High Elf compromise

I already corrected my self and said I was wrong on the age thing nice one keeping up. Once again you show you dont follow things or understand.

Mages aren’t even remotely tidesages.


This is the best way to view it.

Folk should look up what little their is on the Tidemother as well. It might literally be a kraken loa.


Yes I understand that, it’s the same way how felpaladins exist. And why void paladins could exist. Gameplay they’d be paladins lore they would use the void for everything.

You get a Loa!

And you get a Loa!

Everyone gets a Loa!

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This is correct. Tide sages do not speak with elements like shamans do. They control water elementals via wands.

There is a horde quest to get the wand from tide sages iirc.

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Which would make them shadow priests. Which tbh would make sense given the fact that the tidesages mog is cloth and the fact that they don’t have any light worshipping priests.

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The tidesage description litterally says they use the elements after being whispered by the tidemother. then the void came. It implies there are different sects and types of tide sages. Some use the wind water etc. If that’s not a shaman idk what is. Once again like the main tide sage we travel with in stormsong. The same guy that uses nature and water no shadow nothing just those two. To do dmg and heal. That would mean he is a different sect of tide sages. The same way the leader uses only the void like a shadow priest. You’d think the boss would use all elements since you guys say all tideages use them.

I’m waiting for the complete clarity of Shadowlands, Sylvanas isn’t a traitor perhaps perspective and POV she is to some but that is why I have pre ordered Shadowlands I expect her to be vindicated. :innocent:

Well this is a one way communication then. Unlike shaman on their 2-way communication.

Tide sages had to use wands to control water elementals while shamans have no need for that.

On the horde quest, we literally took tide sage wand to put out flames. Meaning anyone with the wand could do it. Not tide sages specifically.

The same cannot be said about shaman and their totems.

They used the wind without wands and the water when the tide mother spoke to them. So what’s that mean. You do understand that the elements can make any living thing a shaman. Did you think that maybe the ones using the wands where maybe more mage sect. Also arent there quest where we as the player use a shamans totem.

Mages can cast fireballs and ice blasts without wand too.

They are not shamans either.

Look. Tide sages does not have any class representation in wow, and the closest you can get is shaman from a gameplay perspective.

Edit: tide sage water magic requires the use of runes too. This is also another difference with shaman. Shamans need not use runes to ask water elemental for assistance.

Or they do have 3 classes that can be it. Because to be a tide sage doesnt mean you do only x as we’ve gone over. And saying wands is required then saying shaman totems we cant just use when there are quest to use shaman totems. I mean idk.

The :clap: lore :clap: states :clap: they :clap: left :clap: high :clap: elf :clap: culture :clap: behind:clap:.
That :clap: is :clap: why :clap: there :clap: are :clap: high :clap: elves :clap: and :clap: not :clap: blood :clap: elves :clap: in :clap: the :clap: kirin :clap: tor :clap:.
Also :clap: the :clap: whole :clap: high :clap:elf :clap: never :clap: absorbed :clap: from :clap: the :clap: contaminated :clap: sunwell :clap: thing :clap:

You hordies that talk about lore but are wrong are hilariously uninformed.


Listen clappy boi, they are the same race. Blizzard has said so multiple times. It literally says so in the Blood Elf character creation screen.


I support playable High Elves but the emoji use hurt my eyes lol uhm. :neutral_face:


You can keep adding clap emojis, but that won’t change the fact that even in their race description, they are high elves that are using a different name nowadays.

And left their culture behind huh? That’s why we see them visiting the Sunwell?

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Well I’m glad to hear it wasn’t intended as such. Perhaps given recent revelations I’m a bit sensitive to exactly what is being mocked and situations that aren’t cool and the joke didn’t seem as such to me so I apologize.

Yes you always argue in good faith that is why I was a bit taken back by the joke.

Shamans need not use totems for their spells do they? Only used as conduits for the elementals.

Tide sages make use of runes for their magic. And wands for elementals. They are only shaman for gameplay reason.

Sunwalkers are really sun druid. But we do not have a class for that and the closest we have are paladins.

Same concept here.

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