High Elf compromise

She’s too busy chasing Lorthemars booty. Lol

Gods that would have been better. Instead of burning my relatively benign tree, the Horde destroyed the Vindicaar. I mean… Thats the major Alliance I Win button right now right?

There arnt though. But ok.

The LFD would have crashed it sooner or later.

Wait what? When did this happen?

They aren’t what though?

Are you calling Blizzard liars?

We dont know his age they also never stated that.

Lorash claimed to have been born in the Tirisfal Glades during the exile of the Highborne. During the winter in which the Highborne were trapped in the mountains, Lorash’s father went out hunting despite the cold, losing two fingers to frostbite and eventually not returning at all. Lorash lived through centuries of warfare with the Amani trolls, during which he saw pieces of his childhood friends decorating Amani villages. Years later, during the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas, his mother was killed and raised into undeath. All the while, he grew to resent the night elves for having exiled his kin and not coming to his people’s aid.[3]

(The Troll Wars were a series of conflicts between the forest trolls of the Amani Empire and an alliance of the humans of Arathor and high elves of Quel’Thalas, ending approximately 2,800 years before the coming of the orcs to Azeroth.[4])

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Give me the the proof is what I’m saying. Because everything I’ve seen says otherwise. They can live to 1000 but it’s rare average is 500-700

It didn’t. I’m saying that would have been better, and would have evened out the sides power wise some.

Someone just did.

He claimed. I can claim I’m 800

Alleria fought in the troll wars, that took place more than 2800 years ago. She is definitely older than 2800.

Got it. You just want to be unreasonable.

Why do you invade every lore discussion with your headcannon?

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You have head cannon. Or do I need to remind you kultiran are shamans that talk to water elementals.

Elves live a long time. Kinda just need to get over that. Why are we on this tangent anyways?

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Ok thank you.

Please don’t derail.

We all know you dont know what you are talking about when it comes to lore.

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Because I’ve learned to not trust anything Aks says.

No no tell everyone how kultiran arent shamans.