaru.

Flippin’ Wildhammer dwarves and Amani have more in common.

The story such as it is is clear. That you don’t like what all the puzzle pieces look like fully assembled is a moot point.

The puzzle pieces aren’t full assembled because the story isn’t finished. It’s a selling point of Shadowlands, and Sylvanas will be proved to be acting in the interests of those who matter to her.

For the record this can also apply to the Blood Elf/High Elf nonsense going on around here.

No if anything, the lore only shows them as more than just similar.

I’m already developing a headache discussing that on another thread so I won’t go off about her here, but she needs to go away, ASAP.

But yes, you are correct.

Still, even in my eyes to have her as warchief was a major mistake. She was better off being on the sidelines as an interesting character, the moment I saw that they were putting her as warchief I knew it wasn’t going to go well.

The only person that has mattered to sylvanas since arthas made her the banshee queen is sylvanas.

Editted because holy hell that was a mistake.

Eh. To be fair, Arthas mattered to her too. Killing him was her only real motivation other than ensuring her own survival.