High Elf compromise

Lor’themar was already mature and Sylvanas’ second in command before the Second war even happened. Considering that Vorenthal, the leader of the Scryers is called “an old man”, who knows how old he is.

Also, the Warcraft Encyclopedia specifically says they can live up to several thhousand of years.

So yes, 10-12 years it’s a mere drop in the ocea for them.

I see.

But that still wouldn’t even be the tip of the iceberg.

There’s still the super Saiyan deer man that keeps being made to do dumb things to give Horde a chance and his sandwich maker with godly given powers… and let not forget about blonde, more boring, Neo (Anduin).

pfft on his ‘defiance’!
He was ALWAYS doing something he later on regretted!
If he really thought it was a bad idea, then why did he just stand there and let her do it?
He was behind her and had her trust(well as much as anyone ever did).
One swing of his axe, and no massacre.

Some ‘honor’.

I said ok everything I saw stated differently sorry.

Oh, sorry, nuance it’s hard to tell in simple sentences, my bad.

This is I think Malfurion right?
Hes the most powerful Druid sure, but hes kinda a pill who only recently started to remember that fighting was an option.

This has to be Tyrande… I think…
Her godly powers seem kinda weak. She was only able to kill one Val’kyr and was held off by a glorified world boss, whos only interesting factors are that he knew how to play dead repeatedly, and maaaaybe slept with Sylvanas.

Wait wheres he gotten neo powers? Cause of the Calia thing? That was between him Faol and a Naaru wasn’t it?

Come on let’s let everyone see how you think the elementals cant talk to every race and how kultiran “tidesages” aren’t shamans who focus on speaking to the water elementals. Since you know everything about shamans.

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Not all tidesages are shaman. Most are priests. Some are mages and a few are Shaman.

That’s fine but to be a tidesage means you can speak to the sea to have the boats have safe travel. Meaning you speak to water elementals.

Please stick to the topic.

You are trying very hard to bait me into derailing.

If you want to show off how much you dont know about shaman, create a thread to talk about it.

He’s right, Tidesages aren’t just shamans, they have a number of powers not shared by shamans such as the ability to use the void and the inability to use the other three elements.

The boat builder from the recruitment quest was a shaman, tidesages aren’t.

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They appear to draw their power generally from some water based power. They refer to it as the Tidemother. Its actually interesting as this might be a loa if you look into it.

We have little information on it.

Yes, Super Saiyan deer man just sounds more interesting to me.

But let’s face it, realistically speaking, he would have turned Surfang into fertilizer quite easily, and yet…

Aye, that’s my colloquial name for her.

And they shouldn’t be, she’s been blessed by a godess, just because blizz wants to make her look like an ingrate and act as if “Elune abandoned” them, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have the powers given by a godess.

Killing a Val’kyr is indeed a big deal to the Forsaken, they are their pillars, but honestly, she could have killed all of them, but if she did, the Forsaken would be legitimately toast.

It’s mostly a reference about how he’s the priest version of The One. Velen was singing praises about him at some point in the short story I think because, y’know, humans are better at everything.

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I have and you showed how much you dont know about it. Also if you haven’t seen this thread derails alot and re aligns back on topic. I want you to tell everyone kultiran cant be shamans in lore because of your head cannon. Any race can be shaman and paladin. But let’s focus on the shaman.

If they only spoke to the void why does the main tidesage in the story use chain heal and chain lighting?

I re read what you said

Did I just?

I think blizzard dropped the ball on this one.

Tide sages are affliated with water, or sea/ocean. So where does the earth, fire aspect of shaman come into it?

If anything, they would be better frost mages. They have water elemental as well. Then again, they could spec fire and arcane as well.

But it is purely game play mechanics. Just like void elf holy priest, lfd shadow priest

And the night borne look so much different than the NightElves? That could be done with NO effort. How do Horde Pandaren look different than Alliance ones? Gear for Alliance looks different for Horde, so isn’t that largely the differentiation?

This argument is so frustrating; There’s no real reason that the Alliance can’t have HighElves, the only limiting factor is that Blizzard doesn’t want to do it.

Please Blizz… just give the sizable audience what they want. Nothing will break if you do.


Except perhaps they are able to speak to the water elementals better. Just like dwarfs can speak to the earth better. Blizzard didnt make a mistake. They said tidesage=shaman with water affinity hence why kultiran shaman. Hence tideages are shamans.

…I like it.

I agree with one single side thought.

Saurfang did throw an axe into his back (possibly his backbone) while Super Saiyan Deer man was preoccupied.

Totally agree. Their portrayal of her there should have been much stronger. Less of a battle and more of Nathanos just ressing the Night Elves and running for his life with her killing the Val’kyr as they fled, not in some pitched battle.

Just made her appear weak.

Aye, I am aware of the devastating blow this actually represents. Made worse by Sylvanas fleeing and possibly taking the others with her. (we get confirmation on that?)

Ah I see. Well, I’ll say that without the priest powers I personally think he does stand on his own. Hes a diplomat and fairly good at it, though hes having more trouble keeping people together in a war that is arguably out of his element.

I dont think most Tide Sages are shaman. They’re acutally priests. Kinda similar to how Talanji is a priest.

Whatever power this Tidemother, grants its more from a priest standpoint.

Also the Tide Sages have mostly priests and mages in their number according to the game files. They do have some shaman but few.

The lady in the recruitment scenario is a more unique thing.

I suggest you re re read it, pal.